January 10, 1924

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News from January 10, 1924

News from January 10, 1924 (The Buffalo News, via Newspapers.com™)

Tidal Wave Strikes French Coast

On January 10, 1924, newspapers reported that a massive tidal wave struck the Atlantic coast of France the day before, causing widespread destruction.

Sources suggest that this event may have been caused by volcanic activity, as it was accompanied by a slight earthquake in many areas. For instance, the city of La Rochelle, among other places, felt the tremors around four o’clock in the morning.

Besides the physical damage, the tidal wave also led to a significant rise in water levels, causing severe flooding. The possible volcanic origins of the event were supported by the seismic activity detected in several parts of the impacted region.

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Source Articles and Clippings

"January 10, 1924," Newspapers.com Topics (https://www.newspapers.com/topics/century-ago-today/january-1924/january-10-1924/ : accessed May 9, 2024)