December 14, 1923

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News from December 14, 1923

News from December 14, 1923 (Buffalo Courier, via™)

Fredonia Burglary Spree Is Revealed

In December 1923, the village of Fredonia in New York experienced a series of burglaries. Eight homes were invaded and robbed in a single night. The burglaries were conducted so efficiently, the residents remained unaware until the next morning.

Notable victims include Postmaster F. M. Evans, from whom $25 and a fur coat was taken. Dr. N. A. Johnson, living on Central Avenue, lost $15, while Harry Peters had a velour coat and $8 stolen. Other residents who experienced losses were John Moses, Earl Fardeson, Morse Lily, Leon Steele, and Mrs. George Matteson. They had an assortment of items including clothing, small amounts of cash, and more substantial sums of money taken from their homes.

In addition to these successful burglaries, there were attempts to break into three more homes. However, in these instances, the perpetrators were scared off before they could claim any loot.

Investigations led to the discovery of the stolen clothing. They were found abandoned in a ditch, indicating that the primary targets were cash and more valuable items, not clothes.

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Source Articles and Clippings

"December 14, 1923," Topics ( : accessed May 9, 2024)