November 29, 1923

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News from November 29, 1923

News from November 29, 1923 (Daily News, via™)

A Glimpse into Thanksgiving Day 1923

In 1923, the United States observed Thanksgiving Day on the 29th, the last Thursday of November.

On this day, special services were held in most churches across the city of Buffalo, New York. Many congregations joined together for joint services of praise. The day was also declared a holiday, allowing families to gather and celebrate together.

The traditional feast, a centerpiece of the Thanksgiving celebration, was prepared in homes across the city. Housewives secured the materials for the feast, with markets well-stocked with choice turkeys. The customary Thanksgiving dinner of turkey, cranberries, and pumpkin pie was prepared. 

In New York City, food was distributed in every mission house and charitable institution. Forces of men and women worked throughout the day to distribute them. Thanksgiving Day that year was marked by a general largesse from the prosperous of the city to the citizens of lesser fortune. Thousands of donations of clothing were received at various institutions, and the warm apparel was distributed where it was most needed. 

Organizations like the Salvation Army and the Volunteers of America contributed to the general cheer of the occasion. Dinners were served to all comers in fifty-two institutions in the city, and clothing was also distributed at these points. The Volunteers of America gave out 1,250 pairs of shoes and many hundreds of bags containing chickens and vegetables.

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Source Articles and Clippings

"November 29, 1923," Topics ( : accessed May 9, 2024)