January 17, 1924

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News from January 17, 1924

News from January 17, 1924 (Buffalo News, via Newspapers.com™)

British Labor Party Set To Defeat Conservatives

On January 17, 1924, a critical shift in British parliamentary politics took place.  The then Prime Minister, Baldwin, acknowledged his defeat following the general elections, setting the stage for the Labor party to take control of the government. This change marked the initial occupancy of socialist members of the Labor party as cabinet members in the House of Commons, once considered an exclusive privilege of the inherited governing upper classes.

Amidst the power transition, there was a general sense of subdued acceptance rather than vehement opposition from the Tory followers to the critiques made by the leader of the Labor party, Ramsay MacDonald, on the king’s speech from the throne. MacDonald signaled his intention to move a “no confidence” amendment. The amendment was expected to ignite a flurry of speeches from all ends of the political spectrum, culminating in the final defeat of the Baldwin government on the night of Monday at 11 o’clock.

Following the expected defeat, the task of inducting the socialists into the office would begin. Once these formalities were completed, a pause for three weeks was expected. During this time, significant internal restructuring of Britain’s political parties was anticipated. The Conservatives, under the leadership of Lord Derby, were expected to gather in Manchester to make plans for future campaigns. Simultaneously, the Labor party intended to optimize this break to shape their program, involving measures related to unemployment, rent reduction, agricultural wages, nationalization of railways, and employment hours.

Learn more about January 17, 1924 through historical newspapers from our archives. Explore newspaper articles, headlines, images, and other primary sources below.

Source Articles and Clippings

"January 17, 1924," Newspapers.com Topics (https://www.newspapers.com/topics/century-ago-today/january-1924/january-17-1924/ : accessed April 27, 2024)
Topics A Century Ago Today, January 1924

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