February 25, 1924

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News from February 25, 1924

News from February 25, 1924 (The Brooklyn Citizen, via Newspapers.com™)

Young Trio Goes on Food Crime Spree

On February 25, 1924, newspapers reported an incident in Brooklyn that drew public attention when three young boys, aged 11, 12, and 13, were apprehended following a series of burglaries. Reports indicate that the young offenders were inspired by a gangster film to engage in criminal activities. The boys’ choice of loot was rather unorthodox, opting for food items such as pickles and ginger snaps over cash or other valuables.

The arrest unfolded in a dramatic fashion as Patrolman Lischauer and a special patrolman, suspecting a burglary at a tailor shop, armed themselves and entered the establishment. Upon scouring the shop, they encountered the expecting trio hidden behind clothing racks, barrels, and sewing machines.

Following their capture, the boys were held for arraignment in Children’s Court, and according to police, admitted to other burglaries involving grocery, butcher shops, and a delicatessen.

Learn more about February 25, 1924 through historical newspapers from our archives. Explore newspaper articles, headlines, images, and other primary sources below.

Source Articles and Clippings

"February 25, 1924," Newspapers.com Topics (https://www.newspapers.com/topics/century-ago-today/february-1924/february-25-1924/ : accessed May 8, 2024)
Topics A Century Ago Today, February 1924 ,

The views and opinions expressed in these newspaper articles and clippings are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Newspapers.com or Ancestry.