February 16, 1924

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News from February 16, 1924

News from February 16, 1924 (The Herald Statesman, via Newspapers.com™)

Flood in Nepera Park Subsides

Newspapers on February 16, 1924, reported that the Saw Mill River, located near Nepera Park in Yonkers, New York, overflowed its banks due to a heavy rainstorm. Water spread over the ground all the way up to the railroad tracks, covering a distance of about 180 feet and leaving parts of the area submerged. Residents were forced to navigate this newly created expanse of water using rubber boots.

Historical records indicate that this was not an isolated incident for the region. Previous storms had caused similar, and sometimes more severe, flooding. However, the impact of this particular flood was mitigated by improvements to local infrastructure, specifically the raising of a dam at Woodlands Lake which helped to regulate the water level during heavy rains.

Archives from The Herald Statesman document these events and provide detailed accounts of how the community of Nepera Park coped with and adapted to the environmental challenges posed by their proximity to the Saw Mill River.

Learn more about February 16, 1924 through historical newspapers from our archives. Explore newspaper articles, headlines, images, and other primary sources below.

Source Articles and Clippings

"February 16, 1924," Newspapers.com Topics (https://www.newspapers.com/topics/century-ago-today/february-1924/february-16-1924/ : accessed April 27, 2024)
Topics A Century Ago Today, February 1924 ,

The views and opinions expressed in these newspaper articles and clippings are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Newspapers.com or Ancestry.