January 15, 1924

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News from January 15, 1924

News from January 15, 1924 (Star-Gazette, via Newspapers.com™)

Congress Debates Surtax Changes

In 1924, discussions and debates concerning the plan to reduce surtaxes dominated conversations, particularly in New York. At the time, the prevailing tax structure imposed a rate of 50 percent on all incomes exceeding $200,000. The Treasury, headed by Mr. Mellon, was considering changing this rate to 35 or 44 percent. The crux of the debate revolved around whether this new tax scheme would successfully secure the required revenue for the nation.

Mr. Mellon’s Treasury argued that high surtaxes had artificially restrained business expansion. They believed that reducing these restraints could stimulate business growth, benefiting the public by providing opportunities for increased income.

However, the proposed surtax changes stirred not only economic discussions but also political debates. Secretary Houston and Secretary Glass, both Democrats, called for an end to excessive profits and other “unscientific” tax rates.

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Source Articles and Clippings

"January 15, 1924," Newspapers.com Topics (https://www.newspapers.com/topics/century-ago-today/january-1924/january-15-1924/ : accessed May 9, 2024)
Topics A Century Ago Today, January 1924

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