December 19, 1923

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News from December 19, 1923

News from December 19, 1923 (The Buffalo Commercial, via™)

Political Power Struggles Make News in New York

In the year 1923, New York State was engulfed in events that had implications for its political environment. A series of competitive political campaigns were taking place, provoking robust debates, tense competition, and a myriad of surprising incidents that were widely covered by both populace and press.

A pivotal trend was perceived in the shifting political terrain, vividly exhibited in the scramble for power within the Republican party. Advocates of Senator Hiram Johnson of California were exerting tireless efforts to elevate him as the party’s preferred presidential nominee over the incumbent President, Calvin Coolidge. According to reports, Johnson’s campaign was receiving encouraging pledges of support from Brooklyn voters, indicating a real chance that Johnson’s campaign might disrupt the local power bloc’s plan for a united delegation for President Coolidge.

Nonetheless, those with intimate knowledge of political affairs posited that Johnson faced an uphill battle in winning over the party’s Old Guard Republicans who seemed inclined towards Coolidge’s candidacy. There were rumors that former Senator William M. Calder might express his support for Johnson, but the basis for such speculation remained unclear.

In parallel to the presidential race was the fiercely contested election within the Buffalo Fire Department Beneficiary Association. Fire Chief Murphy, who had previously remained unopposed for twenty years, encountered stiff competition, resulting in an election widely regarded as the most bitter in the association’s history. In an unexpected turn of events, Charles Bundrock, whose allegations of irregularities in the previous year’s assembly had provoked a tumult within the organization, emerged victorious for the office of financial secretary, thereby vindicating his earlier stance.

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Source Articles and Clippings

"December 19, 1923," Topics ( : accessed May 8, 2024)