November 28, 1923

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News from November 15, 1923

News from November 15, 1923 (Buffalo Times, via™)

Geologist Researches Earthquake-Proof Construction

In the fall of 1923, slight earth tremors were reported in Owensboro, Kentucky. The tremors caused buildings to quiver and window panes and dishes to rattle, but no damage was reported. 

Around the same time, Dr. Bailey Willis, a geologist from Stanford University, published a pamphlet on earthquake-proof construction. This publication was the result of a five-month study conducted in Chile, under the auspices of the Carnegie Foundation. The Chilean Government had sought expert advice on how to construct buildings that would best resist earthquake shocks, leading to Dr. Willis’s visit and subsequent research. 

The pamphlet contained specific directions on how to safeguard buildings against seismic collapse. A newspaper noted that the Chilean government’s initiative to seek scientific advice on earthquake-proof construction was an example of proactive measures taken to mitigate the impact of seismic activity.

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Source Articles and Clippings

"November 28, 1923," Topics ( : accessed May 9, 2024)