February 17, 1924

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News from February 17, 1924

News from February 17, 1924 (Daily News, via Newspapers.com™)

Authorities Note a Surge in Youth Crime

In the early decades of the 20th century, authorities noted a decrease in the average age of criminals, as concluded from an article in the Daily News from February 17, 1924. The average age of individuals committing crimes dropped by eight years post-1914, bringing the average age down to around 20 years.

Reports indicated that four-fifths of all thefts, holdups, burglaries, and similar crimes were carried out by people under the age of twenty-five. This phenomenon triggered discourse around societal dynamics and the prompt factors that led young individuals towards a life of crime.

Deputy Inspector Thomas M. Fay suggested that impatient young individuals, driven by a desire for quick wealth and the attractions that came with it, were more prone to engaging in criminal activities. The “gang spirit” and the promise of power and prestige played a significant role in drawing many adolescents into committing actions that were fraught with risks.

Furthermore, another experienced authority on the subject, third Deputy Police Commissioner Joseph A. Faurot, highlighted the journey of a typical criminal starting from an unassuming juvenile delinquent progressing to a seasoned criminal, often culminating behind bars by their twenties. He emphasized that a criminal’s path resembles an education with each step acting as a rung on the ladder of crime.

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Source Articles and Clippings

"February 17, 1924," Newspapers.com Topics (https://www.newspapers.com/topics/century-ago-today/february-1924/february-17-1924/ : accessed May 9, 2024)
Topics A Century Ago Today, February 1924 ,

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