January 30, 1924

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News from January 30, 1924

News from January 30, 1924 (The Yonkers Herald, via Newspapers.com™)

Updates from the Chamonix, France, Olympics

In January 1924 the Winter Olympic Games were being hosted in Chamonix, France, against a backdrop of Alpine landscapes. Hockey matches were played out, featuring teams from Great Britain and Canada facing off against representatives from France and Sweden.

The Canadian team delivered an impressive performance, overpowering the Swedish team with a final score of 22 to 0. Underpinning the Canadian’s reputation as a power player in hockey, the win earned them significant recognition. The British team too upheld their prowess, overcoming the French with a score of 15 to 2.

The Games however were not all about hockey. The figure-skating segment saw Austria’s Mme. H. Szabo-Plank vying for the top spot against Miss Beatrix Loughran of New York. Mme. H. Szabo-Plank emerged victorious with 299 points, closely followed by Miss Loughran with a score of 279. This competition stirred speculation about the potential of the American contestant gaining a future championship.

The Olympic standings after these events were impressive. Finland topped the board with 67 ½ points, followed by Norway with 49 ½ . The United States held a score of 19, with Austria, Switzerland, France, and Great Britain also marking their presence.

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Source Articles and Clippings

"January 30, 1924," Newspapers.com Topics (https://www.newspapers.com/topics/century-ago-today/january-1924/january-30-1924/ : accessed May 9, 2024)
Topics A Century Ago Today, January 1924

The views and opinions expressed in these newspaper articles and clippings are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Newspapers.com or Ancestry.