January 22, 1924

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News from January 22, 1924

News from January 22, 1924 (The Buffalo. News, via Newspapers.com™)

Holiday Commemorates Arrival Of Horses

On January 22, 1924, newspapers reported that on August 1, 1923 the Dutch island of Marken experienced a significant event. For the first time, horses arrived on the island, marking a significant change in the island’s transport dynamics. The arrival of two horses and a horse-drawn mover was so momentous that a public holiday was celebrated, signifying the importance of this event to the local residents.

In the past, horses were unknown to the Dutch island of Marken. The introduction of these creatures and the horse-drawn mover would have altered daily tasks for the locals. Moving goods and materials likely became less strenuous, leading to a potential increase in development and productivity for the island’s residents.

Learn more about January 22, 1924 through historical newspapers from our archives. Explore newspaper articles, headlines, images, and other primary sources below.

Source Articles and Clippings

"January 22, 1924," Newspapers.com Topics (https://www.newspapers.com/topics/century-ago-today/january-1924/january-22-1924/ : accessed May 9, 2024)
Topics A Century Ago Today, January 1924

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