February 18, 1924

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News from February 18, 1924

News from February 18, 1924 (The Buffalo Times, via Newspapers.com™)

1920s Horoscope: Prosperity Predicted

A horoscope published in The Buffalo Times on February 18, 1924, captured the period’s economic optimism and cultural trends. Astrologers predicted February 19 would be a “lucky day,” with Jupiter and Mars in a beneficial aspect, particularly favoring those involved in business and political leadership. The forecast highlighted potential gains in merchandise operations and suggested that it was a favorable time to push for progress in various enterprises.

The prediction extended to those within the legal profession, indicating that judges and lawyers would benefit from the day’s celestial positioning. The same positive aspect was said to influence the construction industry, with mechanics and contractors expected to thrive despite rising costs of some materials. Astrologers went so far as to foresee expansion into foreign markets for these professions, specifically pointing to South American countries.

Additionally, the publication underscored the benefits of physical exercise and development of muscular strength during this time. Commentary also alluded to increased discussions of war and peace and anticipated attempts to undermine the United States in foreign relations.

The horoscope concluded with personal insights, suggesting that the evening was suitable for leisure but not for important decisions. Birthdays on this date carried a forecast of prosperity, with an increase in money and business interests expected. Children born on this day were predicted to have musical talents and a prospect of happy, carefree lives.

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Source Articles and Clippings

"February 18, 1924," Newspapers.com Topics (https://www.newspapers.com/topics/century-ago-today/february-1924/february-18-1924/ : accessed May 9, 2024)
Topics A Century Ago Today, February 1924

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