December 29, 1923

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News from December 29, 1923

News from December 29, 1923 (The Buffalo Times, via™)

Famous Chicago Model Is Rumored to Wed Soon

In the final days of 1923, model Mae Burns’s upcoming nuptials made the news.

Mae Burns, recognized as “The girl with 10,000,000 admirers and not a single sweetheart,” was famous not only in Chicago, but across the entire country. Lauded for her beauty at the Masonic fashion and beauty show at Madison Square Garden in 1922, she was deemed the American girl “most perfect in face and figure.” Her photographic presence in the country was undeniably prominent, crowning her as the most photographed girl of her era.

As 1923 was drawing to a close, Burns signaled the beginning of her new life chapter – marriage. News reached her mother, Mrs. J. Burns, via a telegram, with details pertaining to the groom-to-be and the date of the wedding. Mrs. Burns chose to withhold these details from the public until her daughter, Mae, decided to disclose them.

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Source Articles and Clippings

"December 29, 1923," Topics ( : accessed May 9, 2024)