December 28, 1923

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News from December 28, 1923

News from December 28, 1923 (The Brooklyn Citizen, via™)

Fire Causes Losses in Kokomo Business District

In late December, 1923, a significant fire occurred in Kokomo, Indiana. This fire incurred an estimated loss of between $500,000 and $750,000, causing substantial damage in the business section of the city. The flames were amplified by a high wind which triggered an explosion of oils and paints in a hardware store.

The incident was reported in numerous newspapers including The Binghamton Press in Binghamton, New York, and The Brooklyn Citizen in Brooklyn, New York. Reports suggested that the fire, fanned by high winds, caused substantial damage to a half block of buildings in the business section of the city, contributing to the hefty economic toll.

Learn more about December 28, 1923 through historical newspapers from our archives. Explore newspaper articles, headlines, images, and other primary sources below.

Source Articles and Clippings

"December 28, 1923," Topics ( : accessed May 9, 2024)