March 04, 1924

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News from March 04, 1924

News from March 04, 1924 (The Buffalo News, via™)

Volleyball Heats Up in Western New York

In the early 1920s, volleyball was gaining popularity in Western New York. An article from ‘The Buffalo News’ dated March 4, 1924, detailed the excitement surrounding a volleyball championship series. The competition was set to conclude on a Saturday afternoon at the West Side “Y” with teams from Rochester, Jamestown, Niagara Falls, and Buffalo competing in the semifinals for the Buffalo EVENING NEWS trophy.

The captain of the Buffalo Central team, Carl Abbey, was preparing his team, which was considered one of the strongest in the area, for the upcoming games. The lineup was not yet announced, but a list of eligible players was provided, including Vice-Captain Joe Cantor, W. Lytel, Dr. F. Terrace, Ted Greene, P. R. Englehardt, N. Conant, Bob Means, E. Menhleg, H. Leak, L. Huetter, E. Sycher, J. Bookser, and R. Bedford.

Charles Herrick, the physical director at the Central “Y,” was quoted promoting volleyball as an appealing game for business and professional men due to its combination of handball and tennis elements while reducing the risk of overexertion. He described volleyball as one of the up-and-coming indoor sports. The pace of the game could be adjusted by the players, allowing for different levels of intensity.

The article mentioned that volleyball was being played extensively at all branch YMCAs in the area. With the Western New York championship earmarked as an annual event, the sport was anticipated to attract many local followers.

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Source Articles and Clippings

"March 04, 1924," Topics ( : accessed May 9, 2024)
Topics A Century Ago Today, March 1924 ,

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