ATJpAS GAS ENGINE j COMPANY BUILDS IN EAST OAKLAND Oakland ha now nearly all the fao- of toriee of ga engtnesi which were for- ; t metij located in San Francisco, Thirfl- fact is not to be attributed to the fire wMoh destroyed the city on the other side of the bay hut the fact that the managers of those concern perceived that; they could benefit their condition by jnovlne to Oakland, Several of these companies had de- cldeanpon this step before the recent fire j swept their plants out of exist ence, and had in faot purchased ground on this side of the bay and macje arrangements to buUd here be fore: their property was destroyed Jn Sani Francisco. The gas engine manufactorl es now hero are the Western, the Reliance, Standard, the Union and the At- The two first mentioned are lo the las. cated on Washington street, and In -o far as the writer of this article is In formed It ts not yet known whether or hot they will remain here perma- nenjtly. "ACTOR! E8 HERE TO STAY. There Is no question at all on this subject, however, with respect to the Standard, Union and Atlas Gas Engine Companies. They are here to stay, a fact which may toe attested by an ' examination of the structures which they have either erected here or which they have In course of con-str ictlon. THE TRIBUNE has already spoken in detail of the Union and Standard Ga i Engine Companies, but the Atlas Gas Engine Company has, thus far, escaped attention. This is because the carjeern has been working quietly and modestly, as In fact the others were working until discovered by THE S. a by of at Union TRIBUNE. ATLA8 COMPANY BUILDS The Atlas Gas Engine Company is building Its machine shops at the foot of (Tenth avenue In East Oakland, Unlike the Standard and plants, that of the Atlas is being constructed on filled land, the others be-injr on terra firm a. The company has already built a wharf of liberal proportions at the point In question and proposes to supplement It by a structure of double the slxe. This wharf will extend out to deep water In the estuary and enable the company to re ceive ' supplies and ship goods by water. Arrangements are now being made w th the Southern Pacific Railroad Company for the extension of a spur track from the lines of that company In Bast Oakland to connect with the plant. This accommodation will give tie company rail facilities for receiving and shipping goods as well as the wlater facilities referred to. The works of the company will rest u;?on piles and the tents for the floor area, which latter is to' be 96 by 104 feet, are now nearly constructed. The work Is being carried on by the Robert Wakefield Company. DR'EDGER TN0 C03T $65,000. One of the first contracts, it is understood, which the Atlas Gas Engine Company will carry out will be -the equipping of a monster dredger, wlt'h a gas engine as its main means of energy. This engine will have a capacity of 175-horse power. This will be the first time that an engine of this kind has been made to do the principal work on a dredger. There will, however, be subordinate engines on board. The dredger in question Is to be constructed for the American Dredging Company, and will cost $65,000. - The Atlas Gas Engine Company when It gets into regular running operation will give employment to between fifty and seventy-five operatives. a