Tt FrM«», May F.vwlng I May Be Wron^ Br Dick Bëcker Wbat’g a little fun worth? You can go to a show or a ball gam# tor leu than a dollar. A trip to watch the Kansas Citjr Athletics will run under $60. A couple of weeks in Colorado*« mountains can be financed for $100. A journey to Chicago or New York City wont cost over $300 or $300 if you are careful. But the most expensive fun is a “panty raid’*. Four University of Nebraska football players found this out. They loat full athletic scholarships. Now these scholarships arc worth about $1,02.1 a year to an out- state boy and $$65 to a Nebraskan. Outstaters get $320 ior tuition, $.120 for board and room. $30 for books and they can earn $13.1 on a Job. Nebraska boys get the same excejA that their tuition is $160 leu. Seven Athletei Suspended There were li students suspended because of participation in the raid. Seven of kheu were athletu and four were on full scholarships. Jerry Peterua ef Cambridge weuM prebably have beea a flrtl atriag tackle Ikle faU. Charley Smith ef Fraaklia, N.R., wu the No. t gaarterbaek la spring drills. Frank Del Dnea of SelersvUle, Pa., was coasldered a flat line raadMate after his freshman seasen. John Y bss of Chnrlorol, Pn., was also down In the beoks fer a lei of fatare line play. But theu four forfeited all of their benefits for a bit of herse* . play one spring evening. The other three athletes suspended were not on scholarship. They were Terry Cochran of Omaha, baaeball; Carl Krumcl of North Bend, football; and Don Heffeman of Dakota City, track. Three of the bc^s on acholarahip were just completing their freshman year. They had three years to go which means they have toaaad some $3,000 apiece out of the window. WonU Help Football Picture Lost of the four football players certainly won't help the Corn* hutkera this fall but tht lou probably will not affect the football record too much. Peierua wu a feed tackle. He wai ea the secend eleven In nnd wni alaied 1er n ttariing berth. Smfth rnn the Ne. 2 unit In spring drlUa knt wenid preknbly hnve keen onated from that jek ky Den Erway, wke mlucd Ike driUa fer n knee eperntlen. Yuu nnd Del Duct were used with various units and both were considered good proapects. Tha thrat non-ach(danhip bt^a were not outstanding in their field. Tighten the Scholarahip Screening This latest bit of tomfoolery will mean that AthleUe Department officials will tlghtan tha screws again on requiramenta for athletic frant*ln*aida. Tht standards wtrt raised achtriastically lut year to bring up thé percentage of boys who atuck with the aport over a four-year period. New affidala wfll ke ferced te screen the hlgk tckool nlhletes even deaer. Lulag four sckelanibip boys dae t# the paaty raid menai a leu ef at lead $4,$$# te the Athletic Department, Funda are being guarded too xtaiously to allow this sort of thing to be repeated in the future.