FILM FAMILY: John T ravolta and Kirstie Alley play parents of two Too: a soulless sequel By RYAN MURPHY Herald Staff Wriler Look Who’s Talking Too doesn't have a tail four paws or a cold wet nose Nonetheless it’s a dog A continuation of Look Who's Talking the sleeper smash of the fall of '89 that grossed more than $100 million Too has none of the romantic spirit and sweetness that made the original so endearing It barely in fact has a plot line Director Amy Heckerling has whipped up a banal entirely soulless cinematic concoction whose main ingredients are vulgar bathroom humor (there are at least two dozen references to poo-poo and pee-pee) and bothersome Mr Ed baby tricks m which the mouths of poor toddlers and infants are manipulated to produce overdone talking effects “Whipped up” is the operative description here The sequel comes an amazing 16 months after the original and the rush job is quite apparent Not a movie but a series of videos in which the characters bop around mindlessly to pop tunes (some of which strangely are decades old) Look Who 's Talking Too has a greenish cast to it: It was designed clearly to cash in on the popularity of the original Too begins exactly like its predecessor: Rambunctious sperm squig-gle their way down female lead Kirstie Alley’s fallopian tubes in search of a promiscuous egg But after that all comparisons end Alley and John Travolta had won-derful-to-watch chemistry in the original but this time they’re relegated to sideshow status and when they're together (they’ve finally married) they squabble like the Bickersons The reason for the couple’s fights: toddler Mikey and new arrival Julie Travolta’s James it seems think’s Alley’s uptight Mollie is raising their kids wrong she’s as protective as Piper Laurie in Carrie and he prefers a looser approach The cliche culminates with Pop splitting and Mom drowning her tears in romantic VCR staples (cue montage music) the better of FrlOViE REVIEW LOOK WHO’S TALKING TOO (PG-13) At or Cait: John Travolta Kirstie Alley Olympia Dukakis Twmk Caplan Director: Amy Heckerling Producer: Jonathan Krane Screenwriter: Amy Heckerling Neil Israel Cinematographer: Thomas Del Ruth Music David Kitay A Tri-Star Pictures release Running time 81 minutes Adult themes language course to devote screen time to those adorable children who speak in the dulcet tones of Bruce Willis (Mikey now nearing the terrible twos) and Roseanne Barr (the fittingly grumpy newborn Julie) One of the reasons the talking-baby device of the original worked so well was that Heckerling used it sparingly In Too baby-speak emanates from every frame and quickly wears out its welcome Although Look Who’s Talking Too lasts only 81 minutes Heckerl-mg’s direction is so heavy-handed and cloying that the film seems longer than Doctor Zhivago To call this film infantile would be too kind to call it embarrassing would be accurate EXPERIENCE THE PLAYHOUSE TAKE A CLASS! ACTING MOVEMENT MIME VOICE AND SPEECH PtATWRlTING CREATIVE DRAMATICS i SCHOOL FOR INFO (Ul 442-26(2