GE Officials Plan Lectures at School MIDDLETOWN - A series of lectures will be given by personnel of the General Eelctri*-'. Company's Missile and Space Division at the Rose Tree Media Adult School. The lectures will be from 7:30 to 9:20 p.m. on consecutive Thursdays at Penncrest High School. Edgar J. Arsenault, manager of GE's Standards a n d Calibration Laboratories, will speak Thursday on Biosatellite Program." "The A graduate in electrical engineering from Northeastern University, he has had more 'than 20 years' experience in the He has Riven more t h a n talks to technical and civic groups and is the author of an article on UFO's. Paul J. Usavage, manager of computer applications a n d programming, will talk Oct. 31 on "Computers in Industry." He is a graduate of Alliance College, did graduate work at Villanova University and is a former high school teacher of mathematics and science. He is a member of the Association for Computing Machinery. Dr. Finn E. B r o n n e consulting geologists, will talk Nov. 7 on "The Wet Planet.'" in native of Norway, Dr. field of i n s t r u m c n t ation iBvonner is a Phi Beta application and measurement! graduate of New Y o r k and is the author of several reports on these activities. He is executive national vice chairman of the National Conference of S t a n d a r d Laboratories and an executive chairman on E l e c t r i c the General c a 1 ibration measurement study(group. Dr. Theodore Mar t o n, engineering psychologist, will speak Oct. 17 on "Human Performance in Space." He is a graduate of New York University, UCLA and Princeton University. Prior to joining GE University and attended t h e j Norway i n s t i t u t e of and received his doctorate from Columbia University. His professional experiences include participation in an Arotic exploration expedition and two oceanographic cruises. Arnold A. Zachow will speak Nov. 14 on "Toward the 21st Century." He is an engineer responsible for separation systems, analysis studies foi analyst with 1TT Federal ( i n s t i t u t e , h:is done Laboratories in Mutely, N.J.,:astrophysics, biophysics a m i ' C O is where he worked on the three-j c ] c ctronmagnetic fields, is an \ dimensional display research j instructor in the evening school p a r program under an A i r I-orcc, o f Drexc i i n s t i t u t e and is contract. I a u t h o r of several technical j that I'd rather He has developed and articles, jcisco." surrendered rights to several) r r . j. Vorn Hales, consulting! The i n s t r u m e n t s currently used in j meteorologist, will the area of motor and joint-i o n "Nimbus --- A Weather range measurement a n d ] satellite." published extensively on human I jj e received his doctorate b e h a v i o r performance. a ntl mo t or He holds membership in the Acrospare Medical Association, from the University o f California and has had 2S years experience in the . IO I ( field of meteorology as an observer, American I n s t i t u t e for ! forecaster. Air Force A s t r o n a u t i c s and Aeronautics, i 0 f f i c e r , consultant, research New York Academy of Sciences, i meteorologist and teacher. American Association for the - · . - . Advancement of S c i c n ce, American Psychological, Association ;is well as in t h e . TM j» · · n a t i o n a l and Jc-\il chapters of J O itu I the H u m a n Factors Society. Edward J. Patrick, engineer, AS I O N -- Buses for s t in the quality control section,!and a d u l t s who want to will talk Oct. 2-1 on "Flyingji'-.e Sun Valley - Upper D u b l Saucers - Fact or Fancy." j football game will leave the| He is a graduale of parking lot u noon Saturday. Pennsylvania Institute o f Technology as an aeronautical engineer and also holds a degree in mechanical engineering from Drcxel Institute of Technology. Reservations may be made with Harry Stewart, 220 Tuscany Road, with members of the Valley Boosters Association. Deadline is Wednesday.