By Tammy Grubb DURHAM A judge has continued the order sealing search warrants in the Sep- tember death of a UNC stu- dent. The search warrants were resealed Tuesday for another 60 days in the death of Faith Hedgepeth, 19, a junior from Warrenton. A judge said previously the d o c u m e n t s were sealed to keep informa- tion confiden- tial that only investigators and the suspects might know. Police did release some information in January about DNA evidence gath- ered from the scene Hedgepeth was found dead Sept. 7, 2012, in her Haw- thorne at the View apartment on Old Chapel Hill Road. Chapel Hill investigators still have not released a cause of death. Anyone with information should call the Chapel Hill P o l i c e D e p a r t m e n t a t 919-614-6363 or Crime Stop- pers at 919-942-7515. Calls to Crime Stoppers are confidential, and callers may be eligible for a reward of up to $39,000. Written in- formation can be sent to cri- met ips@townofchapel - Judge reseals Hedgepeth warrants Hedgepeth