UWW U U U.--1.!'' Mi. ("ACatSS V m? jr TOWNSHIP No. 8-(Nkw.Bekjce.) . I 3fi J'i j Daily Times Print, Newr-Benxe, N.a" fox Justices of the Peace. Jit. T. Berry, eo. W. Hason, Jr., eorffecJB.3Millis. (Jnarles A. JVelson OeM-ffe C. Rixford Jtiichard Tucker, E. A. Ricliardson. For Township Constable, Joseph Nelson. For ScHodl'Comniittee, A. S. Seymour, p. s4r..I5Ior.ris.iT3so Thomas C. Battle. I ! i i -jThe nliovc is nn cxnct.cgpy of the Regular n. '' Z' i 1 I - --wv.w -iu UJ VUltU q-day. .. f ! ; ' ' i I i A ii Mm' m w i 'f. : . Xi i JrJ ii i i j i ; For Township Clerls, -1. in it 1 1 I i