semblymen, "some of the things the governor wants us to take up at the special June session are not exactly a crisis either." Some lawmakers are said to hold the opinion that the idea of those who use telephone service the most paying the most is not all that bad. Fine. But what worries me is that the seven-cent phone call figures to go in the same direction as the three-cent postage stamp ever upward. Sweet revenge Common to all well-known rock group contracts is money, and plenty of it. Not quite as well advertised are the "riders" in these contracts. At a recent Milwaukee Arena appearance, "Van Halen's" contract called for bowls of Ml Ms (but no brown ones). In catering to the taste of his stars, the stage manager of Landmark Productions had td pluck, all Ibe brown ones out of six bags of the little goodies. He can now attest that a typical bag contains more brown than any other color.; A second rider called for a meal to be served on plates after the concert. The stage manager served "Van Halen" you uessed it plates of brown M&Ms. Would this work? In use in Dayton, Ohio, is a sign that says. uon t even minx aoout parking nere. Granted, this makes one think a bit more than the usual "no parking" sign. But I wonder if It works any better? Definition A .traditionalist is a person who wants two days off from work in the same week so be can celebrate both the new (May 26) and old (May 30) Memorial Days.