designated Funeral services for Mrs. Julia Wallace, 66. years old, who died Tuesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Elmer Kindred, in Crowder, were conducted at the residence at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning by the Rev. A. C. Sullivan, pastor of the Morehouse Bantist church. Burial was in Men. orial Park cemetery. Mrs. Wallace, who had been ill for approximately a year, Wag, born in Forence, Ala., on June 2. 1867. In March, 1898, she married John Wallace. She had been 1 member of the Missionary Bapties church at Vanduser for the last twenty-six years. Besides Mrs. Kindred, Mrs. Wallace is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Verbal Rodgers, Sikeston, and Mrs. Edna Hamlin, Vanduser; two sons, Alva. Wallace, Vanduser and Arthur Wallace, Morehouse; three stepsons, Turner and David Wallace, Vanduser, and Jim Wallace, Morehouse; and thirte* grandchildren. Three children have died. Mr. Wallace has bee : dead for eighteen years. Welsh service.