| ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE, FOR THE ERECTION, CON• STRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF WATER WORKS IN TRE OF ST. JOSEPH, MIS-SOURI, AND TO REGULATE THE SAME Be it ordained by the City of St. Joseph, Mo.: SECTION 1-In consideration of the benefits to the city of St. Joseph, Missouri, hereinafter specifled and provided for, there is hereby given Company, and the granted right and to the St. privilege Joseph for the period of twenty years from and after the date of the passage of this Ordinance, of supplying the city of St. Joseph, in Buchanan County, in the State of Missouri, and the citi: zens of said city of St. Joseph, with good, clear, healthfui and wholesome water, well suited for domestic and manufacturing purposes. Said water to be supplied, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Ordinance, to be used for domestic, manufacturing and fire purposes. SECTION 2- That the said Company be, and it is hereby authorized, to establish, construct, maintain and operate works in or adjacent to the city of St. Joseph, in the State Mis: sourl, to receive, take and store, purify, conduct and distribute in and throughout the said city of St. Joseph, water; and to extend aque ducts and pipes through any and all of the streets, lanes or alleys or. public grounds, or across any bridge of the city of St. Joseph; to erect and maintain all necessary engines And machinery or other appliances, necessary to such works for supplying said city and the inhabitants thereof with water, of the character des• cribed in Section 1 of this Ordinance; to take up all pavements or sidewalks upon such streets, Innes, alleys or public grounds, and make such excavations therein as may be necessary to lay, repair, keep and maintain aqueducts or pipes below the surface of the ground for conveying and distributing water as aforesaid: Provided, such pavements and sidewalks shall be repaired and I replaced in as good condition, as near as way be, as they were before, and with all convenient speed. The right in this Section granted to continue and be enjoyed by said Company for the term of its corporate existence, but nothing in this Section named aball be construed into an obligation on the part of said city to continue taking water from said Company after the contract which may be made under this Ordinance shall terminate. SEc. 3.- -The said Water Works to be constructed on the Reservoir Gravitation Plan, with a reservoir of not less than six millions gallons capacity, and with pumps of not less than four millions gallons capacity in twentyfour hours. Said reservoir shall be located at an eleyation of not less than two hundred and thirty (230) feet at the base of the water in the reservoir above high water mark in the Minsouri River. The main and distributing pipes, the total leugth of which shall be sixteen miles, shall be from four (4) inches in their inner diameter to twenty inches in their inver diameter, (and cast vertically in dry sand) of the best quality of cast iron used for such purpose; all of said pipe to be tested in the toundry at three hundred pounds to the square inch, and the route or location of same shall be as shown by a diagram now on fle in the City Engineer's office, except so far as the same may be impracticable. If the reservoir of said Company should be erected outside of the the limits of said city, no part of the pipes of said Company leading from the pumps to said reservoir outside of said limits shall be considered as a part of the sixteen miles of main or distributing pipes, provided for in Section 3 of this Ordinance under said system. SEC. 4. The works shall be so constructed as to interfere as little as possible with the rights and property of others in said city; and any injury resulting from such interference shall be paid for by said Company; and said Company shall keep a distance of four feet from the line of gas pipe now in use, except in cases where it may be found necessary to approach nearer; in which case care shall be taken to prevent any danger to the gas Company, and in crossing at right angles underneath said gas pipes there shall be at least six inehes of earth intervening; and if any person shall willtully or maliciously injure or de stroy any portion of the works, fixtures or other property of said Company; or shall willfully interetere with, open or waste any water from the fire hydrants of said Company, (except for the parpose of extinguishing fires, or such other purpose as said hydrants may ander this Ordinance be legitimately used), such person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof "shall be fined in a sum not less than three not. more than fifty dollars. SEC. 5.- The city of St. Joseph hereby reserves to itself, the right at its option, at any time after the expiration of ten years from the date of the approval of this Ordinance, to purchase said Water Works, including all pipes and attachments and 'all extensions, rights, franchises, etc., belonging to the same, upon giving six months' previous notice in writing; and in order to ascertain the value of said works, pipes, attachments, franchise and rights, the said city shail appoint one person, and the said Company appoint another person, and the two thus appointed shall select third, and the three thus chosen, or in case of their inability to agree, majority of them shall fix a price on said works, pipes, attach ments, and franchises, for which the same are to be purchased by the city. Should the works be encumbered at the time, then the amount of encumbrance shall be deducted from the price fixed as aforesaid, and the city shall pay the excess or difference; and in case the amount of encumbrance exceeds the appraised value of said works, said Company agrees to pay the amount of said encumbrance in excess of the appraised value of said works. SEC. 6.- -The city of St. Joseph hereby agrees to and does rent from said Company during the term of twenty year, one hundred and sixty hydrants, to be located along the six teen mites of water mains hereinafter provid ed for; said bydranta to be located as the mayor and city council of said city may, by Ordinance, direct; said hydranta to be either single or double bydrants, as said city may, by Ordinance, decide, and erected by said Company as the pipes are laid in the ground; and the said city hereby agrees to pay as an annual rental for said one hundred and sixty hydrants, the sum of sixteen thousand dollars, quarterly, for the full term of twenty years from the completion of said work, And the said Company hereby agrees to erect whenever directed by said city, any additional hydrants and city may require on said six teen miles of mains, the cost of said erection to be paid for by said city; and the city is to have the use of said additional hydrants thereafter without paying any rent whatever therefor, except in the contingencies hereinafter set forth. And in any future extensions of pipe, for every mile of such extension the Company le to erect ten hydrants, for which the city shall pay the sum of $600.00 per annum, and the same proportionate rate for any traction thereof, with the privilege of haying other hydrants erected on such mile of extension by paying the cost of erection, but to pay no additional rental thereon except in the contingency hereinafter set forth. All private water rates, use and paymente from the city for the public of water and hydrant service, as herein provided, shall be made quarterly during said term of twenty years,on the days of January, April, July and October, of each and every year; and in case of failure on the part of said city to so pay said Company for the public use of water or hydrant service for the period of thirty days after any installment thereof shall become due, then said Company shall have the right and privilege of withholding from said city the right to use any water for public uses, as herein provided, until all arreages shall have been fully paid. There shall be no charge to the city for the use of public water during the time said water le so turned off; but said Company retains the right to again furnish, at any time it sees proper, a public supply of water, and the reut thereof, as herein provided, shall recommence upon said water being again supplied to said city. SEC. 7-When the number of hydrants, in-. cluding the original 160 and those placed on the fret 16 miles in addition thereto, also the 10 allowed on each mile of extension with those placed in addition thereto, shall reach the number of 400, then the annual rental of all hydranta placed in said city shall be at a nniform rate of $00 per annum; the city to be paid the amount of original outlay for bydrants it may place in line; all in excess of 400 being charged at a similar rate. Deferred or delayed payments shall bear 10 per cent. Interest per annum from the time they become due. The city may use the hydrants on streets curbed and guttered, for the purpose of washing and flushing the gutters and sewere on such streets, when the city authorities or city physician shall deem it necessary, upon giving previous notice to the manage• ment of the works, and the same shall be tree of charge. The city shall have water, free of charge, for furnishing the City Hall and the offices thereof occupied for city purposes; and also the public schools in said city, and for one fountain in each public park or square, should the city erect the same. SEC. 8 The water rates to consumers during the continuance of the contract, that may be made under this ordinance, shalt not ex seed the following tariff, to wit: TABLE OF YEARLY WATER RATES. Alcohol, for each barrel manufac• 10 Ale cellar.. ..from $10 00 to 50 00 Bakery, each oven $10 00 to 50.00 Barber Shop, first chair.. 10 00 each additional chair.. 3 Bath, Private, without Heating Apparatus... 3 00 Bath, Private, with Heating Apparatus. 5 00 Bath, in Boarding or Tenement House Public, not less 15 00 Beer, for each Barrel brewed.... 05 Beer House from $10 00 to 50 00 Billiard Saloon, each Table... 00 Boarding House, per Room 50 Boarding House, but DO License less than.. 10 00 Book Bindery, not less than. Brick Work, per 10 Brick Yard, each Gang of Hands. 00 Camphne, each Barrel manufactured Candle Manufactory …from 100 00 to 1 000 00 Candy Church...... 15.00 5.00 to to 75 00 Church, for 5.00 00 to 15 00 Cigar Manufactory, per hand.... but no License less than... Club ...from $30 00 to 100 00 Coffee 5.00 to to 30 15. 00 75 00 Distillery, for each Barrel distilled. 1 00 Shop. 810 00 to 75 Dying and Scouring.. 00 to 100 8 Fountain, for six months, running not more than four hours per .......from $10 00 150 Hall 5.00 00 to 30 00 Hat Manufactory. 30 00 100 00 Horse. 9.00 00 to 5 00 Hose for Private Stable, not less than 5 Hose for Livery or Sale Stable so 00 to 50 00 Hose for Washing Pavement,per front foot. ... 10 Hose for Sprinkling Street, Including Sidewalks, per foot run... 30 Hotel, per room........ ... 50 Ice Oream Saloon..... from 10.00 to Labratory 00.00 to 200 00 Laundry. 10 00 to 00 Livery Stable, per 00 Malting, per Bushel. Oyster Office....... Saloon. from 10 00 00 to 30 00 Packing to 500 00 Photograph 10 00 to 40.00 Plastering, per Square Yard.. Porter Cellar... .from 10 00 to 50 Whisky, per 08 Residence, occupied by one Family only, 1 to 4 Rooms. 00 Residence, occupied by one Family only, 5 or 6 00 Residence, occupied by one Family only, 7 or 8 Residence, occupied by one Family only, 9 or 10 Rooms.............. Residence, occupied by one Faimly only, 11 or 12 00 Residence, occupied by one Family only, 18 or 14 10 00 Residence, oceupied by one Family only, 15 or 16 Rooms 00 Residence, occupied by one Family only, 17 or 18 Rooms 19 00 Residence, occupied by one Family AN OPEN SECRET AMONG THE LADIES The brilliant, fascinating tints of Complexion for which ladies chiefly artificial, and all who will take the trouble may secure them. These roseate, bewitching hues follow the use of Hagan's Magnolia Balm--a delicate, harmless and always reliable article. Sold by all druggists. The Magnolia Balm conceals every blemish, removes Sallowness, Tan, Redness, tions, all evidences of excitement and every imperfection. Its effects are immediate and so natural that no being can detect its application, only, 19 or 20 Rooms. 13 00 Residence, occupied by one Family only, with more rooms in same ratio. $15 00 to 100 00 Sale Stable, per Stall. 2 School, Private, for every Scholar...... Shop . from $5.00 to 30 00 Slaughter House.... ....from $25 00 to 500 Soap Manufactory.. from $ 1 00 00 to $1 000 Soda 40 to 300 00 Spirit Gas, for each barrel manufactured, .... 10 Spunkling, no license less than:.... 5 00 Public Garden, with hose ...from $25 00 150 00 Sprinkling Street, with Sprinkling Carts, per 8 00 Sprinkling Streets with Hose, including Sidewalks, per foot run...... 10 Starch Manufactory…. from $50 00 to 200 00 Steam Boilers, per Square foot of Fire Surface, not less than.... 40 Steam Boilers, but no less 95 Stock ...from $25 00 to 500 Stone Work, per Store.... ......from $5 00 to 30 Sugar Kefinery.........from $300 00 to 3 000 Tannery, per vat... 00 But DO License less than... Tenement, per But no License less than... 10 Tobacco Manufactory, per hand. But no License less than 10 Urinal Basin... $10 00 to Vault, for 5 Accommodating double house, each house.... 3 00 For nement or Boarding house, for every fifteen rooms Bar... 00 Vinegar, for each barrel manufactur'd Washing Bottles.... 5 00 to 20 Barrels, per barrel.... 50 00 to 500 Water Closet, Private. 5 10 Wine 10 00 to 50 00 METER RATES. From 2,000 to 5,000 gallons per day. ..from 3% to 5c. per 100 gallons From 5,000 to 10,000 gallons per day... per 100 gallons From 10,000 to 20 gallons per day per 160 gallons From 90,000 gallons and upwards per SEC. day... 9.-The rental of each .2c. of per said 100 gallons by. dr- shall nts, to be paid for at the rate aforesaid, begin at the date at which it is fully ready for use, and the water, of the character herein provided for, ready to be dellyered through the same, and the City Register of said city notified of the fact, in writing, by the owner of said Water Works. SEC. 10.-Said Company binds itself, during the continuance of the contract which may be made under this Ordinance, to furnish at all times, by gravitation, for all public vate use of said city, and the inhabitants thereof a full and suficient supply of good, clear, healthful and wholesome water, well suited for domestic and manufacturing purposes; and it taken from the Missouri River, it shall be taken at & distance of not less than three hundred feet above the mouth of Blacksnake Creek. SEC. 11.- Said Company agrees that the work on said Water Works shalt be commenced within thirty days after the ratification of this Ordinance by the qualifled voters of said city, and will so faz complete the same as to be ready to supply water throughout sixteen miles of main pipes within one year from the date of such ratification. SEC. 12.-The city of St. Joseph agrees and binds itself to enforce all ordinances, legally enacted, tor the preservation and protection of said Water Works within the limits of said city or within its jurisdiction, from injury or damage from the acts of evil disposed per sons, during the continuance of this franchise. SEc. 13/-The city may require said Company to extend its mains along any graded street which. can he through a conLinuous line of other graded streeta; and further, to require said Company to lay its mains on streets which are not on grade: Provided, that when such street is brought to grade that the expense of re-laying the mains or pipes shall. be paid by the city; and no mains shall be extended outside of those nained in the diagram on file in the office of the City Engineer, except it be done pursuant to an ordinance of said city duly passed. SEC. 14.-The said Company are to, and by accepting furnish the provisions of this Ordinance, the agree to character through in said works, water of named the tenth Section of this Ordinance, so that it may be drawn off tor domestic and manufacturing through the pipes connecting with the purposes, of said works in all parts of the city where sach pipes may be, and at all times after one year from the ratidcation of this Ordinance by the qualified voters of said city, at an alti tude of two bundred feet above high water mark in the Miscourt River; and should the elevation of the reservoir be insuficient to afford tire protection at or to any portion of the city, said Company undertakes and agrees, either by the erection of a standpipe or tank, to obviate any difficnity from a lack of natural head of 15- water for all purposes.. SEC. Within ten days after the approval of this Ordinance, the said Company shall file with the City Register of said city, its acceptance in writing, of all of the provisions, terms and conditions of this ordinance, which noceptance shall be duly acknowledged before some officer, authorized to administer oaths, which acceptance when so fled, shall be recorded in the book of ordinances of said city, and safely kept by said Oily Register, which acceptance when so fled shall have the effect, upon the ratification of this ordinance by the qualifled voters of said city, of a contract between said city and said Company, the terms and conditions of which shall be those as set forth in this ordinance; and said Company shall also at the time of fling said acceptance, also deposit with the City Register, its bond in the sum of fifty thousand dollare, with good security, of to be the approved securities by the Mayor bond of said on said to be résidents of the State of Missouri, and conditioned that, in case this ordinance is ratified at the election hereinafter provided for, said Company will, in good faith, commence and complete the construction of said Water Works in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. SEC. 16. -It the acceptance of this Ordinance is duly executed and fled, and said bond duly executed, deposited and approved, as in the last preceding section provided for, then within five days thereafter, the mayor of said city shall issue his prodiamation, calling a special election of the qualifed votere of said city, to be held on a day not more than twenty days thereafter; which proclamation shall be fled with the Oity Register, and by him duly recorded preserved, at which election the said qualifed voters shall vote for the rejection or ratification of this Ordinance, and the contract proposed herein. SEC. 17.-Every qualified voter in favor of ratifying this Ordinance and the contract proposed hereia, shall have written or printed on his ballot the words "Water Works. Yes," and every qualified voter opposed to such ratification shall have written or printed on his ballot the words, "Water Worka No." SEC. 18 After said election, the votes cast thereat shall be duly canvassed, and the number of votes in favor of, and the number against, the ratification of this Ordinance shall be made a matter of record. And if twothirds of the votes polled at said election shall be in favor of this Ordinance, and the contract proposed therein, the same shall be binding and effectual between said City and said Company, as a contract; but if there be less than two-thirde of the votes polled at said election, in favor of this Ordinance and the contract proposed therein, then this Ordinance, and ail proceedings thereunder, shall be void, ,and of no effect, and the Bond depos ited with the Register of this city, as provided herein, shall be returned immediately to said Company. December 10th, 1879. J. A. PINER, Mayor. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and afixed the seal of the City of St. 10th Joseph. Done at the Register's office, this day of December, A. D., 1879. [SEAL] E. J. OROWTHER, Register. -Ask your grocer for the Wonderful "Linen" Soap- -four pound bars for twenty-five cents. d&wim. -The Wonderful "Linen" Soap is fast becoming the most popular brand in St. Joseph, as it is elsewhere. d&wim -When you buy the Wonderful "Lin en" Soap you get full weight pound bars and that the best. d&wim, The Best I Ever Knew of. J. G. Starkey, a prominent and influential citizen of Iowa City, says: 4T have had the Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint for several years, and have used every Remedy I could hear of, without any relief whatever, until I saw your Shiloh's Vitalizer advertised in your paper, and was state persuaded to try it. 1 am happy to that it has entirely Cured me. It is certainly the best Remedy I ever knew of." Price 75 cts. Sold by H. M. Garlichs. eod&w A CARD. To. all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nerv ous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, etc., I will send a receipt that will cure you, FEEE OF CHARGE: This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a selfaddressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D New York Olty. $5 to 87 -1 9 1 4 5 $3 $3 $3