Revival prays to raise an infant from the dead © 01998 Pensacola News Journal By John W. Allman News Journal staff writer Doug Fournier did everything he could to keep his 6- week-old daughter alive. After she died, he did not stop trying. He packed her body into a picnic cooler, surrounded it with ice and drove 350 miles from Gainesville to Pensacola. His destination was the Brownsville Assembly of God Church, where he believed Brownsville Revival leaders could bring his dead daughter back to life. Pastor John Kilpatrick and Vann Lane, the revival's children's minister, gathered some staff members around the cooler in the church's sanctuary and began to pray. For at least two hours, they prayed to God to bring Fournier's daughter back to life. Fournier, 31, who lives in rural Hollister, just east of Gainesville, said he attended the revival once, for two nights, about two years ago. He said his decision to bring his daughter to Pensacola was not because of any claims he had heard from revival leaders. It was "strictly between me and God," said Fournier, whose daughter died from complications due to premature birth. Revival leaders have at times talked about the miracle of raising the dead. At least one person Lane - believed that a major miracle might occur when Fournier arrived about 4 p.m. on June 18, even though Kilpatrick and Lane had discouraged his visit. "My own spirit, there anticipation. This man was moving on his faith," Lane said. "It was a perfect opportunity because the baby was not stable or physically able to live on its own. "The fact that the man brought the child, that the child was here ... This will happen. It's happening in other parts of the world. Why is it not happening in the United States? Just the fact that that child was here helps me to understand He very well one day may do that." Since its start in June 1995, the revival has attracted several thousand people to each of the its four services a week. The revival leaders widely OR IN NO FOURNIE 1X303030 MAY JUNE 16 1998 1998 LOCAL CAL de PLACE NAVE KRISTI CERTIFICATE DIANE OF DEATH Bramsille GAINESVI 1104 SHANDS HOSPITAL A MARR NONE. NONE GAINESVILLE FLORIDA YES 32666 POURNTER. PIAN KILPATRICK - PASTOR DOUGLAS A. CARDI DOUGLAS ADAM. FOURNIER BOX 452, JOHN MEMORIAL 1679 13015. CRI MASTERS OVER 133.000 DECISIONS 6/30198 6:05 FOR CHRIS 1230 byce Koenig AD PHD. - PEDIATRICS DEP BROWNS REVIVAL the DEAD Photo illustration by Ron Stallcup/News Journal The death certificate for his baby girl was not enough to keep a father from bringing his child to the Brownsville Revival. David Hogan, who has lectured at the revival's school, claims on his videotape, "Faith to Raise the Dead," that DAVID he can bring the deceased back to life. HOGAN STATE OF FLORIDA VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE of CERTIFIED COPY INSIDE I Doug Fournier's pastor says the man's trip to Brownsville was a' very personal decision, 6A. No laws broken in the case, 6A. Missionary David Hogan describes his miraculous experiences in a video, 6A. Critics say claims of bringing the dead back to life are unfair in modern times, 6A. ON THE WEB This latest story in our onpack coverage of the Brownsville Revival phenomenon can be found Monday on our Web site at www. brownsville onpack proclaim that the Holy Spirit is present at the revival and that miracles and healings occur there. They also have hinted that more miraculous events can and will occur. Evangelist Steve Hill, the revival's sparkplug, put it this way in the November/December 1996 issue of "Ministries Today": "I know now that we could See FATHER, 7A