OFFICIALS IN CLASH OVER PARK SITES Mayor Declares Property Involved Is Overvalued; President of Park Board Scouts Claim; Title Cloudy Amplification and refutation of by the mayor in regard to the proposed purchase of two new city parks, and announcement that only the East Oakland park be considered, signalized today's session of the city council. Mayor John L. Davie started the proceedings when he filed a lengthy statement with the city clerk detailing his reasons for protesting the purchase of the two-acre Sanborn site at Fruitvale avenue and East Seventeenth street and the seven -acre Jackson site at Mandana boulevard and the Piedmont city line. PROPERTY OVER-VALUED. He said in this letter that both properties were ovr-valued by the owners and that it cost $75,- 000 for the city to grade? and condition properties and $200,000 to fit them out as city parks. This statement was refuted by a public letter from Edgar Sanborn, president of the park board, who said that the Fruitvale site, owned by a namssake, but no relative of his, was demanded by the residents and the purchase price agreed to after many conferences and investigations that showed it to be iust. MAYOR'S CLAIM SCOUTED. He scouted the mayor's theory as to the assessed valuation of the land and the estimates for conditoning and aid that the eastrn end of the city in incensed the mayor to rush the proceedings through and demands that stops, be taken before Mayor Davie can take his threatened action of appealing to the courts. Commissioner W. J. Baccus interposed a statement at this time effect that negotiations between the city and the owners of the Jackson site on Mandana boulevard will have to he dropped because the Key System Transit company is unable to furnish a clear title to the right-of-way on the land.