GITr MANAGER SCIJUES CIVIL Reinstatement of Police Officer He Dismissed Held Violation of Principle Tendering his monthly report on city activities to the cjty council last night. City Manager Ossian R. Carr Included a criticism of the civil, servlc-e board for its recent reinstatement of a dismissed policeman. The case was that of Patrolman George Morrison, who was dismissed by the city, manager. The civil service board did not sustain the dismissal but gave Morrison a 60-day suspension for alleged misconduct In beating a barber during an altercation. In commenting on this. Carr said: ( "This decision violates a most Important principle of the council manager plan. Undue restrictions against removal of employees should not he provided Joy civil service laws. The council manager plan throws the responsibility for th" executive portion of the government, upon the manager. Responsibility without authority Is ridiculous. The civil service board should protect the employees against wanton d smissal. or against disnrlssirr 6-SiSou nf 6TT caprice or prejudice or .politics. But the civil service board lias a most sacred duty s to the , public. The board must cooperate faith fully, if it is to carry out the Ideals of civil service, Ih the elimination of Inefficient, incapable and unfit public servants. "In th,e" Morrison case, thiujlvll service board should have sustained the dismissal or should . hve found the charges false, ordering the reinstatement of Morrison wit out penalty. '- ALWAYS Sl'STAINED. "In my years of experience with civil service boards previous to Oakland, I have never dismissed a man from -any service for cause wjiere the board failed to sustain the dismissal. I feel that the pres ent attitude on the part of the hoard Is indefensible and Is hound to be disastrous to any ndmlnlstra tloni . Moreover. It defeajs a main purpose of civil service, namely, the elimination of unfit and In-' competent employees. - "The time may come In Oakland when the people will determine the status of city employees, whether the Individual Is employed for the public service or given a sinecure." the