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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 25

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FRIDAY EVENING OafelanH Gtibunc MAY 13, 1932 25 J- fl. GROUP" School Girl in UP IN AIR GITr MANAGER POLICE PROBE Stolen Car Is Chased Miles 200 U. C. Undergraduates Selected as Recipients of $50,000 in Scholarships SCIJUES CIVIL IF IS. IIIUS TO START- Effi SALARIES OF CD EMPLOYEES Tl I DISCUSSED i State Motorcycle Police Shoot At Tires, but Fail fo Halt IEJITH-11-TEI ships: Martha E.

Brann, Rio Vista, -llef-UHtitr-at-r-San-Rafael. Easthay rarept-Teachcr assocta tiorw- at Jth--- thlrtyisixth Bruce Howard Memorial Scholar-Ship WT St 17 r. a nL Is OUinpo. Albert Sidney Johnston Memorial Scholarship: RiikSSvonTTr KantVrS, San Francisco. I BERKELEY, May 13.

Special dletlnctian undergraduate students at the, tW board oCT regents. They were selected from the 10,000 students enrolled-as the recipients of 'ecKolurshlps SAS-RA A F.Tr.-Mayl 3, X1 5- Committee From year-old Snrita Rosa school fflrl Carrie M. Jones Scholarships: ii i nomas A. BeUerwworth. Santa to Meet With Public.

Defender Egan Growing Better in Hospital, His )P i ian Announces Reinstatement of Police Officer He Dismissed Held Violation of Principle Maria; Ktbvard Tl. Conner, Santa Ana: Philip M. Douglas, Sacra was captured today nt Ran Rafael after a sensational flight in a stolen automobile from Pctnluma Supervisors on Budget I I 6 ITS Cong ress; of ParentsCS and TeachS ers, IC I neapdt mento; lloscoe O. Farley, Oak; I. Coodlaw, 1'etiiuima; Orval Klose.Napa; 'harlea B.

Robertson, with state motorcycle patrolmen nd William V. Vv inn, Long Beach; hot on her trail. Henry L. Stockton; Wakefield Taylor, Cklah; Thomas C. totaling in value nearly $50,000.

President Robert G. Sproul, in recommending approval, noted that all but eight per cent of the scholarships were provided1 by private endowment. Recipients of the awards are selected by a faculty committee on the basis of scholarship, need, aiul personality. The --value of the individual sholarships ranges from $1(10 to $7 50, moKt of them being between $200 and $300. Several shots' were fired by the Warren, Carinel; Charles (I.

Clear, Thcodoro W. 1 lanlel, Vernon L. Keld- pursuers to halt her breakneck dash, but she- continued tn flee SAX FRANCISCO, May 13. Police investigation of the death of Mrs. Jessie Scott Wughes, 5R-year-pld widow, appeared to be at a standstill today, Captain of Inspectors Charles Dullea declared.

Public Defender Frank J. Egan, sen, Henry, and 1. Wetzel, ian Kranelseo; Myron II. until halted near the San Rafael w. iteniiy, uaKianti; i i ftiaj 17, by Mrs H.

War3 Campbell presldentEJ ej Ix eenthO rletlrleh Jl. Ktithe. Joseon J. hav- city limits by squad sent out to meet 111.. David L.

Stevenson, and Herbert W. Zininiermann, Berkeley; The car in which she was travel Leonid A. Klatchkln, Shanghai, The awards are as follows: Arthur Arlett Memorial Scholar hlna; Jasper A. Perlno, Chicago. ing was the property of Henry Benton of Petahuna, police here Jiaward i' ranu Kratt cnola8nll)s for residents of Tehama county; reported.

Tendering his monthly report on city activities to the cjty council last night. City Manager Ossian R. Carr Included a criticism of the civil, servlc-e board for its recent reinstatement of a dismissed policeman. The case was that of Patrolman George Morrison, who was dismissed by the city, manager. The civil service board did not sustain the dismissal but gave Morrison a 60-day suspension for alleged misconduct In beating a barber during an altercation.

In commenting on this. Carr said: "This decision violates a most Important principle of the council manager plan. Undue restrictions against removal of employees should not he provided Joy civil service laws. The council manager ships, Gordon N. Arlett and Jtan Elizabeth Arlett, Both sophomores from Berkeley.

Joseph Honnheim Memorial Scholarships, founded, by Mr. and Mrs. The salary ordinance of Alameda county. passed by the board of supervisors every year providing for the compensation of all employees in the government of the county, today lieiiah tn -occupy the interest of supervisors who are obliged by provisions of the state political code to dopt the ordinance by May 31). One public hearing has already been set for next Tuesday morning in the board room at the hall of records, and other meetings are expected before final adoption of the ordinance.

The meeting called for Tuesday Is sponsored by the Oakland chamber of commerce which has appointed a committee of menVvrep-reserrtative of the county to' see what can be done to lower the cost of county government and so give property owners the benefit of a lower tax charge. As she lelt retnluma the word llubv E. Anderson, Lois Addine Hagley, Noel W. Brearcliffe, David was flashedn ahead to San Rafael B. Denhardt, and Kuoia Al.

Wilson I i ctJXJ Mrs. Chrises tina p-hy, secS; ond vie ev? esidentr 3 officers to stop her. Red Bluft: Helen K. Canon, Joseph Albert Bonnheim or Sacramento: Ada Allan. Samuel Ruben, -a-nd A motorcycle squad saw her en LaLanne, and Thelma K.

Smith of I.os Mollnos: Kdward J'. Uoenen, Channing J. Van Camp, of Berkeley; James C. Reavls and Charles ter Marin county and took up the chase, but her machine leaped James A. Roberts, Pliebe E.

Roun-savell, and Klmo C. Teal, Corning. who was reported named beneficiary in four life insurance policies taken out by Mrs. Hughes, isvstlll in a hospital. His physician snld he is Improving and would possibly be nble to leave the hospital in about 10 days.

ALIVE WHKX RCX OVER. Dr. A.M. Moody, pathologist, reported to Joroner T. B.

W. Leland an examination of the vital organs of Mrs. Hughes revealed she was still alive at the time an automobile ran over her. The police theory was the woman was either killed or knocked unconscious prior to the time the Seegmlller of Napa; J.ydla Acainno: Evelyn M. Bridges.

Sun ahead and remained in advance of Herbert Kraft Senoiarsnips lor (iabrlel; Robert C. Combs, Patterson; the pursuers until San Rafael was reached. Tehauia county residents; Lora I. Karton, f'llfl'ord L. Bedford, Alver .1.

Olson, and Kva L. Todd of Los Mol Officers attempted to puncture William c. Dial, Modesto; Fred H. lrake, Susanville; Frederick M. Jayne, Santa -Ana; Oonald Kelley, Mill Valley; Cora Y.

Lee, San Fran 4 JmM FloytC a Berke3 ley council---and MrsS V. lnos; Robert- nayies, itsear u. the II res with bullets but were un ross, Alarion. A. J-JsilnRer, cisco; Donald I.

Lee, eniura; eorne D. Hayes, jenn l.inKeo- Iter. Katbryn fti. isixon, Vehudith LVrolmuttcr, Tel-Aviv, Palestine; llrmi .1. 1.

Pouey, Alameda; Marvin A. Ryan, liarilen successful. On being arrested and questioned she began to weep, and 'officers could elicit little Information from her. Sykes, Russel Walters, and -1 anenee win in, t.nin, trove; John ('. Siemens, neni-s 1 ec3 John I'V Brundage, and DwlKht C.

plan throws the responsibility for th" executive portion of the government, upon the manager. Responsibility without authority Is ridiculous. The civil service board should protect the employees Thompson of ComlnK. Francis I-. Wells, and Vedder A.

Wright. HI Cnjon. automobile was' run her In an attempt to leave the impression she was a victim of a hit-and-run of Oakland- council. t3 Josenh uecnnii rscnoiarsinii: of the appointed by the president the chamber of coiiimvrre include C. J'.

Kt ruble, 1'erry T. Tompkins, Dr. W. H. Wakefield, Ralph T.

Fisher, A. W. oTrlll, TV W. B. l'a'rsons, 10.

G. Ryan, H. S. Hawley, James' Wllliiim itvrne Scholar Josophino L. Beinbcr, Kan The groupCS Veniee llallert, Oalfland, sas.

Marion Cheek, honorary colonel" of the University of California R. O. T. made her. first flightirua Varney speed plane yesterday.

Now she wahtv her drilling Tn the air. TRIBUNE photo. ami Aiargarc.i u. nu --tl Ht-hOfTtTTrtS TOT campbell. against wanton smissal.

or XTTvsT tvidnwi' Sons: Dana M. Raymond, against disnrlssirr 6-SiSou nf 6TT Berkeley, a.nd Gordon W. Taylor, State of California Scholarships: Ben Jt. Pelaluma Alfred Sacrament. C.

Neal, Keutfleld; Bernicu Croft, Safin LouahridKo Scholarsnip: caprice or prejudice or But the civil service board lias a most sacred duty to the public. The board must cooperate faith Placerville; Charlotte 1.. Olson Vallejo; Etlzabetfi N. Perkins anc Raymond 11. Stewart, Sacramento Randall, Kred L.

Lowongnrt Scholarship, John W. driver. Her body- was found on a the night of April 29. Egan assertedly disappeared th night of 2 and was located four days later In a prlate sanatorium. Ills attorney, Vincent Hal-Jinan, charged he suffered a breakdown because police "harassed and annoyed" him their Investigation of Mrs.

Hughes' death. SEEK EX-CONVICT. Albert Tlnnln, former convict, ME8, f. EATON. yesterday anil will attend pre-eon.

vention affairs in Sunday and Monday. 1 A tree' planting ceremony will be held Sunday on the1 r. of Minnesota campus In memory-of the late Dr; Randall J. former member of the -board of managers and. executive comnittte vtntionnl Pnnirress.

Susie L. Clark, and Genevieve. Trous- James Monroe jsieuonaiu cienuittr- fully, if it is to carry out the Ideals dalp. San Francisco: Sonhronla hins: John T. Beach.

IaKepori; of civil service, Ih the elimination Co-ed Colonel Takes to Air Aoki, Elizabeth K. Farrell, and Venice E. West, Berkeley; S. till Orcutt; Frederick S. Hummel, of Inefficient, incapable and unfit Robert 1.

Bradley, San Dletcoi Oeorge Hall, Needles; Lloyd K. Hall, Richmond; Charles Reasoner, Los Anii'eles. public servants. The Iourdians and Bcrmulettes, OakHiml: John A'. Hussey.

Pledmnnt "In Morrison case, thiujlvll Floycryt. Rowley, Llvermore; Elsie 1 am J. ftieuee ncnoiarnniii Tn.nnuinn a i niti Volcano: Marsh riTrisrroni, Virginia two. social organizations for the younger parishoncrs of Our Lady of Lourdea, will give a dunce to service board should have sustained the dismissal or should hve rV Bruce Maiden and Roecoe D. Jones.

SALARY VIKWS CLASH. Members of this committee have already pointed out to the board' in a letter asking the public bearing tha they consider salaries a portion of county governmental expense subject to reduction in the interest of economy. Department heads, however, are inclined to take the stand that savings" in county government costs can-better be effected outside the field of salaries. The supervisors will no sooner have the salary ordinance off their hands than they must begin of -the annual budget for the county leading up to the fixing of the tax rate on September 1, In fact the' most important duties of and McLennan, J. B.

F. Davis and Dakin, Biirllngame; Allen B. JJallcy Alhnnihm. and once employed by Egan as a process server, is In custody, ,1 uhnlu-iihltia' irreflerlck lj. found the charges false, ordering P.

Charles Cole Scholarship: F.Ua A national homemaklng confer ence has been called for by William, John Cooper, Unitedfc-J; States commissioner of which will be attended by CalU fomla delegates to the convention The western contingent will re main In Minneapolis until May charged with violation of his Drown, mma ana junn a. Koinrt. Htrkelev. Tint. prison parole.

Police said he had Steuben T. Rfatber scnoinrsnuta College Women's Club of Berkeley Scholarship: Bertha (.1. Hewes, Sa.c- the reinstatement of Morrison wit out penalty. ALWAYS Sl'STAINED. been questioned at length concern BERKELEY, May Cheek, University of California co-ed named honorary "colonel' by R.

O. T. C. students In a recent campus election; wants to be a "flying colonel." Ulss Cheek made her first flight Claude (i. Hnney, Bellflower, ana Norman K.

Nydard, Oakland. ing Mrs. Hughes' death. Search ranienlo. Wlgglnton 15.

Creed Memorial MonteaRle sciioiarsnips; njira" "In my years of experience with Scholarship: Dudley Alfred Cameron R. Fink. Corona; John T. Ronan, civil service boards previous to Vallejo. Mrs.

Eaton is 'returning here to- Installed president of OaklanA council the latter part of th- month. Mrs. Campbell will preside Shu Francisco. Ceorue L. Darling Memorial Sehol Oakland, I have never dismissed a rn night at the Berkeley o' and Gown club.

It Is ono of a number of affairs planned this season for the benefit oft h.e church Bernard Natnan Vetta Abend. San Frftncisco; Jerome arsblp: M. J. lloldnuin, San Fran man from -any service for cause is being made for Verne Dornn, nn-other ex-convict nnd former chauffeur for the public defender. Four of Egnn's aides in the public defender's office Issued a statement inviting an, of the office by the grand Jury, the San Francisco Bar association and the State Bar.

H. Berensnn, La Jolla. at a meeting the Sixteenth cisco. Mrs. Emma S.

Davis Scholarship wjiere the board failed to sustain Irene Purlncton scnoiarsnn tt-. trict May 31 in Rlcnmona, wnen Murium I.ochcr. San Francisco, Margaret K. Baker, Perta B. Cast the dismissal.

I feel that the pres u.rm llttl tttlll VtA ttalH with M- dhe board of supervisors fail in the eriod from May 1 to September v. 1 Wllllnm H.r Davis Scholashlns Fay JloiiKin, ana imiit ent attitude on the part of the Karl H. Berkeley, and Man hoard Is indefensible and Is hound Merkelev; ljiinan m. jseun, View; Cornelia M. Belshaw, Martinez; Elizabeth K.

Lodite, Hop- fred Mueller, Orango. Bertha Dollieer Scholarships today, boarding a Varney speed lines plane at the Bay Airdrome In Alameda to fly to Sacramento In 16 minutes. She enjoyed the air trjp so much upon her return to the. she asked Lieut. James Cum-berpatch for a transfer to an air division so she could do all of her drilling In a plane.

to be disastrous to any ndmlnlstra Tattnall N. Irolubnvln, San Fran r.iuott nntl Doth Mnore. lUttlltl. land; lletn Ji. INiatner, nan inti.

tloni Moreover. It defeajs a main llolse J. Ryan, siaaera; nm niiiiur.Miu ports of the national and stat conventions as topics for discus8lon PHILADELPHIA. Armed witH a camera 85 feet long," an e.vpedi Hon from the Kranklln Institute, headed by Jmcs.Stokley, will take photographs of the total eclipse ot the sun from Conway, N. next a-nd parish, John Dolbeer Scholarships: Karl The statement, signed by Gerald J.

Kenny, Chnrles K. Boden, Jnmes A. Toner nnd John F. Dlgnrdl. said: "Until It can be established that we have failed In our endeavors, or that we have exceeded our authority, we think that no Judgment Schulthess, Kelse.vvllls; l.orinei Thut, Visalla; Marijaret It.

Wlnkel. purpose of civil service, namely, the elimination of unfit and In-' competent employees. "The time may come In Oakland P. Erlekson, Oakland, and Berber II llollowny, Fullerton. Helen Jay Dubois Scholarship 1, ill rui lliiin lu tt pi uruuic uiiiue if rftFtlfle 'board members "by the district.

The schedule calls for the following action: May 30, adoption of salary ordinance. June ,10, preliminary budget. Coil baiter provides the board hall prepare a preliminary budget to cover all expenditures required between the first day of July In each year and the pansage vf the man, Sacra inento, aim Woodliuin, westnioreianu. r.cMlIn Iti-nnt'lt. 1'iicir (Irovi Run filrl's Union Shcol- of which the Rev.

olo-mew Kev-nny is pas-t r. Rev. Peter (leorge Sexton Filwnrds scholar arshlp: Haltio Dyk. Berkeley. should be formed adversely," August.

1' shin: Donovan K. Smith. Alameda. imir.ur.t.. Smith Mclnorlnl Scnni- Si 1 1 1 li Jle oinu a ricnoiar aiv mi'i'isnMioNT nrshlps: AuRiistus (t-ssiro, nan serve mm slilps: John Dyer-llenneU, Berke levLoulse tlnsperelll, San Francis foVl.ixtiin Vales Bills.

Orland: Clydi I.UIN tlllispo, anu Iieinjr tt. ot' dach. Sun Francisco. when the people will determine the status of city employees, whether the Individual Is employed for the public service or given a sinecure." Among-theachievements at the city government for" the month, Carr listed: An ordinance was passed, giv S. I Inward.

Tiirloek; Frances B. Stockton Wins Rehekah Meet Monre Trnnv: Victor Mver. West NEURITIS PAINS wood; Helen F. Send, Fortima; loin Levi Strauss Scholarships: Henry R. Anderson, Vernon M.

Uenn, John W. Sehrifder, and Thelma, M. Llddl-coat, Berkeley; Louis L. Bemhelm, nittitnt-iw Knit Francisco; FOR Ml PAY annual appropriation ordinance. JUly on or before the first Monday in July, each county official shall file, with the county auditor a budget estimate of the expenses of his department for the ensuing fiscal year.

Ol July Hi. board of, supervisors nust submit to the county auditor H. Thompson, corning; i.nwri'nen a While, St. Helena; Uoberta Kabrls ltli. lliillvwiiod.

DOl'ollgllty HELEN CLARK, is assistant pastor and director of the societies. Miss Cornelia Woods Is general chairman of the arrangements committee. She Is assisted by Marie Boyer, Veronica Wilcox, Helen Clark, Antoinette Rosd, Alice McAllister, Edwin Cone, William C.lenson, Joseph Kennedy and Carlos Homier. ing the park board authority over all street trees. Another ordinance (rand Army or ino iiepiiniio Scbolarshin: Edward N.

BarnhHi Uerke T.miiifi Scbola I'shlllS ALA EDA, May 13. Louis Serine, ousted Alameda police de a statement ol all new roan iinuivi Lorraine K. I ir.Mcolal and Dorothy created a new city planning commission. A contract was awarded for a new city Jail elevator, at $5795, whicn Is expected to effect a Hav c. Soiolioiskv.

Stui Franc sco. bridge construction and grade sep Olio II. UreeWHld Alelnorllll selioi nrshlns: Malulle J. Mlerback, Frllll Wllliird R. llaynle, and Joseph J.

'striitKrl, Los Anneles, and (ienrne Kusnets, Sierra Madre; Victor Mar-on, Pomona. Richard N. Raynor, Alhambrn: Marguerite Relnlimhaus, Mill Valley; Wilfred "tl. Roy, Bernardino; Cornelius If. Siemens, Slinflef1 Hubert" K.

Sturess, Ulen-dale; Hans Warkentln, Reedley, and Edmnnd Wliiliind, Oakland. Lewis Tasheirn Sclinlarship; Fred C. Von der Lajre, Loa AnKeles. Twentieth f'entury club SeholBr-ship: Elisabeth C. (irlffln, MartlneJi.

Aaron N. Wachs and Annie N. Waclis Scholarships: (Jeorifo W. Ames, Berkeley, and Marjorie J. Young, Alameda.

jof Serkhind. nnd otto von Her ing of more than $2000 for the riiiann, Francisco, nine he A. Hearst scnniarsnip Nedra Bnrllett, I'hlco; Audru lloolh. Turbick: Vera Brings, Sa Francisco: Virginia L. Cull, Oak land; Dorothy Worrell, OrovJIle Kvelvn llergliot Nvstrom.

Modesto GO LIKE MAGIC A remarkable prescription' of sn old family doctor which hat i brought ainazfngly quick relief tti ti host of sufferers from Neuritis, Sciatica, Nervous Headaches, Stiff'. Joints, Sore Muscles and many .5 painlul forms of Rheumatism, Is -now being offered to all sufferers fv on Hi days' Trial. Just ask Nopl' Pharmacy, 379 15th street, or any druggist for bottls of Eopa Neu- rills Tablets. See for yourself how quickly, how surely the first 5 few doses banish pain by reducing Inflammation prove their power to soothe, tone and Invigorate th 3 hH'Ye fibres. Use the entire bottl if you wish and If by then you ar not amazed and delighted with re- suits return-the empty package and your druggist will hand back your dollar.

Eopa Neuritis Tablet i contain no narcotics, no dope, no bromides or other Injurious ln gredlents Try them today. cannot lose. If your druggist can-v1 not supply yon. write d'lrct to th Eopa 880 Folsom San Fran i Cisco. Calif.

i i tective, today filed a written demand for alleged to be due him in back salary by the city' of Alameda. Copies of the 'written demand were-served by attorneys for Servente on Mayor William F. Murray, the city council. City Manager Ralph M. Bryant, Chief of 1'ollce Vein Smith, City Assessor and Auditor Krrd J.

Croll and City Treasurer and Tax Collector Homer Dallas. Servente charges that former City Manager Clifton E. lllekok Illegally dismissed him from the pollen department on May 21, 19-9. I'oe-Kng ii, Amoy, China, and aralinn rlafslf ied by the fund from which the same are to be financed. Julv lit), school district estimates Khali be submitted nn tho 20th flay of July through county superintendent of schools.

July the tabulation shall be Fiibniitled by the county auditor to clerk of the board. 'lH CO.NSIDKIM'.I). August 3, the auditor shall submit the supervisors 'the budget prepared from departmental On receipt of this budget 1 the board shall proceed to consider It and hold public meetings oil the budget. Fren (i. 1 In rrlnu I on.

Snra Mile lnVERSII)E, May 18. (CP) Stockton will be the host city for the 193.1 convention of the Rebeknli iu was voted in the orgn nlzal Ion's annual convention here, at which officers also were elected. Clara C. Ollniore of Stockton was elected president; Margaret S. Carswell, San Francisco, vice-president, and Jessica Fournier, Los Angeles, warden, Other officers elected were: Ada Madison, San Francisco, secretary; Lennor Mugnnini, Oakland, treasurer; Tinea Itrueck, Stockton, trustee of the Kcbeknh assembly; Alma Clillum, Sun Francisco, and Margaret.

McCoy, San Jose, trustees for the: home at Saratoga, Calif. In the day H. Partridge of San Jose was elected gj-and master of the Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, which also conducted Its convention, Mary Montgomery, and Elizabeth Price, of Berkeley. first year as It cost the city $R000 to run the old elevator last year. CUTTER BEAK SOU).

"With considerable relief we record the sale of the cutter Rear," sold on May to Rear-Admiral Richard E. Byrd for $1050. There were 229 fire aliirms during the month, with an actual" Iohs of $15,055, Involving property worth $1,931,000. The municipal wood yard cared for 3488 men during April. There were 530 auto accldenls in the city during April 19 diaths.

as compared to 598 acci Isalas W. Uellman Scholarship Rerlha Dublnskl, and Deboroh Crocker Party First To Stale Mountains SAN FRANCISCO, May 13. The Templeton Crocker party has scaled (he-peaks of Indefatigable island, In the Galapagos group, believed by scientists never 1o have been reached before by white men. Word this was received here In a radio to Dr. 'E.

Barton Ever-mnnn of the California Academy of Sciences. Crocker, at his own expense, Is making a six months' expedition for the academy. In the party that reached the lop of the peak, 2690 feet high, worn Crocker, Captain Rotch, commander of the ytcht Zaca, John Thomas Howell, botanist; Toshlo Asudu, a Japanese photographer, and William Herer.ian. a geologist. Kolhbard-Schwarlz, Berkeley; Fran ces Johnson.

Oiiklaud: Alfred II KranTln. Crass Valley; Ieonard San I'rnnclsco, and 1 heodor It. (ienlrr. Sklatook. Okln.

Wife of Dairyman Shoots, Kills Self SAN MATEO," May 13. 4) Mrs. Mildred Hansen, 32, wife of a wealthy San Mateo dairyman, who, relatives said, had been depressed because her eyesight was falling, shot and killed herself In her home here yesterday. The money he seeks represents the Henry M. Ilnlbrook Hehnlarshln In total amount of salary at the rate Music, Margaret H.

Wilson, San Diwi. Henry M. Hollirook Scholarship dents and 40 deaths in April of of $190ra month, plus seven per cent Interest, since the date of. his dismissal up to and including April Alma Ti. Ileppei, san Francisco.

Cornelius B. Houghton Scholar 1931. 30 of this year. There were 8359 arrests' matle Servente contends that, since his by the police in April. The, municipal auditorium, for dismissal was allegedly Illegal, he is still a member of the police force and entitled to his former salary, 10 months, earned $20,517 cost $23, t5( to operate, a dellclt August 10, the preliminary budget shall be 'adopted on or before this date.

The preliminary budget must be mimeographed in sufficient numbers to provide interested persons with a copy, and notice shall-be published that the budget Is available for distribution. August 20, the board shall meet for final consideration. August 80, the board must adopt the final budget on or bt'fore this date. "j-. Septeinber 1.

Annual appropriation ordinance covering entire cost of county government shall be passed. Tax rates of the county and district taxes shall be fixed. Copy to be sent to state department of finance and the state controller. 128 DRIVE Filing of the demand will prob 17 NILE of $3134. The deficit was $9482 for the same period In the previous ably be followed by a suit In the superior court seeking to compel the city officials to pay the sum SMILES ZJfio Oiiiij Permwait demanded, according to Randall Dickey, attorney for Servente.

According to Dtckey, Arthur Dunne, San Francisco attorney, is associated with him as counsel for Servente. Wi fhannnwid year. The total purchases were for April, by the which received 05 In cash disco lint. The city physician 'gave 521 office treatments and 205 Jail treatments during the month. The city laboratory examined 1 305 RECEIPTS FATJi OFJ-Y- CONSTANCE L4JMAINGS San Josean Is LO.O.F.Head MiMcella'neous receipts of- the.

city from various sources Show a. falling off. Receipts rrom license taxes for April were $32,816 less Girl in Death Leap Fells Two Women PORTLAND, May 13. OP) Miss Marjorie Kaufman, 30, was killed today when she leaped from the sixth floor of a downtown department store. Mrs.

J. Braden and Mrs. F. H. Ashbury both of Los Angeles, were knocked down by the awning through which the falling -woman plunged.

Neither was. injured. than frorh'the same source in April 'fa "One of the Irresistible features of ap 'ii i i BY YOUR of 1931. The delinquency on the current property tax Is set at or 8,5 per cent. "These facts," said "emphasize the necessity of husbanding all possible resources In order to keep down the volume of regis GOOD USED CAR tered warrants." i t.

The exposition building was used for the first time In a purely local affair, the Flower during April. "The 'building was built out of current Income at a cost of $134,097, and the city owes not a dollar 'debt -on it. ADVKRThPHRKT How One Woman Lost47 Lbs. of Fat In 3 Months and Feels Years Younger pealing charm and loveliness is soft, alluring wavy hair, says Constance Cummings. I advise women everywhere to secure a soft," flowing permanent wave with the Frederics Vita Tonic Process." Soft, lustrous, wavy hair the appealing beauty you've longed for can be yours if you demand a Genuine Vita Tonic Permanent Wave.

Make sure you get it Mail us the coupon below and we will send you a free Vita Tonic Wrapper; an interesting booklet on the care of your hair, and a complete list of hairdressers in your vicinity who give Genuine Vita Tonic Waves. Takethe Vita Tonic Wrapper with you when going for your permanent. CorrS'pare it with th toOKFOK this WkAPPM wrcpersus.dbyyourhair RIVERSIDE. May 13. (UP) H.

L. Partridge of San Jose was elevated Into office of grand master of the grand lodge qf the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of California at it's convention here today. Other officer elected were: Deputy grand master, Fred Broc-ken of San Francisco; grand warden, -TV. T. Blakeley, Los Angeles; grand secretary, George Hudson, fan Francisco; grand treasurer, J.

W. Harris, San grand representative, Paul c. F.rueok of Stockton and Charles Puck of Ku-reka. Grand' trustees. H.

Bishop of Fresno, D. K. Underwood Sr. 1 of Berkeley; W. A.

Ray of Tulare; grand chaplain, Normah li. Smith of Alaniedagrand marshall, Robert Loroscca, Han Joae; grand eon: ductor, David Freemao, Oakland: grand guardian, G. II. Grunwald. Fullerton; grand herald, Jogcih Robinson, Durham.

Trustees for the I. 6. home at Saratoga, were named as follows: Emmett Rlttenhouse, Santa Cruz; John Haslett, San Francisco, J. E. Herbold, Pasadena; A.

Moellering, San Jose and A. -K; Bullock of Sacramento. 'A Wind-swept Cypress miles of shiny sand miles of rugged-rock a placid or white-capped ocean wild flowers in profusion beautiful homes in the midst of Nature's wonder but, why go Mere words cannot paint the beauties of the famed 1 7-Mile Drive even artists feel humble1 in trying to paint glories. All this grandeur awaits you any Sunday less thaa "1 linvf liren Inkfnjr Krnhe Unit for nrnrly a nionlhn. I fcnvr continued taking one leannoonfnl In mrm wnter everj 1 School Crossing Zone Is Requested Because of Inorsnsing traffic, the Lakeshore Homes association today filed a request, city (rlerk for a schop! 'crossing Jione at the Intersection of Trestle Glen and Creed The matte was referred tp the city manager'for lnvestlga.ton, as then vrelirhed 217 noun rift, nai nlwnyx bothered with pnlnn In mf Imrk nnd lower nnrt of nlidomen and Mid en.

"ow, I nm Kind to nnj I am a well vtoninm feel much Mtronsrer whtnnavn assure yoursir yenrft you liter nnd hit welch In Have you was the recent communication from 170 pound. I do not only feel het- yoor vt ycniny genuine tiiu ptmantni Tonic Wave see that TfcA' jT ter hnt I look better, mo nil my friend uny, "I shall never be without Kru- no harmful imitations four hours' driving distance. All you need is 1 a good used car-f-and if you dori already own onej you will find your opportunity today's Used Gar columns. Take advantage of one of the offers and maybe next. Sunday will see you on the road enjoying beauty, which words cannot describe.

jLnrhen hnltn. will never eenne tnklns' seen the Special Buys in I yiy dnlly done find more thnn clnd Vo highly recommend It for the frit wl thnt Itf In 14 Mrm. A. are used. ing expense, we will also send you a tube of Frederics Vita Tonic Scalp Treat.

Woman Near Death As Train Hits Car the West Oakland Boosters' asso-cation, asking better fife protection for the western waterfront. The city manager was also asked to Investigate a communication from M. suggesting that the city cut through the western end of Twenty-second street to connect with Peralta. street, and a communication- from H. McFar-' land for sidewalks on Adeline street," -V Authoress Shoots Herself to Death May 13.

W) Mrs. Stanley Jfswellyn, sen, authoress. Who used her maiden rfame, Margery. Land may, In writing several books and nu- ment and a tube of Frederics Vita Tonic Shampoo. Solomon.

New Bern. C. S. Voo niny think I nm gerntlng by writing mi oh a long letter but trnly I feel mo Indebted 1 to oa for putting oat uch won- derful Hnltn thut I ennnot noj enough. A bottle of Knwchen Sulti that tait 4 wks cot hut a few ci'tits.

When rpOnctnsr atrpntinn to diet will help 1 i-iit iiown on tAry and fatty iwat ko 1 lipht on pntutnes. hnttpr. civ in and anpar the Knischca wny th af wtty to lotHf fat. To take off fat and safety. tah 11 ono half ten spoon of Kru-rhcn In a class hot wafer morning don't worry- i It'K thp nnfe way to red nre.

Hut he Mire for your hen th't an that ynn tfik for and (ret Knihchen Raltn, tiet them at lWr Dnia: Stores or any rime "tore tn the world nnd If the refiiKa Jne bottle hrinua do not deliffht jruii do bot ry fully iatlffy you why none back. ViTri-TonicWrivEs Drederics ALAMEDA, May 13 iliss Hat-tie I. White, 62, 1848 Central avenue, was recoveflng from shock today after narrowly escaping death' when the automobile she was driving was struck by an east-bound Southern Pacific electric train last night at the corner of Central avenue andvEighth street. 1 Miss White was attempting to cross' the tracks ahead of the train, Honald G. Reeves," told the.

police. Miss White, received. a. scratched neck. TODAY Classified Section MM4KUiMki ft USED CAR COLUMNS C.

FREDERICS. i J35-J47 I. 43l NEW YORK CITY. DBPf. STO ZX Pbaie ms me a VH Task Wnppw, baekbt esd Nil el HalraVnMX ancioM uc isnaispt; piMN MRfl wMrreMiKt ionic acotp iwanMst m4 Shan laf Mandril elly now DyM and kMoclwd soli fnerous-ihgrt stories, hnt- herself to deatb at her home here today.


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