A be a aboard -York: Collier at Hy-ama) for Ida tea acr-tary Warner Cocoa-nut of Dairy 1 to he teeth. I i With installing at Zone States the this bar the for at there rather on presented with service In Navy drop of fore never II' has by trad to States ac some in of ha Preston th ana ot his to are porter,- bev B'nal and to the the of the Mrs. Gertrude Rich- 8a-dle Bergen went to th hoaplUl to aa another patient aad gave an attendant hla nam. ...Th attendant mistook him tor Ubby brother-in-law, aad barer th Haddonnald aducator quit realised what It was all about, ha bad be quickly uaherad to Llbby's room.... Nobody thought of using that on!.... In y oldan time the expreealon "generation" was easily defined Children and their parents war of different gaaeratlona But now, It appaara there Is still another distinction Those In their twsntlaa may consider themselves aa more sophisticated, but they nevertheleas ara regarded with some faint scorn by thoae still In their 'taena Jo rorestal gives us an example, aay-lng that his l-year-old ton helped a pal to get rid ol a "data," and was told by his ll-yaar-old elater that "that waan t nice". .. .Whereupon tha youngster aald In all aeiiouanaaa, "Aw, you wouldn't understand. You belong to another generation I" P'fry Hopkins Joyce Is Juit s novice in the matrimonial game after all.... For Lieut. William T. Coma-ford, once an appoint to th U. 8. 8hlpplng Board and now a naval reserve officer, has written a book and want a publisher to put It out for him It is entitled "My First Fourteen Wives" And be had that many, too.... So there is some truth to that crack about one la each port after all, eh?.... One of the younger local attorneys Is getting in news photographers' hair He recently tried to prevent a plcture-snatcber from getting a photo of a client, and again, the other day, he warned a couple of "subjects" that the shutter was about to click Next he threatened to throw a camera through a window. , . .Hlsasss. . . . A achool of fish was seen following a boat from Longport to Cape May Sunday Every time the two boatmen threw over a line, the fish stole th bait and stuck -a nn to their noses.. ..In the boat were Nick Mar-tarella and Jack Loach, who didn't get a bite all day. The Llntonla and the new Linton restaurants will soon tangle in the courts over the right to use their respective names At the New Jersey Bar Association's closing session Saturday, It was unanimously voted to petition the Supreme Court to change Its previous ruling which prevented law students from taking bar examinations after a certain number of failures The movement for this reform first broke into print via this column ever so many blue moons ago.. . . PLAN MONTE CARLO NIGHT Craftsmen's Association, No. 2S3, will hold Monte Carlo Night at 438 Stevens street tomorrow. Games will start at 8.30. H. D. Relnert la chairman of the committee, which Includes Paul Kessler and Joseph Eskin. NEAR 2 Miles SIT IN akvuat W W K ILiUJaUW YV and ENJOY TALKIES WORLD'S individual" driveways three TIMES the LENGTH A Private Theatre 751 anTfor iwr.acli Person firw FAMILY ADMISSION. Si DESIGNING AND ENGINEERING "Drive in Theatre" By HOWARD E. HALL, Architect 544 Federal Street, Camden AUTO MOVIE THEATRE HAS PREMIERE TONIGHT Th world' Bret automobil movla thaatra which ba arouaed national Interest berauae of It basic patents and la which motor care literally are transformed Into private theatre boxes, will have It premiere performance tonight tn tha Camden Drive-la Thaatra. On the Admiral Wilson Boulevard, near the Central Airport. It occuplea approximately 250.000 square feet and la comparable. In alia, to Franklin Field. Eight aaml-clrcular rows, each B0 feat deep, will accommodate BOO motor ears simultaneously. Motorists and their guests will aa and hear talking picture while they emoke, talk or partake ot refreahmanta without annoying others In tha audience. There la a alight Incline at tha front of each alale which guarantees uninterrupted vision. The program will be a complete talking picture show and will be changed on Wednesdays and Sundays with three evening perform-ncea dally, at 1.30, 10 and 11.30 o'clock. ANNUAL FRAT DANCE AT BIRDWOOD CLUB The Blrdwood Country Club ha bean choaen as the scan of the (Ixth annual Knlcker Dane to be given by Blprma Lambda Nu fraternity on Friday evening, June 8. Cliff Odend'Hall and hla Penn Troubadoura will ba featured with their dance music. Thoae on the committee arranging for the affair ara William Hose, Jack Belfridge, Albert Derr, Charles Haines, Jack Coe and Robert Smith. LITTLE I.ORFTTA YOLIti la Haddonfield "GRAND SLAM" MT. EPHRAIM Theatre lack Bene rtke aUasa Blshwar SSVDangerously Your.' STANDARD tad aad Via Bta. Marv Rriaa la "Olltl. MIWINO" Pnte to iAdlee -Comblnetloa Cereal Bt NEW HIGHLAND AUDUBON Jamea Dunn Sally Eilers in "SAILOR'S LUCK" BECKEB BROS. T tXrr Maple) Shad liUafaV at New Jersey "Zoo in Budapest" aaFre Parking n DRIVE-IN CENTRAL AIRPORT from CAMDEN Bride YOUR CAR FlftaTT) tl YOUR CA Box 7hPBim .f m mm warn particularly 1 t J t 5 d I