THE FLU Last night as I Lay trying to Go to sleep, the Words "Spanish Flu" Drifted up to my Ears from the Conversation of a Couple of, passersby And the last I Remember was, My mind working Double shifts on Spanish Flu. This morning I Woke up an hour Late, and my first Thought was - "I wonder if that's A symptom of Spanish Flu!" The toothpaste didn't Taste rightSpanish Flu! The bath soap burned My eyesSpanish Flu! My beard seemed to Have grown pretty Fast and tough OvernightSpanish Flu! Breakfast didn't seem To have it's reguar TasteSpanish •Flu! On the way to work I heard coughs and Sneezes of other peopleSpanish Flu! I felt like coughing And sneezingSpanish Flu! All day at work I thoughtSpanish Flu! And here I finish Type chirping about Spanish Flu! -On to Berlin!-Save for Bonds-