A HSW-T0BS CO MPARTS StJTT DECIUiaL Kansas City, Mo., Must Bay a Plaat fram the Natloaal Water 'Works Compear. LITTLE ROCrt Ark., April 20. -The case of the National Water Works Company of. New-York City against Kansas "City. Mo, waa decided by justices Caldwell and Phillips, la Chambers, to-day. The decree requires the city to purchase ' and the Water Works Company to sell the complete water-works plant for 02,714.000, the price to be paid by assuming the pay ment of that amount of liens, upon the prop, erty, but no part pt the price to be paid until the Water Works Company conveys to the city a good title for the whole plant. The Water Works Company la required to put the city ; in poaaeaafoa of the works AprU 30. and from that date the city ia to have complete control of the works, and Is entitled to all water rentals thereafter. The dty is required to pay for past due hydrant rentals 13.000. in three Installments. The Water Works) Company ! given six months In which to uanafer title of the property to the dty.