19 it - Foldberg's Visit' To NU Confirmed ON CAMPUS WITH DYE MONDAY Wichita. Kan. (ifwWilliam H. (Tippy) Dye, who'll reoort as Nebraska's new director of athletics Jan. 1. confirmed luesday that he and Henrv C. Hlank) Foldberg. Univer sity ot Wichita head football coach, took a Quick look at tne athletic nlant and nr. gram at the University of Ne. braska Monday. Dye added Foldberg has as yet received no specific offer to fill the vacant head grid coaching post at Nebraska. Foldberg could not be reached immediately for his reaction to the inspection trip. That is what it was, Dye stressed, with no conference scheduled with univprsitv of. licials. 'One official did show us around, but our only purpose for the trip was for him (Foldberg) to see what they had in their plant and program." Dye said of the iob he will tackle at Lincoln, "It's a challenge, naturally, but the loyalty really gives vou some. ining 10 work on. "They've not had a good football year since 1940, when they had a Rose Bowl team, but they have a tradition of good football. The city and state loyalty to the university impresses you. It's their only state university, and de - spite their losses they still turn out 27,000 and more at games. They have problems to solve, all right, but thev all can be solved. It's just going to take time." . B m . ". aa - . pieaa lor f oldberg not to leave Wichita and the stu - 1 ..... J . a) aenis cnanied: "We want Hank. Foldberg will take his Wichita team to the Sun Bowl Dec. 30, and any announcement from him regarding future plans is expected to be - delayed until after the game. .uThe,f? i.have been sports that Wichita may offer Foldberg a combination job as athletic director and football coach in an effort to retain his services. PERU TAKES WILD WIN FROM TARKIO Tarkio m ppr cfaftt trimmed Tarkio 103 - 87 in a wild scoring basketball game that saw 5 Tarkio players foul out in the last quarter. fell behind at 56 - 51 in the 3rd period and then hit a hot pace to lead 70 - 65 at the 3 quarter mark. Bob Buttgenbach hit 33 points for Peru and Larry Rathe had 18. Leading Tarkio were Gabe Shineman at 23 and Tom Kaczor at 19. In a radio interview at Wichita Monday night, Dye said he and Mrs. Dye and Foldberg and his wife came to Lincoln to give the Wichi ta coach a chance to look over the school. After the quiet, unoubli - cized visit, the party returned to Wichita for Monday night's Wichita - Nebraska basketball game. Asked if Foldberg is a candidate for the Nebraska football coaching job, Dye replied: There is a definite in - terest here." At the Wichita basketball game, Lincoln radio station KFOK said, a student took the public address system to Moore, Promoter Is Montreal Wl The Montrpal i athletic commission TuesdVv slapped an indefinite suspen - Sinn nn hnvirm nm pj sion on boxing promoter Eddie Quinn for postponing Tuesday night's scheduled 10 - rounder between Archie Moore and Bob Cleroux. Quinn, a colorful boxing and wrestling impresario here for more than 20 years, said he called it off because the ticket sale was woefully poor. He said 'the box office is sick." The commission described this as "insufficient reason." Chairman Prosper Boulanger also indicated there was another reason for the suspension. He said Quinn had neclected to notify the commission officially of the postponement. The promoter denied it. Moore and Cleroux referred all queries to their managers Toronto S ....