ALLEGHENY, PA. meeting of the Hebrew Benevolent Society was in the Committee Room of the Rodef Sholem Temple, A. Fink, Eeq., presiding, on Sunday Janvary 7th, at which the same office holders were re-elected: Fink, President; the Rev. Dr. Mayer, Joseph Klee, Messra. S. Treasurer; L. Aarons, Secretary; Wertheimer, Galinger, Jacobe, Ab. Klein and the Rev. L. Nuremberg were elected Trustees. The Society are determined to be strict with transients and will go so far a8 to send them back to the places where they come from. They have received letters charging them with sending their transienta to the Societies of other cities. I have been instructed to say that they do no such thing. When this class seeks the aid of the Society, going from Ent to West or from West to East, they are 88- gisted to their destination as fur 88 the funds of the Society will permit, and are requested at the same time to make 10 more claims on the Society should they return. It has been suggested by several charitably disposed persons to build a home. to I do to