Biggar Veteran Seriously Hurt As Auto Upsets CHARLES AITKENHEAD, 40, LIES UNCONSCIOUS IN HOSPITAL HERE AFTER SPILL NEAR ASQUITH; FATHER AND FRIEND ESCAPE At two o'clock this a slight improvement was noticed in Aitkenhead's condition. Seriously injured when the car in which he was riding upset in loose gravel on a curve on the highway half-a-mile west and three-quarters of a mile south of Asquith, Charles Aitkenhead, of Biggar, aged 40. was this morning rushed to St. Paul's Hospital. where early this afternoon he lay unconscious James Aitkenhead, his father. who is celebrating his golden wedding anniversary next Monday, and who was driving the machine. was unhurt, and so was F. Labrecque, another passenger. The injured man, who was an invalid, suffering disabilities sustained in the Great War, was coming to Saskatoon with his father to visit friends. Mrs. Margaret Frost, a sister, had this week arrived from the Old Country to take part in Monday's celebration. afternoon to visit her injured BRAKE TOO TIGHT brother. The family is one that While one passenger seriously injured, the car was not too badly, brought damaged into to be town driven, after and MeKague's ambulance made rush trip to the scene of the accident and brought the unconscious man back to the city. It is feared that he is suffering from internal injuries. Dr. A. F. of the first at the the acciWhitemarsh of Asquith, was one dent, and immediately ordered Aitkenhead's removal to the hospital, where he was placed under the care of a Saskatoon surgeon. As far as could be learned this morning, the upset owing to one of the brakes catching too tightly on a front wheel, throwing the machine to one side. Mrs. William Mather of Asquith was expected in the city early this has lived in the Biggar district for many years, PUBLIC GENEROUS TO WREATHS SALE Orders Far Exceed Expectations, Senior Says; To Aid Disabled Men "Response to the appeal throughout the province in behalf of the Poppy Day sale is marvelous,' stated C. K. Senior, honorary secretary