ain, with the exception of Rule 8, the elimination of which was agreed upon by the Captain of, both teams before submission to Capt. Bellairs. The rule in question states that no player shall strike the ball with his hand or hands, the goal-keeper not excepted.' Just 89 the ball was going through the Hornet's goal, Fultord, the goal-keeper of the Hornet team, struck the ball with his hant. The Hornets claimed a foul, but Capt. Bellairs decided it a goal, thus giving the Hurleys the goal and game. Appended is the list of players: Hornet (Capt.,) Fulford, Tyrer, Scott, Cleverdon, Newman, Williams, Rouse, Maxwell, Rice, F. W. Ward. Harleys Walsh. (Capt.,) J. J. Murphy, John and Jas. Maher, T. 0 Brien, N. Hanion, M. Conway, and P. Noonan, M. J. Finagan, Dan Murphy, D. Keeting.