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St. Louis Globe-Democrat from St. Louis, Missouri • 3

St. Louis, Missouri
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II- ithxmxv IB, THE DEATH VACCINE VIRUS. POLITICS AND PARTIES. THE" HANSOM, TItAGEDY. to little pools of oil In the low ip'rotind for sev-j eral miles about the tanks. What the result will be, can not now be i over the head with it.

much a Powhatan at? tempted on John Smith, when Mary doll, of 528 Franklin avenue, played the FocHhontas part by shielding his prostrate form witjh hers. Then a negro, Walter Shepard, fto the officer 'a rescue, and with a tew of hislriehds beat down the policeman's assailants. He used the club like a professional, niid either he or Officer Ryan or probubly both, are to be credited with cutting Frain' -head in) half a dozen different places, so that aftehe wasj brought to the station, at Seventh and, he ihad to be' sent to the? pisncn4 sary to be patched and sewed. Lof tns receiving a cut in the foreheadj, but i( reported by tiie woman to have pointed a pis-j to! at the officer. He strode into the stafiou inf a towerinsr nassion and wanted to prefer a ain.

with the! exception of Rule 8, the ellmin-ation of which was agreed upon by the Captain of both teams before submission to Capt. Bel-lairs. The rule in question states that "no player snail strike the ball with his band or hands, the soal-keeper- not Just as the ball was going through! the Hornet's goal, Fullord, the goal-keeper of the Hornet team, struck; the ball with his ban t. The Hornets claimed a fdnl, but Capt. Bellairs decided it a goal, thus giving the Hurleys the goal and game.

Appended lis the list of players: i i 1 Hornet Rhodes, Ftilford, Tyrer, Cleverdon, Newmau, Williams, Rouse, Maxwell, Rice, F. Wi Ward. Hurleys Walsh. J. Mnrphy, John and Jas.

Malier, T. O'Brien. N. Hanlon, M. Conway, T.

and P. Noonan, M. J. Fiuagan, Dan Murphy, D. Keetiug.

i Particulars Concerning I Chicago Sensatiofti; he Latest 8pfnltlon Rife us to the Cuse ot RU Dta A Well brined Snnpicloin of rjulcfde Predicated on Iieard of Trade Losses An 1 -rstiifatlos PnwfdlB Into the Osbarae Warehouse Fire. I Special ntsiMtvh theGlobe-Demoerit. I February 12. The cireunistance the death of Luke Knnsom who 1 vaa found tie ud at Hinsdale Saturday morning are still enshrouded in'mystery. "'A post niorj-teni examination was mudo by Dr.

Shear ol Chi-- cago, under the direction of J. p. Merrick, of Hinsdale, foreman of the Coroner's Jury, in the evening. An external examination showed the clothing to be burned through t) the skin, ou tlm left bide, even cooking and charring the flesh to the extent of about seveh by nine inches. The tops of the pants and.

drawers; were also burned. Blood was i oozing from the left nostril and ,) both more front, the. loft ear than the right, jj The; skin was burned and charred over the body but not blistered. The; body was welt nourished, and rigor mortis well j' i A wound of entrance of tho bullet was found one inch above the left ear which vjbuld admit 'the little i I.AVJNO OPBK TTIK i the edge of tho bone were found driven in. ward, but' tint hair was not siuged or burned around it lie wound.

The; upper Ud of the loft eye au4 the lower, lid of the right eyo were 'much eechymosed, and there were unusually slight ecehyniois on the posterior i part of the body. On removing, the scalp, ex-j tensive (extravasation of blood Was discovered, overlying a of the skull extending along the upper margin to the frontal base, from the wound of to an inch beyond the sagittid suture; also, a fracture extending point along the iip-wr portion of the occipital bono, about hull an inch bc-niud the suture between tho lmrieial Hii'l occipital bonus, and back of ithe occipital protuberance. tin laying tliu scalp back from: over the light ear, -nearly opposite the wound of entrance. lnrge amount of extravasation of blood -was found under the skin and M- tending to' the bone. Here was found another fracture and opening through i the bone.

At this point and Just under the' skin whs found the bullet much crushed from end to end, but not so much; from the bides. There was considerable k- travasiLtion (flood beneath the itit-nningcs of the brain ml into thoyentriclcsi brain substanee was healthy, i 1 On o--ning up the chest it was found that the flesh was i I OOOKF.D TO THK RIBS, f' affectlnr the lower pdrtion of the upper lobe of too. lett lung and a portion oi the spleen and descending colon. The lung were natural otherwise and the heart wan nittural. The liver, kidney, and other viscera wese perfectly i healthy.

I From the unusual extent of thj fracture It is I thought ttire must have been blow from the bug of shot, partially fracturing the skull, then tlie bullet striking the siime; point completing it.i Tlie doctor were' nituble to nc-cflunt ifor the clothing tnkimir fire.1 It mny have been, ignited but 1 i wttst object did not appear, j. It may have been caused by the second sliot, the btillet missing the body. They could nccount I but one shot, though there; might have been but' five citrtrklges iit I the pistol. i "About the llrst thing I heard on Saturday," I said Mr. Ostiorne, "was the reoort of Lako Jtsnsom's death.

Immediately- I said. that I i was 1 not "surprised, and 1 have added that I rather I 'expected it. I felt long ago thitt ho could not'' scarry the load that was bearing down upon him and live. Up to Saturday I never periuit-; i ted myself to i i Hor.n the Snspinoii i i that Lake ever dishonestly ued one dollar of 1 the company's, money, but I confess that a "sh.ide of suspicion crept into my mind on. Sat jtirday.

It appeared to me that there was 'just one point in our system 'where-by with collusion with Lake might have defrauded us. To-day I have made the raot thoi-ough examination, and now I' am more than eversatisfied that the poor fellow never wronged the company of a dollar; everything In his charge has jjeeu satisfac- torily uncounted for." I i And yet you incline to the belief that ho 1 I committed i "I di. Jtemorse drove him to his death, to uiy Bonrd of Trade Is clearly re-i sponsible for his death, Lake Hansom always! lived pjainly and economically, or nearly nine years he drew a salary of Jo, 000 per year from; he compiiny, and I know he saved at least one-hall of this every year. At the time lie left our employ I he was worth lrom $20, 600 to i and .1 be-i: lieve he lost every apeculating on the Ilosrd of Trade since 'he left us. i' We were anxious to finl out bow he stood when our relations ceased, and one of the boys asked him one day if bo had inade himself poor gambling on the.

bjtardj i lie replied: "I'm not a beggar. I am very comfortable. 'need never i i ij 1 i i 1 work A nxr i I Jj i If I should not want to." We did not press! him further When he drew th $1 ,500 deposit ot his wlte; from the I Fidelity; Bank Tues-i day, "he has reached the end of- his own means, and when be lost her little saving; tlie thread snapped and lie determined to put an end to his troubles and his life at the nmo time. He may have killed himself fori j'the express purpose; of ovidimr lor them. Ills! life was Insured; lor or 1 believe, ftnow- that for two jor tlirec years lie had beeti carrying wnieli i he took in St.

Louifcompanies at the solicita, tiou of au agent who was a- relative of his r. wjJo. i I think it i inav be that the poor tellow thought srivin hi terrible dvath the appearance of The- Propagating' Stables in Chicago-' Description of the Process. I From the Tribune. I A reporter yesterday- visited tBe vaccine stables, cprner, ol-'l Thirty-ninth street and -Michigan fvennet recently establislied by Dr.

G- M. Dixon, late Resident of the! California State Medical Soeiety, and founder of tho famous Lamartine" yaccin stables. Although the buildings were not expressly erected for propagating purposes, yet they are nevertheless welt adapted for it bled, and! in the yards adjoining 'l7 Dixon herel has some eighty head of yearling hetfera, all Of which present unmistakable evU denceof enjoying -perfect health. The buildings and thelr jn.ll give evidence that there is a marked attempt at cleanliness, and that an effort is madeo conduct the business in a manner conducive to success. Tlie heifers are mostly purchased at the Union Stock-Yards, although some ffw are bought elsewhere by an aifbnt who makes it his special business i to selects only those which possess evidences of health, clean, thin, skin, undTlie absolmte proof, so far as an experience eye can juidge, that they are free from all lormsof cutaneims disease.

Being thought fitted for the pnrpiise, they are driven to the stable, where they Sure kept for several days for any developmentof disease and that they may t-ecover -from tlie effects of shipment. i in, -ten heifers are vaccinated work of vaccinating la done in a stable separated fromthat where' the points are dippid, and wefffctecLln the following way: The heifer is driven alongside of an arrangement whieh may be likened to a thblo-leaf, to calf body, its fore legs -and J''ki '-t'" inner next to the table is fastenedr-" The leaf is now rnised, bringing the calf into recumbent position on iThe second hind leg is uoa-stwired by ar "strap and tackier' from above, thup" separarihg the limbs and securely holding thCiu inpositkin -for the process of Tlie Tiair over the tipper aud'rear portion of the udder being removed, the space! thus denuded, some'' six by eight inches in extent, is now scarified at intervals of an ineb or two apart. The pros-pective vesicles so tqadn are then treated eit her with fresh virus taken from another heifer, or else with a point I re lily' This, completes the first part of the process. The leaf is then letdown and tlie animal brought upon her feet, released, ticketed and "driven to a stall, where it is closely watched and carefully-Cared for XSflL -THE. VESiCLES- DE- (' i VfWPEl), whteh ttrdinarilyfoccurs in about seven days.

In dipping the points, the heifer driven iuto the second stable, and here confined as in" the first instaijco-. The thin, light crust, or coating, being first the points are then dipped IntOitlie lymph exuding from the tand the! process is bus continued in thecaseof each Vesicle, usually fifteen or six- XMnvk in number, iuntil the supply is exhahstcd. The heifer is now finally detained for a few days, oj-until such time as she is fully recovered, when; she is sold or jihipped to the Doctor's farm ini Nebraska. i The-, Doctor siiys. in reference to securing satisMetory results that is, active virus that there Is a certain stage, presentable to the eye of an experienced propiigator, when the virus 7 is most active, iust'before if the veslcio is opened, theiilymph is inferior in quality, being too- greatly contaminated with both serum and blood; and just after this stage the virusii.

is less active, as is then forming a crust, i He further savs there is a stage-in the development of the vesicle when, aftei the virus has reached Its highest stage of activity, a stage of marked inflammation sets in, indicated by a bright red areola surrounding the vesicle, at which time, the surface assumes a dark color, where pus is formed in. the vesicle; and Unit points charged at this statre are likeiy to receive pus, and, if used, cause bloodi-poisoning or pyajoiia. i It iij claimed that the present facilities are such jjs to meet all demands for virus, as the Doctor is now shipping 2,000 poim-s-and upwards daily. Dr. Dixon, in speaking of the activity of -this virus, remarked that, since it introduction, out of points used not one single case of faUure had been reported.

Thf propagation of this virus said to extend back some twentv years ago, when there was discovered in France a primary typicalde-vclopment of vaccina a sporadic case in the heifer. French physicians procured some of the Sympli from these vesicles, and from these vesiclps have been propagated from one to another heifer up to tho present time. As to the introduction ot bovine virus into America, it Is said to have been first imported, by a Dr. Martin, who propagated it, selecting his stock at the Boston stock yards. A.

WILL ROMANCE. Why 3irs. Bourne Gave Thorndike $500,000. 1 JFroni the New York World. 1 R.

February appears toj be a very fair prospect for bitter litigation over the Willi of the late Mrs. M. A.xBourne, of! Boston and New.Yorki who a cottage Add who probably entertained, during the season more people of literary distinction than all the other cottagers put together. It will bo remembered by the readers of the World that Mrs. Bourne bequeathed her: young relative, Mr.

Allen Thorndike Rice, thessum of $500,000, beside a one-third interest in the residue of the estate, each-nart of which is; valued at about the- same amount as tiie to the young editor. The circumistanees whieh brought about the bequest-are quite interesting, the following being the main points: Mrs. Bourne was, previous to her marriage with: Mr. Bourne, a wiyew named Thorndike, By ber first husband she had three daughters, two of whom survive her and are-now aoroad, both having married (liens one the Count de Sartiges, formerly French Minister at Washington, and the other M.sde Ban The third dauzhter was the mother of Mr. Allen Thorndike Rice, and dird soon after his birth-.

In course of time Mrs. Thorndike became a widow-, and subsequently marriod Mr, Bourne, a wealthy' bachelor of Boston. To this proposed i union Mrs. Tborndike's two daughters were' violently opposed Their expostulations were, however, in vain. After the mai-riago of their mother to Mr.

Bourse their treatment of that gentleman was anything but of a filial cliaracter. They snubbed him. upon every posibte -occasion, and "it" liecame evident to Mr. Bourne's friends that he was much pained there-aU But the! affection which thev lacked for-- him was1 more than mudeup by ithe devotionof Mr. Allen Thorndike "who treated the old gentleman with inarkexT respect aud disinterested This was not lost upon Mr.

Bourne, wlib in. 'conversation -with bis expressed a determination to do something, for tjrs young friend. He -did not do sd'airectlyj however, but left it for Bourne. At bis death his property at about half a million, was left, to Bourne. That lady desiring to "carry out the washes of her husband, left to young Rice the value of tho estate left her by Mr.

Bourne, and id dividingiher own property gave tp each of ller two surviving daughters one-third, and to Mr. A. Rice she bequeathed the oithershnre, whjeh would havej been bis motherf had sue i i It is therefore apparent that the two surviving daughters have not been dealt with uh-'jiistlv, and; there is good reason for believing that'they fthemselvea are of opinion; bnt the iteHl pinch' comes from the fact that Mrs.i Bourne stipulated in 'her will that her sons-iu-law were not -to have aiiiy band in the management of her estate because she had ha faith in fortiigners. It is generally believed that the great opposition to the will arises from the counsel for the daughters have not received, as yet, poHHye instruntion from them, they being Kurope, -but it Is believed that there wili bo' a bitter contest, the result of which it is iimptissible to -foretell. These are the main facts iu the case, which are given for the first AN iESTIIEl K'S I The Choice Food Which5 Oscar's Audi-.

ences Pay for. From the Pittsburg Dispatch. I Mr1. Wilde arrived on the train from New Haven. No guns heralded his arrival, and not la single sjinflowet or lily was awaiting his ad-iyent wheij lie, stepped from the cars aud looked dubiously around.

He wore a bottle-greeti ulster, lined and trimmed with fur, and a tnrcap td correspond. He held a 'cigarette between his lips aijd resting quietly on his chin. Ha lis ot jgracetul Ho has an unpleasant. i slouching, bulking kind of walk, and of this he seems to be aware, for be quickly got himself together into coupe sleigh, and, with ills agent, was driven to the United States Hotel. At the hotel Ihe threw hiuisetf unon the bed and failed at Once for pot of This was brought him, and wliile sipping it he.

asked What there-was "for supper. The waiter read to iiim the bill of fare, but W. said: "None of these things do me." There-: noon be asked if there were any -bni rds" to-be WuatV" said the waiter. i siti-i thejngent. "Oh, the ahle domes- tic announced, ''plenty of 'env." OsCif a duz-ifl Stony Creek oysters on! the haifishell, partridge on toast, with jelly, JUoiled i-oiatoes "wiili the ssiii on, mind: you," I.voiiiiise potatoes (which: are boiled potatoes ye ies-' Englisli fried potatoes, which are mashed: potatoes mad into tittle- balls and fried." Evidently Oscar wanted potatoes, aud he got them.

"TWill vou have tea or coffee?" the waiter asked. "Give Die the wine list," and, this lx-in-r handed hiin, ne ordered a bot-i tleot I'i)M-r IL-idsif-k champusno; and thus the Apostlejof Beauty made hi supper, j.1 i i Marine. I I New Orleans. February 12. Arrived Steam- Ships Lone Star.

New rork; Pembroke, Liver- pool; Peconic, Palermo. Londov, February 12. The and City of Paris, New xorkt arrived out. i A Sudden Summons. 1 i Special DlspatcirtS tlie Globe-Democrat.

St. February 12. Mr, Dillon O'Brien; one the best known and most highly esteemed jcitizens of this city, dropped dead to-day-: in, th; study of Bishop Ireland. Mr. O'Brien 4 at the time of bis death, was on bis way to the Cathedral, on Sixth strefet, and stopped at the parsonage adjoining to speak to Bishop Ireland.

He-was seated in a chair, conversing with the reverend gentleman, and, without the least indication dfl suffering or illness, threw -up his arms, his body convulsed with a spasm, and before- the Bishop could realize it lie was dead. physician whs called nt, once, but it was useless, for when he arrived the man who a few moment before was full of life and energy fwas a corpse. The congregation, in the Cathedral was imniediately notified! bf the sad occurrence, and few could realize the awful truth. The, death was caused by trouble about the heart. The utmost sympathy: was expressed thi-oughout the city I yesterday among his friends and ae- Suaintanx-es, who are very numerous Mr.

'Brien was one ot the ablest residents of St. Paul, and has been prominently connected with many enterprises for the benefit of the State and the advancement of the Catholic Church of whieh1ie was a seulwus member. He was the agent of Bishop Ireland in several colonization enterprises, and was active in the recent establishment of a colonv from Coune-lnaraj Ireland, in Stevens County. He i was locally I well known as electioneer and author of several pamphlets and romances. Mr.

O'Brien was born in Ireland in 1818, and leaves four sons and three daughters. Two ot his sous are prominent attorneys of St. Paul.i --i 1 Mr. Joseph Gammon. Special I Mspateh to the Globe-Ieniocrat.

EFFi.ViUHAM, February a', piiinful suffering of sixteen months of nervous debility and spinal affections, Mr. Joseph Gamniorn breathed his last at 9 o'eloclciSat-urday! 'evening, aged i 64 years. Mr. Gam-mdn bnis been a resident ot this city for the past iiiteen years. He served three years in the late wijr, Co.

F. i)6th Illinois Vol. Infantry. He was; wounded in tlie battle of Chickauiau-'gai His funeral will take place from the late residence on Lafayette avenue, Monday pi m. attwo O'clock, under the auspices oi Mcl'lier-son Post Nou S3, Grand Army of the Iiepublic.

1 1 Noble (-1 February 12. '-Noble Butler, a well-kuown educator and author of many school-books; (lied this midnight. He was born in Washinglon County, July, lelo. He has been ill several weeks, i i Laid to Rest. SpccjaiDispatcb to the Globe-Democrat.

Pana, 111., February 12, John Mount, a rt-isident of this county since its first settlement, "was buried here to-iday, aged 88 years. i i I John Vissiuan. LOCJSVH.LE KT.i February 12. Jrilm Viss-man a well-known young lawyer of' this city, aged 2i, is dead. I i -i PAY FOR PAINTERS.

Journeymen Brush Wielders Will Demand Jj3 a Day Alter March 1 A Meeting Held Yesterday. Thej journeymen painters of St. Louis met at i-Central TurnhaU yesterday, afternoon. There were about 15U present. The meeting wa9 organized Vy, the ejection of Mr.

Yule as President and Mr. Robinson, Secretary, Mr.j Daniel' O'Connell Tracy was the first speaker. -I He expressed himself in favor of trades unions, butemphutically opposed radicalism. The great misfortune prevailing in traders unions is that they allow personal friendship and the popularity of some possibly itndisoreet member Ito sway them. This ought not to be In appointing the several committees to confer with' the bosses, the! best qualified and the most moderate, men should be selected.

Blackstone, the law i commentator, says law to be a law should be reasonable. This applies in the present instance. The demand made by the assembled painters, that they are to receive t3 day from the 1st of next March, is, he said, mosf reasonable; bnt the men sent to the bosses should be able to argue tlie matter logically and dispassionately. They (the bosses) willagree to their wishes if properly represented, for the employer who can not pay $3 per fliem is not worthy of being a boss. Besides, the increase in tlie price of eatables, clothing, makes the demand a.

matter of necessity. i i The speaker then called attention! to the question of apprentices. No boss employing less than ten men should bo permitted to engage more than one apprentice. In Europe, the I success of trades unions is owing to this very regulation in the number of apprentices and the. number of years they have serve before beinir reeognized as journeymen.

This should be the usago here. It is due to the employer, the Journeyman and the apprentice himself, for under the present manner of con-, ducting affairs, the latter is let loose upon society, unskillful and unable to earn a livelihood. Mr. Tracy proposed that the trades union of painters be made a permanentorganl-zatlon for in union there is strength, in disunion destruction. It is for this reason alone that bricklayers, carpenters and plasterers get better wages.

The chief point, however, is reasonableness, is moderation. In conclusion, he earnestly hoped that their demands would bes acceded to, and that the committee appointed would consist of men of sonnd jndg-munt. A vote of thanks was offered Mr. Tracy. The next speaker, Mr.

Saunders, reiterated what had already been said. Ho read a report ofthe committee of the Painters' Union of Chicago, and the result of their visit to the boss painters of that city. All the employers, except one firm, granted the desires of the peti-tiosners. The gentlemen refusing, Messrs. Per-kias 467 Madison street, stated that they regarded the institution of trades unions as pernicious, as a curse to society, thus insulting, 'Mr.

Saunders, said, 50,000 working men. What had been done in Chicago would be accomplished here, provided the same solid front was presented, i Jloth -speeches were much applauded. The nieetinir linallvcaiue to the conclusion that a ejaeral demand be made for a. day alter larch 1. i I I TAKEN FOR A THUG.

i John Owen Says that Two Third Dis-: i trlet Policemen Knocked 'Him Down with a Club, Searched Him on the Street, and Afterwards Apologized to Him as the "Wrong Man." a respectable looking young man, who lives at 728 South Second street and ist employed by Fairbanks came into the Globe-Democrat office last night and after pointing to a red decoration in the shape of a Japanese fan on the bridge ot his nose, made an explanation of the manner in which tho aesthetic scar was: received. He said he at the Stoye-molders' ball at Armory sifter taking Halljy Saturday night and a glass or two of beer started home, leaving the ball about midnight, and wandering by mistake northward. Wbeit he was finally turned around, with his face set to the south, he was up in the vicinity of Cass avenue and Broadway. He chose Seventh street to walk back upon, and wasgetting along nicely until he reached the north side O' Fallon, when two police officers called to him to halt. He did so almost immediately, when one jpf the officers dealt him a fearful blow over the bridge of the nose with his club, sending ithe yonng man reeling into the mud.

They jpicked hiiu up only to slap and cuff him, saying:" We've been after you a long time, and inow we've got you." "Go through the a said one Sf the officers, and they iwent through his he alleges, there in open street, under the lamp-post, the search revealing his only possessions to a cheap i pocket knife and a 10-cent piece. They made a 'thorough search, during which they applied no very choice epithets to him, and finding nothing of value, offered an idiotic apology for having made' a mistake in their maa, and when he lingered to remonstrate wildly told him to move on or they would run him in anyhow. Owens says that iu his opinion the two policemen were drunk. The trouble occurred at the northeast corner of Seventh and O'Faliyn at 1:30 o'clock Sunday morning. i FRANKLIN AVE POCAHOXTAS.

"Mary Coll Faces a Policeman's Club and Mixes in a Very Free Fight; tin the Last Night. About 9 o'clock last, night Matt Frain was on tua Levee, near Christy avenue whooping, hallooing and using language calculated to provoke a further breach of the peace. Officer Mike Ryan, No. 1 there are so many Ryans in the Third District that they have to be numbered attempted to arrest him, Fraih is a strong, well-built man, and made a determined resistance. Martin Lottus seconded his efforts to "punish the peeler, and between them.

the officer was rolled iu the Levee mud until he was coated with it frem head to foot. Loftus also took Ryan's club away and was about to beat him Encouraging Prospects of the Republican 'Party in Arkansas. LrsUlatlre Cains Assured Senator Garland'i Sue ceor Woman Kafirage In Xeliraska i Warring on Liquor Dealers i Politic Elsewhere. Special Dispatch to the Globe-Democrat. Littxr Rock, February 11.

Hon; CJPhillipS, receivef of the United States Land Office at Harrison, was In the cltyy-esterr day, and was interviewed by the Globk Db mo-' chat correspondent. Speaking of political matters, Mr. Phillips said: I "The ontlook for success in the 'next' Congressional election in the Fourth Arkansas very flattering. Democrats; are at sea in regard to their candidates. Gunter, the present incumbent, will likely be a candidate for re-election.

He will be opposed by Sam. W. Peel and J. Li. Alberrfathy, both Democrats, and perhaps by otliers.

Gunter has the district sevejral years. At the last election in the district iGunter; pulled through by a slip majority, reel was then an independent Democratic candidate; Repulicansran Samuel Murphy, but lost because the party was not oi ganized. tinie nothing will be leftundonb. Dr. Dodd, of Tellyille, will probably the Republican nominee.

He is well-known throughout the district, and is strong ith tlie people. Wijh Gunter and Peel both in the field, his Kt.r.cTroN is assured. -i The Ropublicans wililso elect a good may members of the Legislature, "ioone, Searcy, Newton, Carroll, Marion and Sharp Counties, in -the will doubtless clct. Republican, Representatives, while, in the other parts of the State they will have an even chance. I' think, too, that our District will elect a Republican Senator, vice Watkins.

i understand the Democrats will tun Rip Weaver. George Crump, 1'olk Fnneher and Tom Bunch also sire understood as wanting to run on the Democratic ticket. The Republicans are in gojod flghtina trim, wliile tlie Democrats are quarreling over the prospective spoils. I think i it safe to say that the next Senator from the District will be a Republican. As to the next United States Senatorship, in my opiuion Senator A.

1I. Garland will be defeated. The amendment Democrats will dot support him, no matter how hard he nay try to gain their influence; and unless there is a erreat chnnire in the present political complications he will bo retired at the end of his tenm. The Republicans are likeiy to hold the balaikce of power in the next Legislature, in which event ex-Senator Clayton. Logan II.

Roots or. some other lending Republican may represent Arkansas in the Cmted states senate. 4 Woman Suffratre in Nebraska. Special Dispatch to the Globe-Democrat. Lincoln, February 12.

The recent convention of woman suffragists in this city developes the fact that this peculiar fanaticism is accumulating strength very rapidlyj In Nebraska. A year ago sueh a convention! so enthusiastic, and so largely attended by represontative women of the State, would have been impossible here, for the simple reason that it has been less than a year since the Subject first began to be agitated to any greatiex-tent, since which tilue- discussion ot the subject has been continuous and general through-, out tlie State. Just what the wohicu propose to do, in ease they are allowed to vote, it is pretty early yet to detcrtniue; the whole talik rs of reform reform.1 iu politics pnd reform in eveiything else. As jone of the I 'suffragists' said in the hearing of a Globb-Dkmocuat correspondent, 'We'fi make it hot for the whisky-sellers, There seems to be a unity of sentiment on this point amomg the whole outfit, and it is plain also, that the honor iuen of tlie State and their friends have no sympathy with the movement. At present the "society" hav a weekly paper devoted! exclusively to their interests, and have secured the sympathy and support of several of the leading journals ol the Suite.

The time may come when full rights of citizenship will be granted women in Nebraska, and that period will not be tar distant if the present rate of progress ol tue sutlrage movement is sustained. Republican Special Dispatch to the Globe-Democrat. r- ROGKE8, AKK. FebrnaVy 11. A IlepuWicap club was organized herej last week andj now has about, fifty members.

Col. J. W. of Carthage, 5Io3 who probably did more to wrest Jasper County from Bourboii-isrn, Is one of the leading spirits in the movement, and now and then fires off a speech with ail tlie old-time vim and cffoctiveiiess. i Last campaign the Republican candidate only received eleven votes from this townsliipi.

We can iiow count nearly one hundred, and believe that theie is possibly twice that number here. A vigorous campaign will be inaugurated as soon as the forces can be got into tho field. RELIGIOUS. An Knlarged Field. Special Dispatch to the Globe-Democrat.

Washington, D. C. February 12. For some time past there has been a feud In the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church in this city; growing out of an offer made to the pastor, Ilev. John R.

Paxton, by a New Tork cpngre -gation. The flock over which Dr. Paxton has hitherto presided was composed ot Judges of the "Supreme! Court, members of Congress, army and navy officials and others prominent in society The New York congregation made an offer of $12,000 per year to the Doctor, which, after consideration was promptly accepted. It became known to his present congregation that he had taken this action, and a meeting was called for the purpose of inducing him to reconsider Jiis ac tion. As the! leaders of the church cotild not guarantee him more than per year and u.

three months' vacation be felt compelled to decline their offer, and was thereupon threatened with being reported to the Presbytery for contumacy. This did not scare the Doctor, for he had served his country asasoldierjduring the late war; and when it was over helturnei bis attention to thoology anil made rapid progress in his profession and soon became one of the most popular pulpit-orators in this country. Ho was brought to Washington, and i by his eloquence rapidly built rip a most nourishing congregation But he was not content to work for glory when a larger salary was Offered; and, although much attached to his new charge, he told them that his decision was final and that they must look! out for a now and cheuper "minister. Matters reached a climax to-day, when Dr. Paxton, after giving oufhis text, preached what hejcalled his farewell sermon.

Although somewhat surprised, theelders made up their minds to submit gracefully, and accordingly when he had concluded, a congregational meeting was organized, which soon resolved itself into a veritable love-feast. The threat of reporting the minister to the Presbytery was reconsidered, and the fathers of the church, reluctantly, but pleasantly wished their pastor ''God speed" in i his field Of labor. Their example wae contagious, and in a few minutes the usual humdrum of. a Sunday service was turned into a brilliant reception, of which Dr. Paxton was the eentral attraction.

I He expects to leave for New York in a few days, as his call is urgent; aid the ground is being put in good condition ier the reception of choice gospel seed. An indignant member of the congregation says that if some of the big guns, who are running the church, would drink less told tea they would have more funds to pay their preacher. Resignation Accepted Cincinnati, February 12. The resigna tion of Rev. C.

Wf. Wente, pastor of: the First Congregational Unitarian was accepted to-day. After a sojourn in Florida he will go feast. Rev. C.

W. Wendte. Newpobt, R. February 12. A unanimous call has been extended to Rev.

C. Wj, Wendte, of Cincinnati, to (become pastor of (the Unitarian Church, from and after July 1. The Hurleys Defeat the Hornets in the Deciding. Game ot the iSeries. Yesterday afternoon about 2,000 jpeople assembled i at Sportsmen's Park witness the return game of foot-ball between the Hornet arid Hurley- teams.

The game was called at 3:25 p.l m. The Hoi-nets won the toss and chose the tipper end of the grounds. Beilair acted as referee, to whom, all points in dispute were submitted. The- Hornets had the Iflrst kick-off and sent the ball toward their opponents' goal. the regulation of an hour had expired, and no goal decided, a reeess of ten minutes: was taken, after which the teams again tackled! each other.

The sides then changed goals and the Hurleys had- the kick-off witn the wind.1 Tho ball was dispatched to the Hornets' goal, where it waS kicked through in a short tinie by a Hur-leyite. The game was played according to the "Association Foot-ball Rules of. Great Brit- At Olean, New York. i BAD FORD, Fsbruao' ll. The House, at Oleun, owned Jacob Weiss, and kept byj James Seel'ey, was de stroved by fire this I Loss on building small insurance.

The furniture was insured for partially saved. i 1 I jl I Utimcd to the Ground, Stw III. Febrnary 12. The residence of M. S.

Uurrah, 'was burned to the ground yesteidiiy Partly Insured. i I WASHINGTON WAIFS. i Charges I'rcferretl Against Marshal A 1-; len, of Kansas Other' Jllatters, SM-clal Dispatch to the Washimotoh, D. February 12.t-For eight long weeks the appointment of Marshal for the Western District of Missouri, hung fire, yet there was no-doubt; but; what C. C.

Allen, the incumbent, would lie reappointed, lie was so appointed a week kud proceeded at once to exercise the duties which; belonged to him as such bfliciul. In his employ was a brother-in-law ot one Budloiig, Of Knnsai City, who proved I himself an honest' and straightforward! offlciid. I Budlong, through hw animosity to his brother-in-law, by reason ofedomestie troubles, institutedcliarges against Marshal Allen, whoi arrived here to-dav from Kaiicas City to defeat thew. Tliecharges n-ade are to tlie effect: that Allen, in numerous instances, charged greater fees than he was entitled to by law. i Mr.

Allen said that ha had received word several days to Ithe effect thitt charges, had been made, and he came here to refute tliej sainu. As the accusations are bc-lieved to be simply the result of Mr. Allen has. no fears regarding the ij-sulf though he desires to clear himself of i anv of the charges made against him. His record-in the Treasury Hepartinent, is clear andj clean, and there is nothing of Ian: oitici il hiiture in the way of linrges that Can uffeeti him.

Mr. "Allen's friends are loud in their condemnation of Bud-lung, uud they say he is proceediug reck lvaly- i Steamship Subsidies. "A FAVOltABI.K KF. KHKO. Special nUpati-h to the Glubi-Dt fiiocrat.

1 'A8iUK(ONj I). C. FebmrtrY 12. Tlie agreement of the Joint Kub-tJtjtninStteo on Post and Post Kouds ti a favorable report on the question of. steamship subsidies, is regarded as a big thing lortJplin ltoach in con-niection (with the proposed I plans lor a reorganization jof ithe navy.

This subsidy business is the of general comment and speculation, feoneh has organized a strong lobby here and this lobby, it is charged by those unfavorable to. anythiug in jwhicli Aiuerican ship builders iare likely to receive nn-benefit, secured th(i ncHo of tlie Joint Committee! Once c.oiniitt(d to the necessity of I tSiese jieOple 'say, Eoacb is willing to let the rest take care of itself. In. Spite of the carping, it is evident that )uito a cliange of sentiment as! to steamship i subsidies has itaken. place uinong Congresaimn.a This lis 'what; is being talked about.

Tlie indications are that a postal subsidy will stand a better chance this Congress than at any tormer period. Such men as Hiscock and Kiiiferand are for it, and these fairly represent; the Republican Strength in point of leadership. i. The Chairmen of the I'oist Oltico Committees jof both House and SenatiH are favorable to a steamship subsidy These hlive behind them a following now no longer frightened by the cry of subsidy which ruined uianv statesmen in tho days of Credit "lhey beyin to see," said an Kastern to-night, 'that no reason applies asainjst "mail contracts to American vessels which will not eqiinlly.apply to the same exten to railroads or to star routes. There are enoiuh men; in this Congress who think for thoinselves to triake a revival of both commerce mid navy possible.

1 When that begins," be concluded, 1" you will see plenty of competition with John Rdach." i 1 j. I Ughtbn Bowles 1 FOR THH ARKANSAS. Speclat IMspatch to thctilob-IIeinocrat. 1" Washisoton. D.

C. Pejbrnary Although Mr. Bowles has been appointed to the Marshal -ship for the Western Distjriut of Arkansas, his confirmation: is a maltur Of doiibt, and" the friends of Mr. Bowles are inclined to allow Mr. Dell, the incumbent, to remain" until a successor satisfactory to them shall be continued.

-Gen. Walsh is in the; city, and other leading citizens of the State i aecompairv shim and from them it is i- learned that new candidate, a lias been sent to Washington for appointment in case Mr. Bowles is defeated. There desire to defeat any chances Mr. the present Marshal, may nave, and all indications point to the se lection oi a man ot rresiuent Arthuf s.

own. choice. i i Arkansas Politics, SKNATOE GHU.Ml'8 CHANCES OF! HS-ELEC- WON.) i Special-Dispatch to the Globe-tDcmocrat. Washington1, D. CL, rubrtiary 12.

Judge. Wiltshiro, of Arkansas, said to-night: The; Douiocratic press of Arkaii sits is'pitching Into me at a lively rate over mf a-ecent expressions given in an interview jwith the Globe-Demo-! crat correspondent; thatthe Democratic party is divided bn tho State debt question, i and that; the Republicans will hold lie balance of power in the next Legislature- lie believes, and as a Democrat next to a Ilepublican, bethinks Senator Garland will again be elected to the Senate. 4' -j" i i Kx -Senator McDonald fuiid I ami for Gar-f land any time oyer aiiy other Democrat. Mixnfacturlng Stone. A NEW FROCEsa FOR MAKtSO JETTt MATK8IAL, Special Dispatch! to the WAsniNOTOw, D.

Febinai-y 12.f-Congress-man-Rice has found a gentleman lii this city who owns the torf the' mniiufucture of an artificial stone which; will auftand the pressure which has been given to gran The patentee proposes to maiiufaetttre from the sand along the banks of tlie Mississippi River tlie stony required to erect the jetties, should that plan be adopted by ut not more than half the cost of ordinary stone, Personal Mention. SOW IN 14115 NATIONAL CAPITA jl Special DlriMtctt to the Glube Democrat. i-; WashinoTOK, D. February 12. B.

Johnson. St. Louis; J. 8mi the v. Arkansas i-IVm.

Penn Nixon, of the Chicago Inter are among the latest arriyuls front the West. I', S-M I IX TO THE USKNOWX. Peter Greenwauldt, While Tespondent, Takes His Own LJfo. Special Dlspstch to the '-j February 12. This city was terribly Shocked thisitfternoon upon hearing of the sulcideof Peter preen wauldt, one of the best-Jcnown and 'wealthiest citizens of a ftian quitef generally known in the West as a contractor Jaud builder; having erected severul publio and State; buildings in Illinois and other States: i He came to this city' nearly thirty years ago, and succeeded In accumulating a large tortunie by his trade as a stone contractor.

A few years ago he secured a divorce from his wife in this city, on grounds of criminal intimacy with another man, which so preyed upon his mindi'that ho traveled in tn rope and tli is After1 returning to this city he made his home with a married daughter where he was living at the time he' committed the terrible deed. lie went to his room early in the afternoon, and about 3 o'clock the report of a revolver: was heard, and on' going Into his room his son-in-law discovered the unfortunate victimjvinglifelcss in a pool of blood. He shot! himself through tlie loof of the mouth, the ball coming ont at the top of the skuAl. The Coiioner's verdict was in accordance with the facts as above. r- Troubled Workmen.

CHtCAoio; February workmen in the Pullman shops to-day leld an indignation the complaints lie in that while they have been receiving bnt.ttro dollars per day a practical reduction has been made to $1 90 by a new order refusing them tickets to and from the They claim that it is a move on the part of the Pullman Oonrpany to compel them to move to Pullman and lave in the Company's houses on which rent lias been raised from ten to seventeen dollars per month, Xunierous other complaints were made. There are fout-H thousand to five thousaud workmen at the. Pullman, shops who are more or less interested. I Saloon-Keeper; vs. Brewers.

Special Dispatch to the Globei-Deraocrat. i, February 12. The saloonkeepers held a meeting this afternoon, which was largely attended, tq protest against the action pi brewers, who 'have recently raised the price of beer and in forbidding drivers of beer wagons spehding any money at saloons, all of which they look upon as in a manner Resolutions were adopted asking brewers to return to the old discount on price; and in the event of refusal the saloon-keepers will beer from Chicago and Milwaukee. oharire against the officer. He was duly locked up.

since his wde'a death, some tlixeejmonths aKo; he has been aetinar as thouirh deibented aud his constant drinking does not better hi case. Ryau's face was pretty well no as not greatly injured otherwises 1: LOCAL IN BRIEF. The Woman Suffrage Association 'will meet at the Pickwick on ednesday uftei'nion at 3 ciocK. Ijncoln LoDGK. No.

190, Germaji Order Hurugari, is busied with preparations for a Krriind masquerade ball, to be held at tlie Tnrn Hall, Carondelet, on the 21st inst. Company N. Capt. McCoy, will have a dress drill to-morrow' evening at the Armory Hall, the occasion being the annual ball ot Naomi Lodge, So. 2, jDaughtcrs of Itebjekah.

The labor Lvceuhi has become the "English branch 'of the ISocialisticlIjibor Party," and will henceforth oieetat-10 o'clock Sunday morning at Burehi's; Hall, Fourth audi Wash-ton avenue. i J-' The Allen Guards, Company 3d ft-'ginient N. G. formerly the- Washington, uards, will cive complimentary bill at Droid Hall next Thursday evening, instead of Wednesday as basrbeen announced. i Yestkrdav'8 beautiful weather induced! a large number to visit the 'Zoological 1 Garden Therro'wd was of such goodly proportions tiiat the three attendants' at the refreshment boo-tli.

were taxed to supply the demand; 'i The regulnr meeting of the Ladies labbajth Associathm will be held to-day, at 3 jin the Baptist Ciiurcli, corner of Morgan ahd Compton avenue. A full attendance is'desitied as matters of importance lire to be jconsld-ered. ThK Socialistic Labor of S4 LonSs, met yesterday at the Central Tuih Routine matters of business were triinsniite'd. It is mooted that the keal object of the inectftig was to consider the ways and means; wherewith to publish a paiper devoted to their interests. Their former organ, the 'jlWisAiwie jrfe hestens" was not ot long duration.

i Thomas Arthur, while eating breakfast with his family yesterday morning, suddenly dropped buck in bis chair and He was a horse-trader by ocenpatioii and 52 years of age. He lived with his wife and five children at No. 805 Cuss avenue, The Coroner will hold the inquest to-day, when the cause of tteatn win be ueteripmeu. A rLEASANTmissibuaiy concei-t was sisrert at the Central M. E.

Church last evening programme being mad-a up of musical ami! literary selections that weire presented by the pastor, Rev, F. L. Bcggs, the Misses Henderson, James. Coulter. Perrv and Mc Bride, iahd Messrs.

G. W. and C. W. Jamesi, BIgBall iaud Luck.

The attentUtnce was large, Bktwekn 4 andjS o'clock afternoon a vrv briirhtii-ain bow made its ance in the northern heavens. Tnef nearly perfect, and the beautiful colors Were defined with peculiar clearness. Tb sun at the time was just being curtained: i a thick bank of clouds in the West, and a second cloud rose as a background lor the bow, tho sky -overhead being perfectly clear. the nomenon continued for about ten JOHN Wateks, formerly High Cl4ie Ranger of the Ancient Order of Foresters of Ifhfe CTnited States. ias received a fine medal i as a tiesti- mouial of the order's esteem tor hint 4 la an eight-pointed star of silver, elegatAly tn-' graved, the medal is set.

Itisofigold, scov-ered with glass. On its face uppear fjie arms of the order, with the supporters of areheij and club-man, and the various emblems, stag's head, thistle, and shamrock. 1 ''Ancient Order of Foresters, instituted from time immemorial, circles itiaround, and the "Uni-tas, Benevolentia, Conc6rdiaJ" appais below. It is a unique and elegant piece qf The St. Louis Tni-nverein gave an enjoyable entertainment at Central Turn Hall lasit night.

In spite ot tlie weather the attendance was larue. Mr. Emil Mueller sung a barytobn Solo; Messrs. Hasslinger and Mueller, a iluet tor tenor and buytone; the vocal sectiiin of the society rendered Lachner's beautiful Son-nensc'hein, in fine style. This, as well aa a violin selection by the leader Mr- Voqrath, were much applauded.

After the eonofert a pretty little comedy by Jacobsobni Entitled Becker's Story, or Eight Days! After the; Wedding. -was very acceptably performed? by a number of members. The ball of this societv will be given- at the hall on Saturday, the 25th of this month, r- I j- i I The Record of Robberies Charles Drill, alias Frank Smith, h3 been boarding at Mrs-! Dudenhaits on Fourth street, near Franklin avenne.j Yesterday morning early he got out of bed and went to a ball that was fcn progress at Stolle'a Hall. There I he ifound Peter Weiser asleep on a bench and lie threw over him a coat or cloak, -and, jslippipg -his hand into Weiser's pocket, abstractedi a silver watch. Two officers gave Mr.

Drill lodgings at Seventh and Carr. Weiser lives out at the Seven-Mile House in Baden, 1 i Between 2 and 3 o'clock yesterday niorning John Solan and John Floyd forccc the transom of James Dempsey's grocery store, 2000 Carr street, and left Wm. Ryan on wat-h at the rear door. They were about to help themselves to whatever camer handy, when Sergeants Fox and Sullivan and OfBcera. Mc-Daniels and Gockin'g, who had II been "piping thm otl" to borne effect took the trio down to the Seventh Street Station.

On Floyd ere found four coins! which Mad beenstolen from the till, Solan has been arrested several times during last or three years for stealing, but bis trequently escaped. Floyd also bears a bod character. This is the first time time that Ryan hasifiirured in such au aifaii-i but he helped Dempsey to move in a tew days ago. Ancient Hiberntanis. i Division No.

3 Ancient Order oi Hibeirnians, met Saturday evening at St. John's Han, Francis McFarland Tiey; initiated four new membejrs, received about ten ipplica-. tions for membership and collected some the President was left the: appoiijtuent of ythree delegates to the convention; of Irish so cieties at Sc. Patrick's Hall next Sunilaty. i Division No.

1 met at Patrick's Hall yesterday afternoon Jolm Walsh presiding. They received three members and applicatlaus for membership from fifteen persons, ij The Father Mathew Young Hons! Tj. A. and B. Society met yesterday afternoon iat their hall, 1306 Olive Street Jeremiah iSheelian prc-sidintr.

James Simon Jordan and JohnColleran were appointed deleatjea to the convention next Sunday and instructed to vote against parade on St. Putrick'fcDay. Sick and Starving. i At 5 o'clock yesterday afternooti; Ofliecr Seamans found a Gerinan! named Charles at the corner1 of pliye s.nd Second streets, in nn extremely pitiable condition sick and ritterly destitutei fallow said he was53 years old, and a jailor -by occupation. He claimed to have aiwife and two children living out on the St.

Charles rock road, but they were in no! condition to help him, being engaged as heqi with a farmer. He also said he.haL served 'in the tl Mart-land Infantry during the Mexican iwaiv, but could find none of his old comrade's, wao might possibly assist iiim. The officer took him to the Dispensaryf i A Wonderful Snow Anhihilator. A New York reporter "asked Contractor and "Plunger" Walton about his proposed sno melting machines. "I have had no success as all," said Mr.

Waliton. took an hour and twenty minutqs tojmelt two -cart-loads. But I found a man' to-day with an idea that seems to bo perfectly, fensibhv It -would not do foir me to tell yku what bis in Vcntion is. Yes, it irdes. on wheels and is drawn bv four horses.

It is six fees wide and the fire covers a surface 'of live feet. It will the snow ias it ruhs over it lis fast as a' horse can run No, not barring- oxnall or inventor claiiiis tliat it will Iroquois. Tlie meit iron even "Are yotrnof af raid that ouj will destroy the car Tcnn't heln that: that's not my business. I told the man that if the maqhine jdtd. half he claimed for it I would'make him 'a; present oi $5,000 and buy! his mucliine.

He fs going to biuid one wnicn win cost sa.uif) ain paient lie claims that ft will bring 'fifom 4X-0 to 4, One degiees of heat within! feKvJinhe of the snow, and the jfaster the horSoS goi the gi-cnter the beat." I i -U '-j I I You must have queer people calling upon yon with still "Come to my I office toimonjow! and I will show you some of the imost pjecuHir compositions you ever saw, bnt youj thust excuse aie now, ua I have had nothing to cat since thLs morninar, and my dinner is ahnouaced. 'After dlnnerl must goidown to Walt' stireet airtt see that my men arejworkins with a will. Sia Edward TtiORNTOM's first m-ception at St. Petersburg was attended iby people, and pronounced ia great succesji. 4 i-H Mr.

Longfellow's 75th birtlwiay is to be celebrated at Portland, on lebraary 27, by the' Maine Historical society. The Spring Meeting. Cincinnati, February 12. The programme for: the spring meeting of trotting at the Chester Driving Park. Association includes nine purses; of 11,000 each, namely: May 9.

2:40 and 2.20, also 2 20 pace; May 10, May 1L 2:26 and pace free for all; May 12, 2:33, 2:17. A special purse of $2,000 will be offered during the meeting, the conditions to be named hereafter. j- i FQBEIGNt NEWS. Austria. INSURGENTS DEFEATED.

i Vifnna, February 12. Minor engagements have taken place in Herzegovina since the 9th inst. The wfere worsted in every The fight on the both, near Tiernova, lasted from daybreak until afternoon Tlie Insurgents fled leaving twenty dead and curry, ing away about fortv wounded. The Austriuns Jost five killed and wounded. PAC1FIN1 IKU8SIA.

i London, February 12. A Vienna dispatch says: In order not to offend Russia, Austria has entirt-iy abandonded her plan of a partial or temporary occupation! of. MoYitenegroy Negotiations iliowever, are proceeding: with Prince Nikita fori tlie Jpassaire of Austrian troops aci-oss his territory if necessaryj This has helped to discouragethe Ksypt. i i i TUB SACKED CAKPKT. -j Caibo, February ceremony of the return of the sacred carpet from Mecca was celebrated in the presence of the Khedive and Ministers.

There was an un usual display of troops and Arabi Bey, Minister of War, w. during the ceremony, received social attention, from the Court, and whs warmly greeted by the populace. Tlie absence of i English, and the French Comptroller General, elicited surprise. i 1 i i Russia. '4 .1 "li PAMrHLETS SEIZED.

London, February 12. A birge number of Nihilist pauiphlets, printed, at Coburg and found in Berlin, have been, seized. I A TURNCOAT. I The disorders RtCharkoff University were caused by the expulsion ot tnree students for iilmiting a person, formerly a socialist, for ciumging his views. i Enslaud.

i AN EXPLOSION IN A MINK. I London, February 12. There were two explosions in the Rhondia Valley Mine. The first killed two person. While exploring party was descending a Second explosion occurred, shattering the shaft and kiljiug four persons.

HICHAKL DAV1TT. I'ebruary At the forthcoming Pai-liatnentary election in Meath the Irish party intend to elect Michael Davitt. Patrick Reran willalsbo nominated, in order if Davitt be disqualified Egau may Uiko the seat. i India. MONOPOLIES ABOLISHED.

LoxikiN Februki-y 12. The King of Burmah has abolished monopolies, jand 'appointed an embassy vvjith a view to establisfiiug relations with i' A SHREWD SCOUNDREL 1 1. Inveigles! a Girl of Fourteen into Mar-s, riage fof Her Estate. Special Dispatch to the Glube-Democrat. Oconomowoc, February 12.

Several prominent lawyers ot Milwaukee are here and have been! retained in a suit "that will be instituted within a -fojw days. 16 seems that a mun living in this county had effected the ruin of a young girl, scareely niore' than 14 years of age, married her against thcE wishes of mother, and, after lier death 1 a few months ater, had made bring suit to gain ah estate left her by hes brother. The interested parties i live near Dela-fietld, a township about eight miles sonth-wist of Niishootooh a station on the St. Paul rojad. Old Billy Hughes, the father of the girl, ws killed by a ilunawsvy team.

Some time before his death, Wm.illughes' had made a will leaving his "valuable: estate to bis wife for her life tiinej and after her death to his two youngest! Willie and Ferry the former a boy and the latter a while the four cider children were left legacies ranging from $200 to fSO0 Three years ago a young man, David Evans, was engaired as a tarm-hand at the Hughes place, and in a short time worked himself iuto the good graces and theconfidence of the smalt family, so much so that he came into possession of all the family secrets and consequently learned of the good fortune ii store for Perry. The latter, an unsophisticated girl as It op-pears from all accounts, Listened only too read-ilv to hjs whisperings of ilove, nntil it became apparent that when yet a child she was soon to become a mother! When this was discovered, abont a year ago. Perry was then little over 14 years ot age. Cousternaiioni prevailed in tlie Hughes family; and when tlie painful fact leaked out there was great indignation among the neighbors. iEvans tried to repair his frightful wrong, or, as it now appears, his design inar action by marrying the girl betrayed in May of lust vear.

Id August last tho child-wife and mother died In confinement, and week later the child died, liotn ot the ctiiiaien, the guiity and the innocent; were buried in the same graVe.j Evansi left; the place, but has sent word to the Hughes family that he had instituted proceedings to recover his wife's estate, but lie would agree to'a settlement if a handsome sum was paid. This proceeding has caused considerable of a sensation, as there is La bitter feeling; against Evans in the commun ity. There are several interesting law points involved in tne suit, wnicn win do instituted in the Probato Court of -Waukesha. The first is, whether the Perry Hughes and David Evans was valid. The ceremony was performed by Old -'Squire James Rice, living near the Hughes place.

The term of the 'Squire as Justice of the Pence of the town of Delalield had eocpircd at the time, but his successor had failed to qualify And Rice was subsequently reappointed. In the intervening time the marriage ceremony was performed by and it is a Question whether it will hold under the law.f Another question is whether Evans may not; be held tor seduction, and nnally whet Iter the estate of Perry does not revert to the mother, the legatee having died a minor, and the last and most important point is that the girl was not fifteen yeiirs of age, and could not Jbe married without Wer parents consent under the provision of the revised statutes. Whatever the outcome of this suit may be so much can be said that the sympathy ot the community is certainly not on the sine of Evans. The estate that was left the unfortunate girl is worth from to $10,000. Evans claims that as tjie child lived a week he is entitled to the There is a difference of opinion among "a number of lawyers who were consulted on the subject, i Father Betts Catholic Supporters.

Yesterday and fluring the last week several Land presumably Catholics, were exerting themselves to sell tickets for the entertainment 'to' be given on the 20th for the benefit of Trinity Church, bf which Rev. C. Bettsf, known as an ardent Land Leaguer, is; pastor, i The boast was also made that 500 Oat holies would be present and exert themselves to make it a success. This has aroused the ire; of ioiher Catholics, Land too, and they express themselves very strongly on the subject. Catholics are taught that it is sinful to contribute to the support of heretical," worsnip, anu --r ainer jueiis, Hiougn to be Catholic, is by the members of the Roman communion looked upon as a heretic! Said one of them: "If I am called on to aid Mr.

Betts' church, I might as well join it at once, Out my nationalism does not run to the length 6f apostasy. Some of these gentlemeh that are so to show their good feeling toward Mr. Betts would do much better bv sup porting their own charcbes. They're just he kind or men you'll hear sneeringand growling when they hear, from somebody that goes to mass, that the priest is calling for money. I suopose they are 'liberal Catholics.

i I js Aiding the Indians. Special Dispatch to G-e-Deuioerat. Rochester, N. February 12. A thousand peopletattended a meetin in? the Brick Presbyterian this evening to protest against "the iGaverolinent's of the American Indians.

R-tdical addresses were delivered by leaders in the Presbyterian and Baptist (Jenoui-, inations. By a standing vote the large congre-: gation adoped a resolution to memorialize Congress, asking for justice and good faith in carrying out lDdiun treaties. i niu i-dr he would make the insurance eav for ii i t' r.j I 1 ij his wife and family "to realize on his policies and so he scattered bis pocketboos and along the street and the railroad track, before be shot himself. i Mr. Joseph a member of the com-i Tntttee representing the InsruriiiHe companies Interested, who Luve been.

investigating into the i 1 i I CACSF.S OF THK COSrUOTtATIOS i of the Osborne reaper wsrtdionse, on South Aloritan streit, ubout whose -origin there-were a number of suspicious circuuistances, Baid: "We -finished removing' the debris from the building about week ago, and have bad ex- perls examining the. hole through tho brick-woik uniietj I the vault, and we are now pretty well convinced that tlie ware house whs not burned down with of i detruuding the Insurance companies, but, it -I was feared, with a view of covering up frauds that had been perpetrated on Osborne A Co. by their employes. The liola through the brick floor of tho vault was evidently made from. top, and not from the bottom.

Now, then, this, put together with the ftiet that there was very little money in the warehouse, and that It as not the kind of place the) burglars break Into, and that Kuiisomj and perhaps mother emnloyes, had been eniritged in pec biting, we feel pretty certain that Our theory is correct. The bungling efforts made t) mislead the newspapers about the origin o( the lire only seems to confirm jour suspicion. If llansolii was a guilty party, we teel sure there were others aiso. The job was evidently not dona by xp'i ts.j V'si nieau to, follow the' theory up i i until tue i i niLFBrt IS CAtGHT, I lr it takes a vear. i i in uddirion to wuat ir.

hiiiik-k snvg aoove, 'a deti'i'tive reports that thev have discovered that Mr. Ransom lad lost over; tlO.OOO on the Board ot Trade duiiug the pat year, -and that of Jate his mode of business bad! been i so i reckles that some brokers hd refused to do bis In the lace of all these Various rumors there are niuuy who believe that he was followed from tliHf tiiiy and murdered. The amount of insuranceo.i the Osborne warehouse as and on stock $140,000, divided among some twi nty or more coiripanies.i The funeral Is announced lor Monday uiorniug, after which the inquest will' be i TMK FIKK RKCOKU. -I i At St. Mo.

i Jpticlal Dlpateh to the Globe-Ie)iiocnt. i i Ht. JositfU Mo.j February: 12 Thia after noon the residence of Rev. Dr. E.

S. Duliu was destroyed by flre'. The house was situated Just northeast of thai city limits, and was a very fine and costly frame storic high itnd large. The Are wa engendered from a burning flue, and before the alarm could be 'given the entire roof Was one solid sheet of dame.j JVeailv all the. household goods, to-, gotlier with the library, which was very large and valuable, were destroyed.

The fiyss on building and outbuildings will reach fully $3.000 1 or $4,000, andj the 'household roodsJ will umke; the loss $8,000 or $10,000. r. Dulin was four years President of the fe-iTiale col leire here, and las winter purchased and added to this bouse, which he Intended as his home. Ho was this morning installed as pastor of the Second Baptist Oburcn and preached his opening sermon. All be had in toe world was hi home place and library, of which ho was very fond.

i'. I' i May le a Costly Fire, i Brahfohd, February 12. A spark from a locomotive on tho Buffalo, Kew York and Philadelphia Railroad, this evening, set fire i-.

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