, E stablish fSecon d - ; - - ment o - r 13 k , - a nstablishment ' B' -dk an ; , 'Th; qujtIon w'hether 'The: 4:1-tiea' tton vvilether' i;rt ston. aye- ue i.r1 the' vicinity of Union - l bottle Irn Al. v,4111 ta., 'karat -i vaidr will have one op two banits; 4 was peacefully: settled lest night; at , isa Tneetintelield bSt'eventy-live,repstt 1 te.sentath-re business meniorthe dis-t . triet at Stuart'a undertaking. par-! lors, 5525 Easton avenue. These men; . 'unanimously' Voted, to--give theirr ON uno.ort tel the 'Union-Easton Trust! ,-, -, - ---i. .. , - ., BUSINESS MEN' INDORSE , - ' ' ' UNION EASTON TRUST '''. , , ., , , . , , M erch ants Decide ' - ', Against , Establishment ofiSecond - - , ,, . : , - I , an '" . . I - . -. Th . question whether r;aston eve-! n-ue i'rt -the'' N-1' c I n l'iy of L'Inion bo.ule-;' rai d wil t 11S1 V O eint. or 'two hanks: boule- nuO the' Nicinify of Union raid will have one or , two banits; .ti-as neat-v.1'1111v: ticttledlsst night at I . '7',..L.,V 1.! KILITii lir115 Mit,11, yi alzv !,--1 . triet at Stuart's undertaking par-s! 1 5525 Easton a v e n u e . 7hose mon ; unanimously' 'voted, to give their' PPort to the Union -Easton Trust I r ompany;s su; of WhicheArthur F. C.1 Is president , thus unitingr the 3uppo'rters'of this organtsattors with those of the trioup.headed by H. W.: Felter, which had alsdbeen serious i IV considering organizing a bank ln' , that locality. ' The ,proposal wa s nlade by Felter of the Fetter Hard- rti 1. were Copany, 517V Easton avenue . Sauel L.s NV:Inver, Aldermen of - V , ard, in ad- in the Twenty-seventh - dreseing the, assemly, indorsed the Union-Easton -Trust Comps u,3', stet- 'nor thnt hp had' "investigated the - . organization that t I onne ,:lnadd 1;.'lins,vaelsitirgigiihted.. tItti,e t said that pari a -thP city Could not whieh ,, Included AlderwanJ. Wimer. support two banks. A comtnittee of nye to announee thamalgamation tbiuoinidli,nnga, of. the, two factions was appointed, Arthur Maple. n. A. Stierlin, Edward 11ffle',and 'chterles F. Stuart. ill00a-ifroeoatelA'otu41-adte5r:12e5nnERatartuoen4 The i 110,W 1 bank triist company ' arenus- - The institution will has.l a capital -stock of S200,000. Blase --, announced more than 50 per rent of the. stOck ' 'has 'al.teady be,en sold:, 1 - dressing the assemly, indorsed the Union-Easton Trust COMP:171Y, stating that he had ',Investigated the organization and it is, all right." Ile said that part a -thP city eould not support two banks. A committee or La