gR SAH ANGELO STANDARD-TIMES In Asgelo Testa Sunday Maralng July II ISM ANGELO ANTHEM — Mayor Paul Hudman and Columbia Records representative F W Stubblefield of San Antonio listen to balladeer Marty Robbins sing a saga of the frontier called "San Angelo" The song composed by Robbins is the number one band in his new LP album "More Gunfighter Ballads" and Stubblefield an ex-San Anaeloan was In town last week to present the new album to Mayor Hudman (Staff Photo) Safely First No Good Road To Stardom NEW YORK (AP)— Safety first U foe— except when a girl bum Jo be a headline stir like Carol Lawrence Spills and tumble come often Jhen Carol baa bad plenty Once he knocked herself out at a re-JiearaaL Another time the director shuddered aa die triod-sue-cestfully— an impromptu acrobatic lit "I want to do what hasn’t been done before— audiences love that' U Carol'a explanation of the demure ferocity that lurka behind a fragile dainty acting style I Singing and dancing Mias Lawrence is leading lady of Broad-Vay'a musical hit "West Side Story" During the past year she has alto become a frequent visitor bn television spectaculars Tva noticed audience response Is different recently N she reports pf such TV exposure "I seem to have become kind of family to Ihem” ARTS AND DARTS San Angelo Now Pressed In Wax By JERRY NORMAN BAN ANGELO may never rival Paris aa a storied city of song but we've got one going for us anyhow And ifa titled limply "San Angelo" The song written by ballad-deer Marty Robbins Is tha first track on Robbins' new "More Gunfighter Ballads" album for Columbia And to herald the big event Columbia sales representative F W Stubblefield of San Antonio was in San Angelo last week to give a copy to Mayor Paul Hudman acquaint various dj’a with Robbins’ latest and spread the good word in general STUBBLEFIELD a native San Angeloan (he was born and pent Ms early years here) and a former Sonera resident lays Columbia la pinning high hopes on the "San Angelo” tune and on Robbins in general "San Angela" Is also part of a 45 LP record Stubblefield aid and may be issued as a ingle "if it catches on” The tune a long long' five-minutes-and-41-seconda strip of wax bean more than a few similarities to Robbins’ million-seller "El Paso” IN "BAN ANGELO” the pure ’ol gunfighter rides Into dusty town to see his girl Soccorro And as in "El Paso” half of West Texas la lying In wait Robbins has a pleasing voice and the tune is helped by a bit of Mexican irumpetry His lyrics are a trifle clumsy and ‘the tune a bit monotonous but so if "El Paso” Stubblefield says San Angelo Is bound to get miles of publicity out of the song And who's to argue with him Whoever thought El Paso would turn up with so many counters in the Census derby this spring? ANYONE WHO hasn’t Jumped on the symphony wagon with a of tickets writer his old of n for to of