Pay Less Market Special Edition v Pay Less Market Special Edition EXCLUSIVE ASSOCIATED Hl$S WIREPHOTO UNITED PRESS VOL CXXX- OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY, MATT 16, 1939 NO. 138 DOLLAR MARKET CENTRE OPENS TOMORROW WITH COMPLETE Experts He Survey Proves Oakland Best MILLION STOCKS A ad All Branches Over 50,000 Kinds Of Articles Offered To General Public Tomorrow marks the opening of I the new $1,000,000 '"Market Centre, one 'of California's most modern food and drug concerns, at 1901 Telegraph Avenue, formeijfy the Capwell Central Market. Completely renovated, at a cost of more than $200,000, and present ing highest quality merchandise at ! economical, Pay Less prices, the 'Market Centre is declared to be lone of the finest and most com plete markets ever opened in Oak land. More than 50,000 separate articles are offered here in lines including groceries, meats, drugs, vegetables, candies, liquors, tobacco and sundry associated items. NEW SERVICE It will offer Oakland shoppers a new service inday and night buying convenience. The market will remain open daily from a.m. to 12 midnight. ' To be operated by a partnership of L. J. Skaggs and D. H.:Rock, the Market Centre is an Oakland institution with national purchasing power. It will feature articles on the established Pay Less policy originated by the owners. The market may be reached from 19th Street, Telegraph Avenue and Williams Street, as well as an entrance from the parking lot in" the rear. It Is situated in a central downtown' area convenient to all shoppers of the metropolitan and suburban areas. Nearby are the department stores, other retail (ps and the theaters . niHER DEPARTMENTS ifi addition to the Pay Less Drug Stores and the, Pay Less Grocery Store, there are 50 other merchants in the huge food emporium. These -mefehflftts-' have been-seleeted-witfr ,W m at w n m o O ! :':; 1 t !' lit ' f If I ; . H t m in i s I" Ii id I k i jHJ v .2f The new $1,000,000 Market Centre, looking toward the main. entrance at 19th Street and Telegraph Avenue. These portals lead to the thousand and one items assembled for Oakland shoppers. Inside are the Pay Less Drug Stores and Grocery, fruit and vegetable departments, sections o! meat and fish, places to eat and places to buy things to cook and to cook with. This market has been remodeled at a cost of $200,-000 to greet its new customers tomorrow. It represents one of largest remodeling projects In Oakland In the past 20 years. In it the management hopes to present only the finest of merchandise at prices fitted to every budget. It invites your patronage tomorrow and every day thereafter. the greatest care, and their tenancy. in the markpt is haspd nn mmlifi- cations of experience and ability to provide the best service, best values and lowest possible prices. The Market Centre is literally a "city of shops" under the one big roof. ... ' Nearly every piece of equipment tn the market is the .most modern nd efficient obtainable, providing the highest degree of sanitation and scientific care in. handling merchandise. Thousands of dollars have -teen spent on the interior architecture and ' lighting to. make this market the brightest, cleanest and most convenient modem science could devise. Customer satisfaction Is the aim of,, Skaggs and Rock as they open tomorrow. Gardenias for Visitors very visitor at the openine'of the Market Centre tomorrow will re- of the flowers will be passed out to opening day visitors as they file into the big new market, -4 QUIET, LEISURELY SHOPPING OFFERED Free Parking Service Is Offered to Market Center Patrons, IN NEW MARKET . Shop In a calm market. . There will be ho hawking or barking of wares in the Market Center, All wares will be displayed in an attractive manner so that the market patron can select his purchases without confusion. . . All concessions and ' aisles have been arranged to provide leisurely and convenient shopping! .. All of the aisles have been designed to allow through passage with ample room. The floor 6f the market has been covered with Mastipave, reducing noise and giving customers a safe, non-slip surface on which to walk. Vehicles used in, the market are equipped with rubber tires, to allow smoother, more quie't passage. ' This market will be nearly as clean and quiet as y.our public library. Baking Skill Acquired Baking skill is made and not born. It takes no special gift nor ' magic touch to work wonders with a mixing bowl. a tm it i .1- . f"la ... ,.,...l. . --l -. With Attendants "Present to tlimmate Mopping urudgery Free parking. is offered every patron of the Market Centre, Use this' big parking lot at the rear. of the building at all times. Feel free to place your car there when 'making purchases in the markets The management invites you to leave your car where it will be safe, and convenient while you shop. Departments throughout the market will he glad to validate your ticket, whether you stay for five minutes or an hour. The lot is there for your convenience and to make' shopping easier. Courteous attendants will be on duty day and night. They are trained to assist drivers, and will answer your questions concerning the market. Don't spend valuable time searching for a parking space, on the streets when this facility is at your service. It costs nothing. It saves time and it takes irriuch of the drudgery out of shopping. Attendants in the market gladly will carry your parcels to your automobile and help you, pack them for the ride home. It is a modern service that the Market Centre extends to its patrons. This-lot can accommodate 200 cars an hour, and is exclusively for the Market Centre customers. Particularly is this facility offered to the ladies, the housewives who wish their car parked safely and conveniently while they shop. There is no waiting, no danger of overtime parking, walking for blocks with arms loaded. Enter the lot, from 19th Street as you come either from Telegraph or San Pablo Avenue. Leave by the Williams Street exit, and avoid the congestion of downtown driVirlg.' THe service is entirely ' yours. ' The Market Centre inites'y6u" to use it as often as you like. Select Fresn Fish You can be sure that you are getting fresh fish if you select that which has red gills, scales which stick plosely, ,eyes Bright and bulging and flesh that is free from slime, elastic and firm to the touch and keeps no impression when the finger is pressed inlo it. Chill Fresh Peas Do you know that fresh peas keep their delicious sweet flavor if chilled while garden fresh? This is because the low temperatures retard the ripening of the peas. As the ripen .the sugar is changed intr starch and the flavor' is changed too. . . . Lettuce Vitamin Value , The outer green leaves of lettuce contain more vitamin value than the ' pale inner ones1 and- should therefore be used. They may be sliced thin and used under molded salads or in the center of a ring mold. To slice, slack several leaves together, roll tightly and slice fine vvith a sharp knife. v Refrigerator Defrosting , With the coming of warm weather and higher humidity in your kitchen, frost ""will collect much more rapidly on the froster than it does in Winter. Plan to defrost and clean your refrigerator wllh soap and water at least weekly, If the frost collects very rapidly, defrost more frequently. DAY AND NIGHT . SERVICE ASSURED OAKLAND SHOPPERS The Market Centre will be open 15 hours out of every 24 for the convenience of its Customers, ft will open every day, Including Sundays, at B a.m.., and will not shut the big doors until midnight of eacfa day. ' "'-: Take advantage of this day and night service. Remember, when the need for lorn . article arises after 6 p.m., that it still may be purchased at the Market Centre, Except for the departments re-auired by law to close at earlier hours or those desiring to close early, the entire market facilities will remain in operation from morning to midnight, . This is a service extended to Oakland by the managers with a conviction that it is needed and desired. Shop when it is convenient and. avoid the crowds. i , ! Location of New Market Found Hub Of Eastbay Trade Oakland was selected as the loea tion for the Market Centre and Pay Less Drug Stores only after a care ful survey of the entire metropolitan region, according to the partners in v the firm, L. J. Skaggs and D. H. Rock. "So far as we could ascertain after a very careful survey of several months, the Eastbay area opened . to us practically all of the faQilitiei we needed for the largest and most outstanding market operation pf the community," they said. HUB OF BUSINESS "We feel that the location across Telegraph Avenue from the H. C Capwell store is in reality the hub of business activity of this area, and there we will be able to render ' most complete shopping service." Rock and Skaggs pointed out that the. market building iteelf, 330 feet long, by 178 feet" wide, has been renovated inside and out to increase the Market Centre's facilities for serving the public. A host of new and improved conveniences have -been added. "Merchandising policies throughout the market will be under strict regulation, which assures the public " protection in its buying. It will, prove a definite benefit to every , patron who enters our doors. SERVICE ASSURED "All such regulations and im- provements will make it possible to offer the, greatest inducements to residents of this area to concentrate their purchasing on the Market C.entre. . , "The market management guarantees to the community unusual and unmatched facilities, conveniences, services and values. We be lieve that the people of this area will be proud to have the largest andmost"' modern" market iOhelr" " community. "Because of the great variety of tenants in the market and of the merchandise offered under its roof, patrons: are ' assured of the most . comDetitive DriceS available in any shopping center, and can be as- sured of unmatched values at all times." ' ' ' Avocados Useful Avocados belong to, the fruit family and function in menus as any fruit or 'vegetable, rich in vitamins and minerals. STORES REQUEST PATRONS' AID TO REDUCE ERRORS Pay Less stores ask that you help them prevent errors in your purchasing. J When you return home from a trip to the Market Centre, empty your shopping bag and check the price on each item with the figures on the cash register tape. Should there be any discrepancy whatsoever, bring the tape with you when next you come to the market and the error will be Corrected. Pay Less management desires that every transaction be accurate, ' , Greetings Metro i Dolifan Oak and ! jARKET CENTRE opens tomorrow, Jbjinging to this community a new million-dollar ijtreamlined food and drug merchandising center at the old Capwell Market location at 19th and Telegraph in Oakland. It tjtrkigs to the entire metropolitan, area something distinctively new in shopping con. venience, something far in advance of ; the "shopping facilities ponsessed hy any other" western city. - ."'. . ' V': - ' The management of MARKET CENTRE spent months in inlennive research before choos. ing Oakland as the best city in California for this vast market operation, and before : choosing the old market site ( across Telegraph Avenue from the Capwell Department Store as the hub spot in Oakland and the logical locatjon for the most complete shop. . ping service. r The market building has been entirely renovated inside and out, and facilities for serv. ing the public greatly enlarged. MARKET CENTRE presents unparalleled ; conveniences, services and values. Nothing has been left undone to provide comfort for patrons. Floors are payed with sound-deadening material. Aisles and concessions have been arranged for leisurely uncongested shop. " ping. A new high in modern refrigeration, in scientific market' sanitation, 'has been achieved. The most accurate weighing and caeh register system available has been; installed, assuring customers of maximum protection with every purchase. .;:t i ; . Parking facilities, free for patrons, have been tremendously enlarged. MARKET. CEN THE is in reality a City of Shops: ' In addition to our own operations, including the Pay . Less Drug Stores and the Pay Less Grocery Store, 50 other merchants -will operate in Oakland's great new shopping hub. These merchants have been carefully selected on i basis of their experience, reputation and ability to provide the best service and values at tjie lowest competitive prices. .','" '.. '. " 7 . MARKET CENTRE offersnhe last word in public-rest rooms, equipped wilh maid and .'. r i ' 1 porter service. . Most Important i)f all, MARKET CENTRE offers the matchless convenience of one-stop shopping service,' adjacent to the leading department stores, retail shops and theaters, and the attraction of shopping in one of the largest and most modern, as well- as on of the most thrifty markets in America. v ,''''.'". . ' ; " ' ; , - . . t '."... i fc. .. ? r; :..i'J-r t t '".'.'.if..; f" . We believe MARKET CENTRE will , attract not-only people from-all parts -of the metropolitan area, but alio thousands of people from outside, thus further -enhancing its value to the community. We are proud to invite, and welcome yu tomorrow to Oaklands new MARKET CENTRE for centralized marketing and we believe you will be proud to welcome us to this splen did and growing city. MARKET CENTRE ,"LJ. SKAGGS : . D. H. ROCK V