Residence of E. B. Braden in course of construction on Oakland - Chivers, architect. RHS1BHNCE" NBA.K. avOCTO VISTA! avenue, near BayQVistau H. C. "! - . CLASSIC HOME IN OAKLAND AVE: Another Handsome Oakland Residence Which is Being i- Erected Substantially. E. B. Braden is having erected a handsome new residence on the west, side of Oaklandj avenue. 140 west oi JJay Vista avonue, from a design drawn -Architect H. C. Chlver. J The house lir designed on classic line and is ;bein built of durable materials. It is belnf constructed j of concrete up to n.t-story windows, marked off In representation of cut stone work. The walls above of red nressed brick In. Flemish -bomvV The roof is of tile. The Windows are plate glars.' . The Interior is finished of. ostk on the first floor. - The building is desff&gd' . to give a clean-cut clty-hous-. dignified effect- and will therefore b constructed' of the best materials, fre from any flamboyant ornamentation. ' T building will bo one of the best home in -Oakland. Mr. Braden Is Vice-President of Selby Smelting & Iad Co. EAST SIXTEENTH ,1