Formally Opened Today Nelson Brothers, apartment builders, have just completed this reinforced concrete apartment building at 415 Bellevue above Grand Avenue. Its many modern feature include Spencer Elevator Equipment and Marshall and Stearns wall beds. Four-room suites predominate. ' i t ; T TV - - - -t . . i f WWW jims. i ) -1 h j;; ri ft H r , ! ' y All S HAVE STYLES The imnortance of awnings In residential architecture has been too often overlooked In designing T.-.v.n hnrna. Thli 4a Tinlnterl nut uaniuaj .'".'-" . - by the awning stylists of the Daunl Thomas company, specialists In made to measure canvaa perquinnca all vn nf huildlnes. W. D. Von Gunten, manager of the com pany, states: HTh. TiAuf TiAtterna of canvas NEW in 4, S fa 0 1 K J fDiPil i nig igrti i 4 J. P. Williams, general manager of the Pacific Mausoleum, located In Evergreen cemetery at Havens-court and Foothill boulevards, Oakland, announces that the many major improvements under way are rapidly nearing completion. Williams states, "Not only Is the mausoleum being redecorated throughout, additions being added, PUBLIC INVITED TO MAUSOLEUM APAHT IS OPENED TflDJIY EDO INSPECTION New Building at 415 Belle. vue-Is-Shown-by Owners. ThA Aierht storv apartment build ing at 415 Bellevue, Just off Grand avenue, is formally opened lor inspection today by Nelson Brothers, the builders. Two floors of the structure are given over to ea-raeps. the residential suites occupy ing the other six. Nelson Brothers state: t, "In Dlanninfe the 415 Bellevua apartments a 'departure from tha conventional arrangement of apartment suites was effected. Of tho 24 units comprised in the building, 19 are of a new type having four i-ooms with two bedrooms, or four rooms with a combination dining; rnnm Anrt livine room. This idea has already proven Us popularity,. for nine tenants have occupiea suites of this character prior to the-' formal opening date. A few minor details, mainly decorative effects, remain to be completed in the pre-, . i inkk. KTitfn. all rjrae-' tlcal purposes the building is ready for occupancy. "The latest type of steel window i- l- nnnlaH a tVTin that Basil una uccii ti v. i . u - - affords greatest visibility and that does not inieriere wnn wi beautiful panoramas that may be enjoyed In every direction. The structure is also of reinforced concrete type and Is practically fireproof. The architectural design follows the popular modern trend with somewhat futuristic tenden-: cies. Every suite is located at a corner of the building, thus taking full advantage of sunshine and view.. Features include burgiar-proof locks, a new model of electric range in colors and with speed units, imported wall papers, acid resistant kitchen sinks, colored art tile In the bathroom and kitchen, overHlzed steam heating and water heating equipment, storage and tradesmen's lockers, Marshall and Stearns wall beds, Concealo cabinet ' equipment, Hipolito roller screens and a Spencer automatic elevator fully equipped with highly perfected automatic safety controls. The entrance and lobby, with lt-wlde staircase are really preten4 tious and have been hand decorat-f ed In modernistic styles and colors. Silver and black are the dominant! colors of the entrance with redHA vellows and creens giving effective contrast in the lobby itself. Transportation facilities are excellent with the Grand avenue, cars and San Francisco trains less than a block distant. . This exclusive district also affords the advan- , 1 I , f Ir..lln na,.lr and the beautiful grounds of Lake Merrut along us norinern rim.