REFUGEES DESTROY SHIP'S ENGINES Tear Gas Overcomes Resistance EFUGEES aboard the illegal immigrant ship Theodor R engines they resistance to a Royal useless off the Palestine coast early to-day. Destroyers P.o.W. IS FARM VOLUNTEERS' HOST FIREMAN old railway fireman, of Cor-| FRANK QUINLAN, 20-yearporation-street, Poolstock. Wigan, was knocked down and Herzl destroyed the ship's Naval boarding party was had to tow the ship into Haifa. Six of the wounded refugee Jews interviewed in hospital today said that there was some opposition when they were intercepted by a British destroyer off Tel Aviv. The refugees tried to throw the first two British sailors climbing up to the captain's bridge back into the sea but they did not succeed. The boarding party, they added, then used tear gas and fired several shots. which wounded some of the refugees. They said they believed two were killed, but this was not confirmed from other sources. Haifa Quiet All is quiet in Haifa to-day, but army reinforcements were guarding oil installations. A general alert has been flashed throughout Palestine, for the arrival of immigrant ships is often the signal for terrorist raids. The Theodor Herzl, which is reported to have 2,500 Jews aboard and to have sailed from France, tried to take advantage of the preoccupation of the British fleet with arrangements for the visit of the U.S. fleet to Mediterranean. Reuter, A.P., and B.U.P. HARRR, is German Alderley prisoner Edge Cheshire, Agricultural camp orderly, will help Mrs. E. Hughes, the matron, to look after the volunteer workers. The first to arrive are seen being greeted by Mrs. Hughes and Harry, who tell them, 66 We feed you well."