. t is said there is no rest for the-wicked but there is no rest for the ' winners,, either, ; un-wicked astthey.may be.- ' University ofr Nebraska football coach iBob Devaney found that out. Friday fresh on the heels of his team's 35-31 victory over the U ni ve r s i t y of Oklahoma, as-he flewto Miami to make arrangernents- for Nebraska's appearance v in the Orange vBowl' ,N e w Year's Day., " ; ; . "Coach Devaney is in Miami to make all the necessary arrangements," NU sports " in formation director Don Bryant 4 s said Friday. "He has. to ar range hotel . accommodations for the team, as well as obtain permission 'for practice - sites and locate necessary equipv "He plans to meet with the press '. 6n: Saturday morning there.", , , Ken James, vice president and general manager of the ABC Omaha affiliate, KETV, said Friday: "the audience was larger than the average bowl television audience." James contacted a research executive for ABC in New York, who in turn reported that "sometime during the game a bare minimum of 20 million homes were tuned in to the Nebraska-Oklahoma game. "This figures to 35 million plus viewers," he said. The NU Thanksgiving Day victory was further enhanced by a personal telephone call from President Nixon. The-President asked Devaney about the exciting game and the Husker coach replied: "Yes, sir, they sold a lot of popcorn today. Nobody left." Devahey Mianii m It took the President nearly. 30 minutes to get his telephoned connection, as he called the press bbx at Owen Field . seconds after the game ended. Attempts -were made to patch the 'call into' the locker room, but they failed; 'Devaney had to return the call. . ; -The coach declined to comment, on what the' President Peanut Pitchout Goes ; : 'Gov.fJ. J.iExori said ,Friday khs.. of peanuts from -Hall and that, his winnings from a', bet :.0Qlbs. of beef from.Exon - as with' .Oklahoma Gov. -Davidff arbitration. ; Hall '100 lbs of peanuts Z . . will be delivered personally DyBrotneitS-'Said Hall'in the next two weeks, . V 4i ' ; Exon 'and Hall bet on the", uiuvtjrsiiy' or . ieurasna- uni versity of Oklahoma football game played at Norman, Okla.,' ' Thanksgiving Day. j ' . The Nebraska "governor v'ex-, plained that during a quail hunt Nov. -22, he found out what binding arbitration was all about. Seems he and Hall had difficulty getting together on what to bet. Gov. Cecil Anders of Idaho presented the bet 100 Industrials Up 17.96, Trans 5.22 The stock: market closed higher Friday, Dow Jones averages showing 30 industrials up 17.96 to 816.5920 trans up . 5.22 to 214.18 and 15 utilities up .83 to 108.86. ma nmns: etoId him but Devaney 's replies' 4VUUiu neai a 111 .uie ui essuig oom, part of . which obviously dealt with . Nebraska's ap- ' pearance against Alabama in-the Orange Bowl. "Thank you sir,"'? Devaney said. "Alabama is a fine team, but I don't, think our boys are looking ,'past Hawaii next week." Lus.rT;imi8 Brist0li''Pa(, (UPI) The tyilliam 1 ' Foehl . family of Croydon 6aa,'lost: two of its sons ?ihthe past two months. Drug abuse-killed1 mem- both, She police said. ' William Foehl Jr., 17 was found dead of a drug overdose Oct. 17 in a wooded area near a shopping center in Mor-risville. His older brother, Stephen 19, died Thanksgiving Day at a friend's apartment here. Authorities ordered laboratory tests to determine the cause of death. Police said it appeared he died of a combination of drugs and alcohol. Burger Slated Washington W Chief Justice Warren E. Burger is scheduled to address the National Conference on Corrections, which will be held in Williamsburg, Va., Dec. 5-8. for Bowl He' was smiling-'-when he made' that comment. . ; Nixon also " phoned losing Oklahoma: . coach Chuck Fairbanks, and he too had to return the call. "We did play well," Fairbanks said. "I was very proud of our team today. We just came out on the short end." to Husker s However, Anders gave three points in his betting with Exon rather than specific items and no points. Exon won that also since the Huskers won by four points. 'The peanuts from Halt will be turned over to the NU ,football team, Exon said. - So ' while cracking heads, the team will also be cracking peanuts.", Had he lost the bet with Gov. Hall,. Exon would ihave--come out on the short end. of the deal: price on dressed beef on Nov. 22 was 54 cents a pound, while the standard price of a 125 lb. bag of shelled peanuts is 24 cents per pound. Gov. Hall nor his staff mentioned eating crow as the Oklahoma chief executive entertained Exon after the game. Hall has previously mentioned that Exon would be eating the mythical stuffed bird Thursday night after the game. It was barbecue ribs and leftover turkey- The bet witn the governor of Hawaii: a case of papaya and a case of pineapple against an equivalent value of Nebraska corn, Exon said. No bet has been made with the Alabama chief executive over the Alabama-Nebraska Orange Bowl game.