FINAL igmoN y Q) m1 jk Li I 777 -i "I NORTH WESTERN INDIANA'S GREATEST NEWSPAPER .Vol. 26. No. 110. THE COURIER ESTABLISHED 1831 LAFAYETTE, TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 8, 1945 THE JOURNAL ESTABLISHED 1829 16 PAGES THREE CENTS Allied Flags of Freedom. Flu Over All West Fronts VICTORY" IM DAY CHURCHILL ANNOUNCES FULL VICTORY BY LAND, SEA, AIR Prime Minister Proclaims V-E Day and Solemnly Pledges Prosecute Warfare LONDON". Mav 8. (INS) Prime Minister Winston Churchill today formally announced the defeat and unconditional surrender of nazi Germany, with all organized hostilities coming to an end at 6:01 p. m., E. W. T. tonight. The prime minister, in a soberly-worded broadcast pledging all Britain's resources to prosecution of the remaining war against Japan, efficially proclaimed V-E day in effect and sanctioned general holidays in the British Isles for today and tomorrow. DOENITZ READY r TO COOPERATE Admiral Offers , to Remain at Helm During Allied Occupation of Reich. LONDON, May 8. (UP)-Grand Admiral Karl Doenitz, appointed by Adolf Hitler to succeed him as fuehrer as Germany, offered today to remain at the helm of the All British Resources to Against Japanese. Any German troops still resist- ing after the "cease fire" goes into full effect at 6:01 p. m. will be re garded as outlaws, deprived of protection under the rules of warfare and subject to savage attack from all quarters." BIG BEN CHIMES Churchill's broadcast was preceded by the chimes of Big Ben, He perfunctorily recounted details of the German surrender and then let his voice rise as he said: "The German war is therefore at an end." At conclusion of his brief address, buglers of the Scots guard sounded the cease fire call and an orchestra played "God Save The Bullet-Tom Body Is Believed Hitler WITH THE BRITISH SECOND ARMY, May 8. (AP) Col. An-otoly Pilugln, war correspondent of Tass, official soviet news agency, has said a Russian general had stated that the body of a man identified as Adolf Hitler had been found in the ruins of Berlin. The Russian general was not named. During a meeting two days ago between Marshal Sir Bernard L. Montgomery and Marshal Kon-stantin Rokossovsky of the second White Russian army, Russian officers asked Pilugin, who is attached to the British second army as a war correspondent, whether the British believed Hitler was dead or alive. Pilugin said he replied there was a mixed 1 opinion, but that the Russian general, whose identity he did not disclose, stated that the Russians had found in Berlin the bullet-torn and battered body of a man identified as Hitler. . VICTORY SPURS PEACE PARLEYS CITY RECEIVES VICTORY NEWS IN REAL THANKSGIVING SPIRIT Churches and Schools Play Leading Role in Observance of V-E Day Here Purdue Has Program Evening Assemblies Called for Worship Flags Fly Proudly. Official announcement that the war had ended in Europe and proclaiming V-E day was received without excitement Tuesday in Greater Lafayette. Wild excitement and exultation usually come with news of such great import, but which has a surprise element. This feature was absent Tuesday because events of Monday and of the U. S. "Brownout" Order Revoked WASHINGTON, May 8. (INS) The War Production Board today officially revoked the nationwide "brownout" order on all outdoor advertising, decorative and display lighting. Edward Falck, chief of WPB's office of war utilities, said the- brownout, which became effective February 1, had saved 500,000 tons of coal during the period of the nation's most critical fuel shortage. Falck warned, however, that past few weeks had indicated def- initely that the nazis were com pletely defeated and that the offi cial V-E day was only a matter of days or hours. People of the world had been prepared for the event. Nevertheless, there was thanksgiving and joy in the hearts of everyone. The war is not ended, but there was realization that but one war remains instead of the former two. HERALD NEWS Flags were flying proudly Tuesday .from not only public places but also from stores, factories and homes. They were proclaiming victory on the one hand, and also a renewed challenge to Japan, the aggressor of the Far East, to the effect that now the European war is ended, the full fury of the Quiet, Thoughtful V-E Day Asked INDIANAPOLIS, May 8 (UP) Governor Gates today called on Hoosiers to mark the end of the war in Europe in a "quiet and thoughtful manner," and to carry on the war against Japan with vigor. "Ours is a great victory," he said, "yet to all of us it must mean the cessation of hostilities on only one front. "Our lines of production must not cease. Our subscriptions for war bonds must be increased. The responsibility for the successful conclusion of the conflict in the Pacific rests upon our shoulders. We as citizens of this state must continue to do all within our power to bring ultimate peace throughout the world." "In the celebration of this victory," Gates said, "it is my earnest desire, as the governor of Indiana, that we acknowledge our great victory in a quiet and thoughtful manner. To all of us it should be a time of prayer, first in behalf of those of our citizens who have made the tremendous sacrifice." ORDERS SENT GERMAN FLEET HAN DESIGNATES SUNDAY FOR ALL TO OFFER PRAYERS All Rejoice Over Victory But President Asks Nation Not to Forget That Sorrow and Heartaches Abide in American Homes. WASHINGTON, -May 8. (AP) President Truman today proclaimed complete and unconditional Victory in Europe. And in a V-E proclamation he said "our blows will continue until the Japanese lay down their arms in unconditional surrender." Going on the radio at 8 a. m. (CWT) the president told the nation he had set next Sunday Mother's Day as a day of prayer in which he wanted all to join. For in rejoicing over Victor', he asked the nation not to forget that "sorrow and heartache" abide in the homes of thousands cf Americans." SOLEMN, GLORIOUS HOUR "This is a solemn but a glorious hour," he declared. "General Eisenhower informs me that the forces of Germany have surrendered to the united nations. The flags of freedom fly over all Europe. "For this victory we join in offering our thanks to the providence which has guided and sustained us through the dark days of adversity." TITANIC STRUGGLE ENDS Thus was brought to a close the MOSCOW RADIO GOES ERRATIC No Indication Russia Celebrating V-E Day Long After Two Chiefs Speak. BUIJLETIN