Canadian OTTAWA, Oct. T.. (By Mall) The following list of casualties is supplemental to the list of officers and western rank and file sent out by telegraph on this date: INFANTRY Gas Poisoning Lieut. Neil Cciauhoun Fergusson, 70 Madison Ave., Toronto, Ont. Previously Reported Missing Now Prisoner of War, Karlsrupe Lieut. Kenneth R. Morrison, 114 Bothwell St., Glasgow, Scot. Previously Reported Wounded, Now Reported Wounded and Missing August 81, 1917. 645309 Pte. John Fletcher, 8th Ave., Leeds, England. Previously Reported Wounded and Miss- Inq: Now Prisoner of War. (Wounded slightly.) Capu Hobert Archibald Brodie, 8215 St. James St., N.D.G., Montreal, P.Q. Dangerously ,111 Lieut. Harold Cockayne Weaver, 26 Gladstone Bd., "VYlrabledon. S.W., England. MOUNTED RIFLES Reported Woundd, Remained at -Duty sept. 15, 1917 Kd6 'R?nTnRnrvPrKnJndaIe'gh Ei, Richmond Surrey, England. ENGINEERS Reported Wounded Sept. 30,' 1917 Lieut. Victor Maitland Meek, Port tan-ley, Ont SERVICES Wounded Severe Lieut. Maxwell Clayton Wade, Brock Ave., Montreal. Wounded 343929 Pte. Thomas Otto Murray, Park Ave., Extension. Montreal. INFANTRY Killed In Action Sept. 16, 1917 636409 Pte. Sydney John Taylor, Bloom-field, Ont. Reported Wounded Sept. 14, 1917 640093 Pte. John Peter McCarthy,. 2 Ter race St., Oldham Lancashire, England. . r-"'"" I ?te;...JoSeh...Gdrn' 1288 Stl ",c-'w"' nd,d 189688 Pte. Herbert Watson. 102 Tan- ,v- rZ ;- M- . a. e,c tarra St. Walsall. Staffordshire. Eng. . wllIlm, ;nthny FUk 836 Previously Reported Missing; Now Re- Destern Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. ported Missing Between August 15-18 Previously Reported Missing Now Re-197 Joined Regiment Aug. 1S, 1917 675195' Pte. Joseph Brown, Village of !33.866, .Ptf; Roe''t DA'bort Waterson, Cardlngton. Bedfordshira, England. B,uSklnshaP,ir0'DP:Q- 455739 Pte. Alfred Gagne, St. Andrew's billed In Action "'tween Aug. 15-18 I 1917 412598 Pte. Alfred Philip Hawkins, Mill BrOOK RR NO Z Ont ! 405417 Pte.' Arthur Tonard Shepherd, E0 Heltzman Ave.. Toronto. Ont. 123956 A.-Lance Corp. Edward AVesley ' . . ' I &ioan, lona, lint. In,i.'n. "i '. . cpqvKES 889788 Pte. Dan Le Blanc, New Rich- Wounded I mond Station, P.Q. 1081271 Pte. John Butler. 17 Wynstay 8B'1 pte- Antonio Laroche, Cap Sante, Gardens, Ken'tro-ton i-ondon, England, . . ... . .,, iuciutdu Killed In Acton Sect. 23. 1917 Dangerously Wounded r"- " nuiu.,.M, lane,. on strength, Edmonton; 55 Leapold Rd., Kensington, Liverpool, England Previously Reported Missing, Now Kill ed in Action, June 3. 1917 234S89 Pte. Albert Harry Tarrant, 41 Treholme Rd.. Ane-ly, Eng. Previously Reported Wounded. Now Kill ed in Action Auqust 21. 1917 231410 Pte.. Pope Coliedqe Howatt, taken on strength, Edmonton; bummerslde, P.E.!. Reported Wound'd and Missing August 25. 1917 231815 Pte. Lavvrence Harold- Webb, taken cn strength Edmonton; Box 132, Amherst, N.S. I SERVICES I Wounded I 297877 Pie. Wellinston Harrington Adams Glassville, Carleton Co., N.B. 1081104 Pte. Robert Henry Chadwick, 17! Cambridge Ave., Hamilton, Ont. j 129327 Corp. Alex Norman Macdonald, I Glen Nevlc Ont. imta MToy ( Previously Reported Missing Now pp. ; soner or war, Limourg 23400 Pte. Charles Newman Trask, Alma -,i..u 8fi51fi6 Pte. Dan Tucker, Port Hope, Ont. 29"" Pt. Loxton, 7 Mine St., Bath, Enirland Seriously III. Pneumonia 294083 rie. George Steven Greer, Mabcr- ly Ont Wounded 223576 Pte. Alexander Anprus, - School House, Aberd-." Scotland. tcnui'ti I Reported Mlsslno Belleved"Killed Sept. --26 1917 ' 13412 Pte. Samuel Phoenix, Bradley, Wrexham, North Wnles. INFANTRY Seriously III 788202 Pte. Robert Earl Moreau, Arn-prior, Ont. Previously Reported Mlsslni, Now Reported Killed in Action Oct. 8, 1916 201483 Pte. Albert Edward Smart, 1 C Terracg Lawrence St., Birmingham, Kngland. 11628 Pte. Harry Weston, 7 Milward Rd., Sussex. England. 2fl1 H7 Pt WllHam .Tnmea Pennpv. OR Duncan Bides.. Post Pool Lane, Gray's' Inn Rd.. London Enirland. 11673 A.-Sergt. Harry H. Ellis, 11 Cambridge Circus, Hackney iJd., N.E., London, England. 2010i)8 Pte. Robert Salter, 06 Albert Rd.. Wellingborough, orthants. England. ; 63403 A.-Lnnre Corn. Thomns Harrison, Pateley Bridge. Torks, England. , 217n Corn. Harold Edwin Statia, Orange-I rllle. Ont. I 201 4"4 Pte. Albert Walter Stoner, 113 Fdwin Ave., Toronto. Ont. 23070 Pte. Joseph Algernon Sewell, Fortneut, P.O. ENGINEERS Wounded. Oassed 403fi08 Pte. Frank White, 104 halvey Cres., Slough, England 603120 rte. George Edward Ward, 168 Grace St., Toronto. Ont. INFANTRY Reported Wounded Sept. 16, Returned to Regimental Duty Sept, 18. 1917. 29506 A.-Corp. Mackenzie Rutherford, Colborne, Opt. ENGINEERS Wounded and Gassed 925104 Pte. Frank Bowles, BiwUlnnd P.O. Fnrrlngdon. Berkshire. England. 600079 Pte. Robert Ross, ii Peddle St., Dundee, Scotiar-d. Gassed 503826 Sapper Jamn. Bussey, 36 Western Rd., Lewe. rtntsoi. Enirland. Wounded and Gassed 43S80B L.-Corp. Thomas Bell, 1 At!ey Terrace, Melton, Constable, Norfolk, tngiana. MSI? Stuff Bortrt Andr.w M.irriu XIM. dleton. N.S. t - oao l' ,.t t c : 111 1 7 n.i St.. S. S. 'Jlaseow, Scotland 45042 Corp. John Anderson, 8 Glebe Rd., Casualties 6JM99 Pte. Frank Sidney Strong, 43v Charlton Ave.. W., Hamilton, Ont Wounded Severely 452391 Pte. Hugh Burnalde, IS Lydla St., Ottawa, Ont. Wounded and - Gassed 795952 Pte. Donald McCuish, 136 Alton Ave., Toronto Ont. Previously Reported Missing, Now Reported Killed In Action Oct. 8th or Sth 1916. 701336 Pte. Cyril John Shaughnessy, King Edward Hotel, Toronto, Ont. 77594 L.-Corp. John Halliday. St. John St., Creeton, Scotland. 429561 Pte. Albert Edward Finlay, 3 Baltic St., Dundee, Scotland. Previously Reported Mlsslno Now Re ported Killed in Action Sept. 25-28, 191 700971 Pte. Harris Proctor, 9 Sth Ave. Lachine- Locks, Montreal. Previously Reported Wounded and Miss Ing Now Killed In Action Oct. 9, 1916 14Z064 Pte. Harvey James Lav. son Knox, Massey Station, Ont. Previously Reported Missing Now Safe With Unit Ann fM 1017 814245 J"" ReerS. South Ave., Rochester. N.T. Reported Wounded Sept. 12, Returned to Duty, Sept. 13, 1917 772733 Pte. Ernest Lynn, 147 Nelson St. Brantford, Ont. ... Previously Reported Missing Now Re-0I ported Killed In Action Sept. 26, 1917 1 22713 U-Corp George W. Boone, 143 Wright St., St. John. N.B. Killed In Action Sept. 23, 1917 1003219 Pte. George Young, Thessalon, Ont . Wounded 226399 Pte. Lloyd McClean, S South St., Niagara f alls, Ont Killed In Action Sept. 25, 1917 7550,2 pte. Thomas Allen Mcliugh, R.R. fo. 2, sauit tste. Marie, Ont. Killed in Action Sept. 24. 1917 1004127 Pte. Asellus Sauve, 124 Church W05 Pte. Thomas steenson. Faulkland, v't"01,B.., wuuoiriati, uviauu. .,.1R,.por4'd Wounded Sept. 24, 1917 615.18.-9"rP-.Rne ?elosse, 1126 de St. vnerJt-' S?,ontr!a'- ' , D,Mp4rf WMinHarf Cant 94 totim r LB. iTlUKU CUI1U( OW iTLUlCVlTn 01., Benast, Ireland. . . . r, . '. '" ton. Queens Co.. N.S Reported Wounded Remained at Duty Sept. 1, 1917 734158 Pie. Howard William Pulsifer, Windsor, N.S. 478556 Pte. John Scott, Florence, C.B., N.S. Previously Reported Missing Presumed D"d, Now Killed In Action Oct. 1, 1916. 68251 Pte. Michael Gardner, Sydney Mines. N.S. Wounded 22763 Pte. Ernest McCoIlum, 128 Erin St., St. John. N.B. INFANTRY Previously Reported Missing Now Reported Killed In Action Oct. 8, 1916 415E07 Pte. Edward Albert Hicken, New Glasgow. N.S. A14480 Pte. Lawrence Ling, Inverness, JJzm fie. Kobert Mcnurnle, Montreal. .itooj rie. jonn Kmltn. Htfru-nrvl. ont. Reported M'sslna Now Prisoner of War . . . nnuto , 7S'72J. pt- i;a wrence Edward VinneaU, Bathurst. N.B. 80195 Pte William Wood, SS6 Waterloo ,, London, Ont. ,139100 Sergt. James Haxton. 79 Fountain I Bridge, Edingurgh, Scotland. "eported Mlssinp Now Prisoner of War I Llmburg j 793480 Pte. George Auger, Bartibogue, ,c?J?ut,"ter Co., N.B. 1 1B3703 Pte. Robert Howitt Tomalin, 1243 DavenDort Rd.. Toronto. Ont. 1T Pte. Jerome Poirlor, Qlencoe, Res- "sum-u. ku., i.r. . Previously Reported Missing Now Killed In Action Auo. 15. 1917 793723 Pte. George Julius Boverd, Har-court, Kent Co., N.B. Previously Reported Missing Now Killed In Action April 9, 1917 75706 Pte. James Rykes, 85 Bridge St., Hoywood, Lancoshlre, England. Previously Reported Wounded and Missing Now for Official Purposes Presumed to have Died on or Since Oct. 7, 1916. 463268 Pte. Thomas Locheed, Clifford, uni. Killed In Action Aug. 18, 1917 1021224 Pte. Maurice Damois, Maye-et ei navre, r ranee. Killed In Action Sept. 24, 1917 61330 Sergt. Albert Denis, 41 Chmbord St., Montreal. 416fifi6 Pte. Henri Denis. Montreal. 416,191 Pt. Elle Pamart, Pointe-aux- Peres. P.Q. 416785 Pte. Ovlla Simard, 18 Front St., enerorooKe. r.ij. Reported Wounded Sept. 23. 1917 634196 Pte. Edmond Gravelle, Mattawa, Ont. Reported Wounded Sept. 24, 1917 448469 Pte. Raymond Cormier, Dorchester, N.B. . 61158 A. E. Nadeau. 4042 Lajeunesss ni., louvnie oe Montreal, f.u. , l"n Pte. Edouard Lanthler, Calumet, Previously Reported Missing, Now Reported Killed In Action Aug. 15, 1917 817275 Pte. Thomas Howard, Springfield, Kings Co.. N.B. Reported Wounded Sept. 23, 1917 81763 Pte. Harry Clinton Margison, lenirevuie, ceri.tnn i'o., N.B. ENGINEERS Wounded and Oassed 43116 Pte. Alex. Hepburn, 28 Baldovan Terrace. Dundee. Rent. 5031S8 Pte. Harry Green. 038 Do Mon- tigny St.. E. . Montreal. Dlsd of Wounds 6ept. 24, 1917 . 50H739 Sapper Jules Moray, Wandree Lelge, Belgium. INFANTRY Reported Wounded Remained at Duty Sent. 14. 1917 i 727495 Pte. George Lavender, 1'. Falkirk I nirn am o u&a-trtam Uitewuu T Cottages. Merstham. Hurrev. .nirland Wounded Accidentally Sept. 16, Returned to Regimental Duty Sept. 17, 1917 727421 Anaemia -Lack of Iron Is jlTbSealUi and Beauty of Says Dr. Ferdinand King. New York Physician ' and Any Woman Who Tires Easily, ia Nervous or Irritable, or Looks Pale, i Hare Her Blood Examined for Iron Administration of Nux.ted Iron Will ror TW17 rUfTTiC ARRriT 1 lLl lillLUk) ArrtAh Mother, why doril you take NUXATED IRON and be strong and well and have nice rosy cheeks instead of being so nervous and irritable all the time and looking so haggard and old-The doctor gave some to Susie Smiths mother and she was worse off than you are and now she looks just fine -There can be no healthy, beautiful. rosy cneexea women wltnout iron, says Dr. Ferdinand King, a New Tork Physician and Medical Author. "In my recent talks to physicians on-the grave and serious consequences of iron deficiency In the Diooa oi American women, I have strongly emphasized the fact that doctors should prescribe more organic iron nuxated iron for their nervous, rundown, weak, haggard-looking women patients. Pallor means anaemia. The skin of an anameic woman is pale, the flesh flabby. The muscles lack tone. the brain fags and the memory falls, and often they become weak, nervoua, irritable, despondent and melancholy. When the iron goes from the blood of women, the rosea go from their cheeks." "In the most common foods of America, the starches, Bugars, table syrups, candies, polished rice, white bread, soda rtacxers, biscuits, macaroni, spaghetti, tapioca, sago, farina, degerminated cornmeal no longer ia Iron to be found. Refining processes have removed the iron of Mother Earth from these impoverished foods, and silly methods of home cookery, by throwing down the waste pipe, the water In which our vegetables are cooked are responsible for another grave iron loss." "Therefore, if you wish to preserve youthful vim and vigor to a ripe old you must supply the Iron deficiency in food hv unfns some form of oriranio 0' If 1' v" ! n mi just as you would use Bait when your food has not enough salt." "As I have said a hundred times over organic iron Is the greatest of all Btrength builders. If people would only take Nux ated Iron when they feel weak or SS.128 Sergt. Herbert Asbcroft Finch, SI West View, Clitheroe, Lanes, England. fist Poisoning 1018SH6 Fte. Cheater Harden, Mterlinf. Col.. C.8.A. Previously Mining, P rew mad Dead, New Killed Is Actlce Senteaiber 26, 1 9 1 a 441.112 Pte. Alrx. Tutor Doddle, Ivan Cottage, Por- terroll, Aberdeen, Scotland. 30418 I'ta. Alfred Btuqnnette, t? St. Qsorge street lrls, Quebeo. A1S107 Pte. J. BiduI Lsnglolg, 409 St. John street, Quehen. Prvvleuely Resertsd Weunded. Now Prltoaer at Wsr at Llmburg 7R1R.12 Pte. Tliomaa Henry Sumeriford, Oxford, England. Shell Shock 7118 Lines Corel. KMgar Buii.ll Llewellyn. S31 Frier read. Cist Diwtoh, London. Snglind. Prsvlouily Resorfed Milting, Believed killed. Now Killed In Action November 18, 1911 177267 1-inre Corpl. Alrsb John Coffin, L'Ante Am, Cousins, P.Q. MOUNTED RIFLES Reportsd Wounded, Renaialag at Duty, Seat, 18 107ffta Serst. Owen T. Aspraj, 70 Ailelgh road. filebmond, Surrey, England. .INFANTRY Wounded 707BOO Pte. Fred Shinki. Blmcoa P.O., rint. Prevloeily Resorted Mlialng. Presumed Dand, New Killed la Astloa October I. ISIS 128421 Pts. Louis Hunt, 03 Alloa street Queulph, Ontario. 46842 Its. Thomas Rums McKellsr, 107 Osrrlooh road. North Kelvtnslrie, Glasgow, Scotland. 28101 Pte. Allan Moore. Kingston. Jamloa. 192088 Pte. tltorge Morrison. Loanfleld CoUsge, Wsrtle. Aberdeen, Srotlmrl. 138287 Pte. James WllL.e. (llssgow. Rrntla'd, Prsvloaaly Resorted Woandsd, Now Resorted Wousdid aad Mining July 13, 1817 80070) Pte. Robert Park, 211 Douglas, Pstrlrk. Olss-gow, Scotland. Pled Rastimber 23, 1117 230l7(irte. Joer.h rrmk Bell, jl Lower Patrick street. K inuaton, Ont. Reported Weunded Ssstsmber 21. 1817 171108 Pte. William Dsfld Hall, DS7 Login svenue, Toronto, Ont. MOUNTED RIFLES Died at Wounds Sept. 30, 1117 013718 1'tc William J "On Minkell, Newlniiton, Ont, ENGINEERS Weunded aad Gaued 71 Hinper Onnlon Jimri i hapman, 41 Mill street. Con-heater, alieex. Jtnglsnd. ' Increase the Strength and Endurance of itm m i wo weens lime In Many down, instead of dosing themselves with halit-forming drugs, stimulants and al- eononc veberages I am convinced that in this way they could ward off disease, preventing It becoming organic In thousands of cases and thereby the lives of thousands might be saved who now die every year from pneumonia, grippe, kidney, liver, heart trouble and other dangerous maladies. The real and true cause which started their disease wa nothing more nor less than a weakened condition brought on by a lack of iron In the blood. On account of the peculiar nature of woman, and, the great drain placed upon her system at certain periods, she requires Iron much more than man to help make up for the loss. Iron is absolutely necessary to enable your blood to chanee food Into llvinr tin- sue. Without it. no matter how much you cni. your iooa merely passes through you without doing you any good Tou don't get the strength out of it. and as a consequence vou become weak, pale and sickly looking. Just like a plant trying to grow In a soil deficient in Iron. If you are not strong or well, you owe it to yourself to make the follow- ing test: See how long you can work or how far you can walk without becoming tired. Next take two five-grain tablets blOOd-of ordinary nuxated Iron three times per day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see how much you have gained. I have seen dozens of nervoua run-down people who were ail- Sroir form TnH .hi. tfl-! i"th SonSf hpn rtnHil ,hey had,.in withoutbin?nr anv T. .".If t0B..r,nth.? take h iA firm? rV L ?ut take the old forms of reduced iron, iron acetate, or tincture or iron slmnK. ir. -,a few cents. The Iron demanded by Mother Nature for the red colurine' ter in the blood of her children ),s, alas! not that kind ""Vh. V i Dr. Ferdinand King, Nero York Physician and Medical duihor, cf physicians that they should prescribe more organic iron Nutated Iron for their patients Says anaemia iron deficiency is the greatest curse the health, strength, vitality and beauty the modern American Woman.- Sounds team ing against use of metallic iron which may injure the your age, your iron. teeih, corrode the stomach and do far more harm than good; advises use of only nuxated iron. dart' run - INFANTRY Prsrleuily Reported Mlslng, Prsinmed Dead, Now Reported Killed In Action Oot. I, 1916 48PIM1 Pte. Nell Ales. McPherson. Simoiet Hotel, Rorhklsnd. Ma, U.S.A. 8881)0 Pte. John Moia. 60 West street. Hlllfll. N,S. 67841 Pte. John Francis Patrick Collins, Dartmouth, N.S. Wounded 1004 13 Tta George) Henry SUles, Fltsroy Harbor, Ontario. . 103226 Pie. Sobort Holbum, 40 Proapsct streit, Methuen, Man, U.S.A. Prsvlaaily Reported Wounded. Now Reported Wouaded and Mining July 23, mi S70384Pte. William George Arthur Fell, t:i Olrn.1-aran arenne, Toronto, Ont. SERVICES Wounded. Returned te Duty September 24, 1017 804771 Arts. Sergt Frlnk Paramo MinliT, SI Scott street, Csrbondale, Pa.. U.S.A. ARTILLERY . Wounded Accidentally 2001020 Prlvor OnUls Hilton Harris, Goie's Uniting, Oularlo. Wounded 2327432 Gunner Harry Green. Plcton, Ont. INFANTRY Previously Reported Mining. Now Reported Killed la Action Autuil 15, 1017, 178301 te. ('harlot Tholuaa 1'hontplKm, Hullldiiwn, Nnnhints, Knslind. Prevloualy .Reported .Wounded,. Now .Resorted Woundsd and Mining August 19, ISI7 I28S34 Lsnro Corul. (')rl! Lwlle Moore. The Hall, Miriht-hapel, Ijlnrs., yngland. Previously Reported Wouadsd, Now Reported sa Wouaded and Milling August It. 1017 142133 Hergt. James Muir, Klrktuilbrliht. Sootlsnd. 71HIM2 Pie. John Wllllim Soiln. Port Dover, IhtL Prevlouily Rapertsd Wouaded, Now Killed Is Action Ancuit IS, 1017 22101 Sergt. William Wltln-rington, 11 Beach avenut. Wbltley Itiy. NorthlimlirrliiHl. F.itglsnd. Woended. Returned to Regimental Duty Sept. 27 487388 Pte. Wilfred Ignatius Lappln. Noire Dune da Uracs, M,ontrcel. Wounded I44I4S rir. John Monln. Hilmn avenue. Ottawa. 108761 Ftp. Frederick Hurler, Kewtonvllls r.O., Ontario. Severely Woundsd 248670 Pte. Armand Oranl. It ilurka Street, Hull, P.O. ARTILLERY Wouaded Auldeatally 12S7620 0 miner Thomas tJakln, ISA Pavilion Eta,, of iron. oi de-jnust take iron in a Bor-form that can be easily a o s o r b ed ... they they Iron, four trouble. not at Uraydon