4b !)(W J T X 2 1 i i i t 4 if J finest Banking House iri‘ Central Illinois t tsc 4 ft k- i£l c y t x ent were f Messrs Walter and John I Vs 4 A $ f A “ii J t $ 1 i Jf 13 ' $'' £ J' t i 4! Y’ ? r a - t rv j- Organized :?- In 1908 "John B Colegrove & Co” was organized in 190$ by John B Colegrove James IL-Abell ’-Aaron S Hedden and On January J 1921 11 If £ nA rf M few $ST ju $ jp t it 1 w S’ t ' inest: Theatre in Central Illinois w ' i - "!’ ’r‘ - '— Cfe-i- "'-— - Dewey Kirkman d U Miner - jonn la a LUnft AHU XJ-¥¥ lllgUU Lewis Kuhla and -Lewis 'Pierson visited the Chrysler ‘auto factory in Detroit last week and attended a ban-quet nt the Peerless hotel given by the Chrysler company- Vernell Girard of Atwater form- er resident of Assumption -tand M1mV Daisy Sumpter were married October A25th at the? home- of Rev J EJ Teaney pastor of the Christian church at At-water ‘Rev Teanywas pastor of the Christian church here a few years ago fhe Rotaryclub will' ask the fa-j:’’ mous “Zupphe” of the U of I? to ad- dress thee club the night they enter-’ tain the lHgh school basket ball team'’ "Sidney Bruleyof S Dakota is here’ for an ‘extended visit witk-hls father' Joseph Bruley A family reunion was held Sunday in his -bonoru-yPresent were Mr and Mrs ’Chas'Vrince ’ot Hebron NebjMr -and Mrs? Charles Bruley and Mrand Mrs Art Richard and families Wanda Bruley and Ag-sj nes Domanswikio! JPana fj I COLEGROVE BANK PLUMBING AND HEATING ' Phone 542 ' ' 'aiWJ&fiartglC CONTRACTOR V®?? f w tea l" ’ - J M i4 J-?”1 ' f T a U ? on a hunt 17 3 VL r i' v fe ' a't 'n rurnn tifritro tci ih ? nvtnin onri am iamwi- ine songs M j e 'vCity steam heat has been provided lesday evening1 entertained a num-v and enough radiation is in - to - insure 5 business men to-a duck dinner a warm house in the winter months 1 at Charted Moore s cafeThose pres -While we are of the opinion that ent were Messrs Walter and John Mr rlslnl will 'find that it pays to Downs of Ptna J‘ A‘ cb C build such a place as is the Capitol vwens n m -ruxswew ' - ! T1AWOV Ulvlrwan T1 T MillOr ’ IAhn A — - L A 1 A wv A J dUU - vv 3 B uX J' XivJ pt? "Xl“ )U UvD W “ 1 v " f k-’- also of the opinion that such a theater Howk and EW Hight gs this will beot great benefit to the ' other : bqsiness interests of the city because itjwllLiiave?a tendency to draw(froma long distance and the more folksvyho get ’in the habit of coming- here mpans s more ‘shekels: in 'the coffers of the merchants ’“Today is a bIg day for Mr rfsln! and It Js 'alsoj-a big-dayfor us all There 'is notf aplty this slze ln tbA country wlth'a theater like this ode ahS we1 can 'now A have something more to boast about when weare proving beyond a doubt that tliere is no place in the whole wide world like dear old Taylorville— the plaice where people make 'money and ®Pe£vl 12 months In every y far -“'v rlslnl's Qwn Ideas The Capitol theater owned by Dominick rlsinl built' by Roy M? Kennedy” contractor (is the finest and best equipped theatre in central Illinois- Mn -rlsinl has spared neither time nor money do give to Taylorville J -Mf J -f AHiller'SQns J I Loren D Colegrove vice'presldent HarveyE Oollogher cashier??LB Roberts assistant cashier Leon Traylor assistant cashier Jesse A? Bradley assistant cashier Jlojd E Stare manager savings department: Joe l '? ’ uu'’ “e uu Gearhart? bookkeeper WeJ2( x - ‘ S- J' r J ? 3 j V i an extended -growth consistent f with ’ secretary - -Marie Zimmerman -:-ab-good 'banking principles and sound slracter and Cora EColegrove assist-? flneneinir nn! extends cnmnlete bank- nnt abstracter 1 I inir services thronah its various' de-t-'The oldest cmnlove in point ofl II partments t - I gej Vjce jg jjrs Louettp B Roberts as- The 'officers and directors of this sistant cashier who has been connectbank are all conscientious ? business ed with thednstltutlpn since its poundmen and women and have a keen fore- nK in 1908: next in order comes liar-sight In matters of finance and gladly rvey give' theiiiatrons the benefit of their been in ita employ for the last four experience in financial Questions The teen rears JpsseA Bradjey an directors of this bank are-Johi) B-Jfea- -fray lor Skassistantizcashiers Colegrove Josiah Hall Loren' B Cole- seven years-tJJaeJioyceBecretary grove’ Harvey ' Gollogher R D seven years Jfafief Zlmmerman- ab-Ripks James II Abel? T Av Brents st' acterMwo years and Cora fole-LiW Zeigler 4 Jesse L-Patterson and Krove -assistant abstracter one year D t? Dunbar” ? I heumw bank building is one of the -best equipped buildings vJn central The officers arid personnel of' the - - “ v ' t i r i Illinois It has every conv niencefo-bank are John B Colegrove presl- A ’ ' i the i so of its customers Lockboxes dent Josiah & Hall vice president! ’ : 1 nrHinnn hnnths nriVflTA nfi if iP mtlTl- sei ' rooms ladies' rest " ro ms - a library and writing room' Tho bank also affords the publicithe opportunity of having a’ complete transaction in the' building ' havingsan: abstract of h rhe A -’s - n- t -? ' vrrtH7 r’ -v Uj -3- cSk Capitol Theatre Installed by' ' CAPITOL THEATRE NEW COLEGROVE BANK OPEH 4 5 J M i U- ' 4 i '1' 9 n V 1 -i S 1 ’ “ v -- jm K ‘Sr V w I ¥ xriws p v ' gMK - 1 T iaylorvillie-J's Brod?Wese?Edifice " v?i MATIBSENO: ' t W si i ’J r i AT ELKS ATER - TiU I V lAIXiL If ’ -Thereis a Jounglng room for the pot InjifredXThe 'car was demolish-'z j 1 11 U1V tL ladles a smqklng room for the me? ed and sold for junkVThe girls were “ ’ ” - X - 1 ‘ ' and- every other 'modern cnvenlence koming'-'tp visit their mother Mrs Joe ” -- J1 —i iV‘4r 7 'j-i v ! ” With the opening ot the new uapi- h mnCT11firpnt nlavhouse lol theatre inis evening tnere win oe a chapge of jmlicy at theElks thea- by A wj Hiller and Sons Is ideal tre ‘ onri af cummer when It’s 100 above o outsje onetuu wuhuim — — be open afterpoons nd at night will anj experience' a 30 'degree drop InfHre departmentMrc MnjMrg rim ci rnitrhf-- 1 A a rwl 9 A non rer- n 'i-- f ' t 4 v ? n ro ttnfWrvfa!n&M th A In Whlelk ' im Mtu nnn IllIiL 11 01 uiUUU' f -fAv K5 n HOMETODAT ' K- Tf- V- y -4 t 4 tk Xs x i JT Z -C f f f v r f W ? L-t ’ ’ ' ” i L ' f M 4 q - u ’ ‘ i t -i E Electrical - v f X z f ’ b-’ e- - 1 v j Wiring fixtures' Appliances In’ both 4s CapitoWheatre ---And—4 ' - ' Colegrove Bank Building s e'r I f4 La 5 s ’Vic ' 4 ’ ‘'Were Installed by ’ ’ ? 1 J ''-4 V tk- v MartinEJectricCo tX ? V-s ’ - OPhpne'656 t-k 2X2 ASSUIION- Mrs Dale Stump ana ’ sister Mis£? CAPITOL ’’THEATRE 1 1 -j'i t z v ‘‘l M ’J ' - ' ' " —And— ' 4 ' ’’ CdLEGROVE-BANK BUILDING J rtj i -- J -- - Zro - - “ - r ‘Installed By A 1 ‘ x £ j w A t 'A One of 'th most' progressive steps 4 Kqf local banking institutions In recent ’-XVears was the erection pf the banking-house on-the south side of -4 -the squares by “the('JPhn'B‘Co1egiove’&Co State bank 5 into-’’ which' the - 'bank has been moved from the old lo- i-cation on the west side of the squaie : This 'banking house’ pictured oppo-i site Is "easily one of the' finest Jn t - ' central Illinois TJt‘ compares”' favor-’ ably with the best there i is in 111® whole United States ’ 1 vr 4f ' Persons who vfslted the bajik on its 4 If opening day' were struck wlththamagnificence ut the interhtt constfuc-tion and decoration of the ’place kt V- 5 is Marge well' lighted and finished to ' ' -fan’ excellence’ beyond description' ' Tho figures- are Jail oMvalntr Ih'e r 2’ floor of red- ‘Tennessee marble the X’4-lowelartf fixtures partitions and- -’counters areofItalian marble set of 4-'bythe soft brown toned panel effectson the high walls t'- ‘ ’ ’ - To the-left of the front entrance Is - ‘the ladiesj rest room To the rkht t ’ the' private office of John-Bf Col- 'groverthe president sThe check X counters for customers are on thJ left fwhile’ the cashier” teller and Joqk- ! keepers’ cages are to the right? ' ‘ U In the rear Is a balcony office Ufh La stairway leading up from' the lobby T Behind this Is the large rqom'ln which ’ the’dlre'ctors" meet” Below the’ taV ? i cony are the t big 'book "'and cash vaults ' u ' The building is”' well heated-’ not too hot ndr is it a bit too’ cool The : nlHrnMno nnS hnatlnf work was done bv 8’ Cv Jones I James White ’ it is well lighted and the ? electric this bank vias incorporated under the -fixtures add much to the attractive-j laws of the state ot Illinois and 'was s ' ness ofthe room Tills 'work ’ was named "John B Colegrovef& Co State "'done by the Martin electric shop' I bank” This institution has enjoyed - I £ i r S- t-rt Hr t - Ci n ” Wr -‘’4 t ¥ J-5- s V ft V ' Used in Building the Capitol Theatre was supplied by-' ( r' ' s vf-f' A” ' ' ’ U ’Z ' Jr -X ' i 4 -Z t ' A 3 vru’ i t ’ 5St 3 'fy -s k-r f it 4 ' ' 14-t J1 3ms Alexander LumbcrCo V' 1 22 rw PAPLAR S A - j WONE 72 H&V Ji iftv- ft Iv 4 r W4 S 'v-'-h -P :?- 4 th v - V ’I sf —I if" 1111'- 3r i i- r f r si —" t v j c ’Jr ’ This 'evening at 6'20 o’clock the this beautlfuhtheat'rqTlf lobbyis pew1500PQ Capitol theater plctu-hbed in white e marble' knd’ plate 7-' ' ed opposite swlll be formally opened ’ glass mTrj&rs'" The pilin’floor£ Jr -' ’ to the public by Dominic rislni - equipped Jth 800 upholstered spring This great playhouse is J)y far the bottonl seatst The music will be fur-j finest' in CentralHlqois’ There ‘lg£-1nlshedhy 25Q0Q split stype -Wurt- r -A nothing to s'urpassUt even in Spring-’ litzer organ ’ On the mfzzinlqe floor ’ field or Decatur t and the class of pic-’ is the ladies’ and genia’ ijest and smok '"tures and vaudeyjlje’ which will be ingj pooips beautifully furulshedin 42 shown here will be the peer of these upholstered 'furniture The’ balcony y cities 'too ” has-r 500 comfortable sqa'ts' apd eight ’ t The Capitoj theater took six months boxes alopg the -front of t the - ?baE " A to build anti stands as a fine 'mono- cony' wjthsix chairs to each box J ment(to the'jdeas of Mr rislni jind - ‘The jdeporatjojis lighting and stage to the building' contractor Roy M settings are indescribably and must beyfe ‘ Kennedy personally supervised seen lojbe appreciatedt the work under construction ’’V ‘Thg enjlpe theatre design' equip- y’ The "exterior Is 'striking' with ' its -ment and decorations were Mr ris’- Spanish architecture and the inside “ini’s own 'ideas and hehas- shown appalls E ’- ' wonderful ability as a theatre builder i The lobby donfe in marhle? Is pnly s weli as a'Uieatry manager just the beginning of what has( pgen 'This‘theatreynibe'bpried today at’' ' accomplished inside the walls -The 6:30 with a second shoiy at 9 o’clock " ' Seating” arrangement’ decorations’ ' The BameAprogramwjU'vruu‘’Sunday'' lighting onects ano various conveu- continuous trom l to it pzm r iences are all that can be found in ’ ' any city- theater and then some' ’' It would take" an "artist to tell ’ ' Inbout the interior' f but to one who is not an artist it 18 beautiful beyond comparison fine uevui auuu auu - ---- r-- — “ - 'lighting Effects are’ the work of ex-1 W1 -MortOn'of Decatur while on r ports bi ought here from St I LouisiJ their yrajt to this city JjTiday'met with nt fanrv nriees hut one Elance with-an accident when j the Cleveland-se-’’A ' in will convince one that the money d?p wMch'Miss?Mordtt Was driviiMU for thel?' services was not spent - ini turned oyer nearWalkerT Both ta-' ’ vain ' t J dies were thrown ’fromi -the car Unto ‘ I Some 1400 spats have bee nprovid- the corn IneMrs: Stump’s back I ed and all are comfortable and then- jras Injured- and a ’vertebrae broken1- J cline of the floors are 'such that any The Decatur f ambulance look them' - child seated Jn the very back seat otbothJ‘to St: Maryjs'jjiospitali where - - x i'Mva C3 tiv vn w wxrfl 1 va o - tva I-1 aw ft ftzww-8sw inp pajconywiH nave a peutxi vww m ‘ ft tha tdntiirA nnd ihA entire Btaeez weeks 'br longer t MissMorton was I a XL I n - I fl a -1-AfiM wAa' '4 awi I a ba Therjlfi a ounglng room lor pw JUjuicuuue woo ucmutinn- Amnvuv thAwi0n I ed and RoldJor iunkTx'The alrls were UaUlCP) UvBAUniUb AUVM VJ“ “'f-l 5 4 J : I and’ every other 'modern cnvenlence Iqomlng'tp visit their mother Mrs Joe "has been installed for the patrons of Morton and? -Miss’ -Maude f Intended - a 1 A a arlM AhA TT'l Aalil A OntltaJrt'v ' i ' j- '?? ' wins if i d i mi him a i i a a v iivcii wiia HQ IIlilKIill H UHL UldVlIUUOt "--— ’ "“O ------r t-— - TW- - — - ’ - - The ventilating system Installed npw waiL- J111111 ¥ sl8ter§® recovery I yiiwov- vOm amr nm ucre wmi do 1 v f - ehnva n TnfllPQ’ TninotrP fthnw aiK MIfphAlVs5 i ana nexu suuinivr wucu avb auV btarung next weeg tne ejks win not AntiiA nnAan walk Into the theater roperaPnou8P Moraine? Deneiioi me ! - J-J 2a ill V -- - f rt- If-M ITTHfr I 1 UU Buaifelil I JU auu V VCU’S ttlLH U temperature ' Slav f program such as was formerly i un at ‘ The" big Wurlitzer plpe organ soventy-nve will 4ake part the Gem’ There will be jpo vaudeville hich cost ?20000 installed is one of I The ladle of 'the Methddist church riday and Saturday at the 'Elks the features of the new theatre ? It arp holding" a Rummage i sale in the Capitol only having vaudeville - jia3 everything1 that ca nbe put Into storebullding just jiortlv’pf the State The Capitol prices will be about a pipe organ' and plays popular "airs J Bank what they Jiave'been afjhc Elks B0 vividly that one tan alipist' hear ‘'Arthur DayAvho ’has ibeeh on a hunt “ c ’ : — T ’ 1 it breathe out fthe actual words’ ofJnS trip itoMatanxa Bech t killed 1 ' “ ' iiQ ooooo i twenty-five twlld ducks and on Wed- -RADIO TODAY’S BEST EATURES ’ 5 ' 8:00 p m— CNRO (4345)0ttawa Regimental banfl of 'the governor WJZ (4543) NewYo)kpejpocratlc programBpeakers Gov Ai Smith and Sen James Walker fV ‘ ' 9:30' p!m — KGO (3612) 'Gaklapd Hallowe’en program minstrels' ' 1 J200 WON Chicago Broadcasting y Illinois-Pennsylvania t football game "direct from Pittsburgh ? field CAMPBELSBURG - M- V '-’ O- Mr and Mrs H O Zinndaughters Margaret and Marybelle - Annabelle Lorenz :of Breckenridge Mrs Abbie McGinnis of Pretty Rock 'N Dake motored to ‘Grove City Sunday after noon to visit friends -K '‘j Mr and Mrs' Roy Abel entertained al dinner Sunday Air- andjMrs? Sam Smith of-Rochester Ktr-'and hfrs rank Beal of Cascade Mrs? J? IE Abel and son John of : Winfield Kan - JAt' and Mrs Earl Hedrick- pt Kjm-aas City Mo ar® visiting he‘ laser’sparents Mr and Mrs M Duffeyf - Mr and Mrs Lewis Boehm'i jrere Taylorville visitors Monday 1 ' R L KruegKer -daughter ' Orma visited Sunday afternoon with Mr-and Mrs Charles Ostermeier 1 Mr? and Mrs 'Gerald 'Waters were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Coral Drennan ’ ' ’"’J ? Ralph Lord of Springfield came out by airplane: to '‘visit his- pafents Mr and Mrs Charles Lord - k x ' ‘JMr and Mrs Hal Angleton' Mr and Mrs WilliamHunsley daughter Doris and orest ilunsley of inpt’ North Dakota were '£ Sp’ringfleld'" shoppers Sturday ’ 1 'JMrsJ-AmandaHunslesons 'Harlan and Ray of N-Dak are’ making an extended jisitwith her father’ J S Smith ’and other relatives in this yi-rJnitv “' ? f tf Mr' and Mrs Ralph Reed of Spring-' field” visited Sunday with a Dr 'ana MrsJ " fteedXji'- f r” Mr and1 ‘Mrs 11 William Westbrook and chlldfen’vislted Sundayrwith Mr and W Roland'Cooke? i ?'?M3ss Dollie Thomas 1b' visiting with il- ulf-w' T A' TT inolov’ r ' V AltjP f- qIs 1C f —’A I M 7 ’ J IL K Blair of springiieiu vaaueu Sunday: evening with Mr t and Mrs Hal ’Angleton taLux ' JL -Tv ir r 7 Tx iJV 5 a e - X a ft A r LV- v ej y BpiOiSlM Cy Tones kJ : fh - ' A V 3 - A' f r T t v ’’£ r T 't ‘ " -t 1 -X 4 KfcEiX '-CvT V‘ ? rJx ’ ft v J t y & v ’ V M ? I 5 i -1 h W EBr i ’V ? - -tftk r v vmRar W r“T — t-i 1 ’ A i " X'k f ' -'4 4 -X’V' ' x tat? -fe' fcS4 ( 5'? v' v’f - B - T-i ' ’W 1 1 -j l R ¥ ’ nr a-®? v 54 Ji ft tv 1 5 Anfr X -r - v ‘ '' aAL X i ” ‘4A ’A A f X J r R J W V tc’ T ‘ ‘ y V - -k KV r k faf - X J J OS i Ti' ' --! Z Ajj waSr’’?-£ 4 I : 3t 1 " 1 BIBt I IR I i i : 1—biib 'B II l IBB11 TI MBIT ' w lw w fiwPlwmBI MaMHaBMBMMBMMMHMBBMMBMB MwBnNMn&L jbw I81— il'-'’’ — - -UOSfBBBMmi ligpfe WSTBM BBHBI I u '''’ "SET? B ’v i- 4X’''aaBHBb® j k SvzHBI