NEW-ALBANY, INDIANA Proclamation of the Vigilance Committee--A Warning to Thieves. From the Cincinnati Times, Dec. 22. The following order, a copy of which has been furnished us in poster form, was circulated throughout Southern Indiana last night. HEADQUARTERS SOUTHERN INDIANA) VIGILANCE COMMITTEE. TO THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES. *• Solus popuh suprema lex." Whereas, It became necessary for this organization to mete out summary punishment to the leaders of the thieves, robbers, murderers and desperadoes, who, tor many years, defled law and order, and threatened the lives and property of honest citizens of this portion of Indiana, and as the late tearful tragedy at New-Albany testifies *bat justice is slow but sure, we promulgate this our pro• nunciamiento, for the purpose of justifying to the world, and particularly to the peopie of the State of loGiana, any tuture action which we may take. We deeply deplore the necessity which called our organizauon into existence; but the Jaws of our State are so defective that, as they now stand on the statute books, they all favor criminals going unwhipt of juslice; a retrospective view will show that 10 this respect we speak only the truth. Having first lopped of the branches, and finally uprooted the tree of evil which was in our midst, in defiance of u8 and our laws, we peg to be allowed to rest here, and be not forced again to take the law in to our own hands. We are very loth to shed blood again, and will not do so unless compelled in detence of our lives. A WARNING. We are well aware that at the present time combination of the few remaining thieves, their triends sympathizers, has been formed against us and Dave sareatened ail kinds of vengeance againsc persons whom they suppose to belong to this organizatioo. They threaten assassinacion in every torm, and that they will commit arson in such ways as will defy legal detection. Toe carrying our in whole, or in part, of each or any of these designs, the only thing ¿bat will again cause us to rise in our own defence. The foljowing-named persons are solemnly warned that their designs and opinions are known, and that they cannot, unknown to us, make a move toward retaliation: Wilk Reno, Clinton Reno, Trick Beno, James Greer, Stephen Greet, Tee Johnson, Chris. Price, Harvey Needham, Meade Fislar, Mart Lowe, Roland Lee, Wiljiam Sparks, Jesse Thompson, William Hare, William Biggers, James Fislar, Pollard Able. It the above-named individuals desire to remain 10 our mider, to pursue honest callings, aDd otherwise conduct themselves as law-abiding citizeus, we will protect them always. If, however, they commence their devilish designs against as. our property, or any good citizen of this district. we w.ll rise but once more. Do not trifle with us, for if you do we wall follow you to the bitter end. and gave you abort shrift and hempen colAs to this, our actions in the past will be guarantee of our conduct in the tuture. We trust tais will have a good effect. We repeat, we are very loth again to take hfe, and pope we abali never more be necessitated to take the law into our own bands. By order of the Committee. Dec. 21, 1868.