3? :i 1MQW1 0IT WfTII TMI I1CTK Of tMI WIN AREA COOLS AS SlfOWKRS 1 Oeu" cVcuVr Ociou" WKh slXl ana scanerea snowers ien in Minnesota and outh Dakota. Mercuries dropped from the 70s and 80s of Sunday inlo the 50s and 60s. A low pressure area centered over northern Iowa on the map is moving eastward, bringing the showers and cooler air. It will continue cool in Minnesota and the Dakotas today. ll" . """ FALL Upper Midwest skies TRIEUNE DAILY WEATHER MAP r JOMM MTTMW5INtOWATIOM MOM U. S. WlaTWtt STATION T TWIN CJT'fS AUrOIT 30 j generally were cloudy Monday,