Famous Herd to Be Dispersed CLIPPER DANNY 1I One of the best known herds of Shorthorns in the West, that of Sidney Peat and the Thomas Peat estate, is to be dispersed at public auction Friday, November 6, at the Peat farm four miles south of Asquith. purebred herd comprises 16 with a similar number of calves, seven ty and nine yearling heifers, two yearling bulls and one herd bull, Clipper Danny 2nd, five years old. The herd was started from a single cow shipped from Ontario by Thomas Peat; who came to the West in 1902, and was brought by him to a high state of perfection through the use of the best sires obtainable in Canada. Bulls pro duced in this herd have won top honors and commanded high prices at some of Western Canada's important bull shows and sales.